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  1. Hey Guys, I have a quick question regarding emotional and mental healing. I´ve been meditating for about 7 months now and studying spirituality, self development and various other topics for about 1 year and 3 months. Since a few weeks I can feel a strong pressure at the bottom of my throat eminating from my heart. It´s clearly an emotional and mental energy block preventing me from really being me expanding etc. I definetely feel a high amount of resistance in form of feelings of fear, shame, worthless, isolation and some more in regards to the repressed painful emotions. So what is the difference between...: Shadow Work/Integration Work (Completion Process) , Realeasing Trapped Emotions/Heartwall (Emotion Code), Energy Healing (Reiki), Changing Subconcious Beliefs and Self Image (visualization, NLP, Psych K), Meditation (Awareness) ? How are they complimentary ? And when to know which technique is appropriate to solve and approach this particular issue ? Are they maybe other approaches ?