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Everything posted by LRyan

  1. There is a lot of evidence from established an world renowned scientists doctors. You only have to look at evidence on websites such as the FDA and CDC and look at the numbers.
  2. I would like to hear from Leo and anyone else who has an opinion on what is going on in the external physical world presently. The PLANdemic, The great reset, the complete loss of freedoms under the charter of rights and the Constitution. The forcing of a mRNA injection. What are your thoughts?
  3. Oh, where I live it is being forced, I can no longer go into a restaurant to eat or watch grandchildren play sports.
  4. How do we understand this?
  5. As well, there are environmental factors to consider that no human is immune to regardless of diet or mental/spiritual health.
  6. Sounds like he is certainly ready to. There seems to be nothing left for him in the here and now and he himself seems to wonder why he is still here?
  7. Just do a google search. If you have the time you were born, you will get an exact horoscope based on the exact position of the planets at your time of birth!
  8. This sounds like good advice to me. I'm feeling much the same as testimo but I am a lot older.. @Star Net Do you have any location in mind from your experience that would meet all the suggestions you had? Also bear in mind that a woman traveling alone is far different from a male. There are safety concerns we need to think about...
  9. Having an understanding that ultimately we will not awaken most likely until we leave our physical body is probably not news to Most people on this forum. This is not a news flash. But, it doesn't mean that life as we know it is not worthwhile. Being conscious and appreciating our experience that we have in this lifetime as flesh and blood is worthwhile! There are a lot of pleasures of this life. This is not Doom and Gloom. Why rush awakening. It will happen of its own accord. Hopefully we can enjoy the ride until such time.
  10. I just wanted to see if anyone else is struggling with an up and down journey to their awareness/consciousness...self inquiry. I have had very significant experiences that I believe were close to understanding what this thing called "life" is all about. I have had at the most 3 weeks of unbelievable calm and bliss and being so grounded and unaffected by anything. It was as if nothing was wrong or right it just was the way it was and I accepted it all with no inner conflict or struggle. That happened in 2008 for me. Since then, I recall a couple of other times where I didn't need any more answers...I wasn't seeking anything...I understood enough. There was nothing left to learn or know and I felt at complete peace and I felt so different and I just expected to always be like this. Watching the water droplets come out of the kitchen faucet. Looking....really deeply looking at nature and appreciating a blade of green grass poking through an icy snowy patch or ground. The different sounds of birds and dogs and footsteps. It was as if I was in tune with every single thing around me and I could identify 5 6 or 8 sounds at once and they all seemed to fit together if it was all in harmony, like pieces of a puzzle. Then, somehow, i'm sucked back through a vortex and within a certain amount of time, almost asleep to everything I just experienced. Why does this happen? Even though I seem to forget, I also remember at some point and I come back again to what I know and believe but it's as if I am fighting a war to try to get back to the knowing that I have experienced. This is so frustrating and when this happens, I feel like I keep failing myself. Sometimes I can go weeks without realizing that I am living a waking dream and just acting out an old story line with the same old characters in the same old play and suffering through things I have already suffered through. It's like, how can I not learn after what I have experienced. Where is this battle coming from? Can I just not stay status quo so to speak? Why do I keep losing ground and then have to climb back up the mountain over and over again?
  11. I was going to ask the much significance do people place on their dreams? They say that when a person dreams, their soul or spirit leaves their physical body to interact with the leave the limitation of your body behind and it is the true self/spirit that is in control. It is to receive messages from those that are no longer limited by a body.... So are the dreams messages to us ....for us to interpret and learn from in our daily life? Personally, my mother passed away recently and I dream of her every night. Most of my dreams involve catching her as she is falling down, sometimes my sister is close by but does not help me....... but last night the content of the dream has made me feel like I failed her in something that happened in the last week. It had to do with dispensing her possessions. She was telling me in my dream what to do with certain items and I was crying uncontrollably. I'm interpreting this to mean that she is disappointed in me because most of her personal belongings, clothing, items that I had wanted donated, was picked up by my sister and brother in law and brought back to their home. The items were supposed to be donated......... but they brought them to their garage and called his family who picked through her things like vultures. My mother disliked my sisters husband very much and knew his family from many years ago when they stole from our family cottage. My sister ended up marrying one of them and my mother never ever accepted him. She said he was a con artist. She never accepted him and said he brought my sister down through her life. My agony is that I feel guilty that I let them pick her stuff up and then disperse it to his family. My sister told me they were going to bring it in to different charitable organizations. When it was all in her garage, she finally told me that they were going to call all his family to come and get what they wanted. My mother was not close to my sister because of her husband so I'm wondering if that is what the meaning of the dream was....I felt dread the moment she told me what she had done with my mothers things....
  12. @Kserkkj I don't really follow what you are saying here lol!
  13. @Timotheus Thanks so much for putting this up! Rupert is a fantastic teacher. This clip of his talk just answered my questions as to why I keep taking two steps forward and one step back. It makes sense to me that the mind has to sink down and down and down into awareness. Most people will not experience the instant enlightenment as he said so I see why it has to be this way. I will never ever give up trying to find absolute peace and happiness in my everyday life. This video gives me renewed energy and hope to keep going on my journey. Thanks bud!!
  14. I think you hit it right on buddy! No fear = Peace
  15. So many profound insights! Some I couldn't follow or understand but lots of confirmation of my beliefs of what is. I love the comments on change: Fantastic. I get you... Thanks for this insight. It rings true to my feelings and beliefs. Such a great report, thanks for sharing..... now a new journey begins! Good luck.
  16. @dorg I think what I should have said is that my awareness goes into monkey mind far too often. Pure awareness/consciousness is always there and doesn't go away but the insane mind takes over and then awareness is absent for periods of time. Everyday life issues and requirements is the trigger that pulls me away from my awareness. Mostly when I am speaking to other people I find that it is extremely difficult to maintain awareness. Like getting sucked into a black hole and wrapped up in nonsense. Then a space opens up where I become aware that I have drifted off into never never land again......over and over. My goal is to be aware for longer periods of time and to realize when the mind and thought patterns are running wild and then boom, back into the pure joy and peace of total awareness. Until I can do this more often, I feel like a yo yo....up down, up, down......In and out of awareness...constantly. I am grateful that I know what awareness is. Years ago, my mind was the world to me and I believed everything my thoughts told me.
  17. @Nahm Awe thanks for the support! It is so helpful when I hear such good tips to help me to get to where I want to be! And, I'm looking for things that I can implement practically and immediately so I am making a commitment to being void of stimulation upon waking. I really think that will help because usually my mind starts running in loops before I'm even out of bed. A conscious effort is needed here! I'm a work in progress at the moment which is fine. Everything is fine actually.................Except I can't figure out how to post a picture for my avatar and I would like to have an inspirational quote under my posts!! lol!
  18. @Saumaya Have you gone through this questioning of your assumptions and beliefs? I'm wondering how you go beyond what you already thought you have gone beyond? I know the layers are deep. I might need to take a more directed approach to go further. I'm not sure how to delve deeper without possible attending a retreat or secluding myself from life for a period of time. When I say source energy or God or Universal Energy, I don't mean that I am talking about any thing or religious notion. I'm actually talking about no thing..... Nothingness, Maybe energy isn't the word I mean.......when I say a piece of the universe, i don't mean that it is separate. I might not be able to express it in words what I mean.
  19. @Nahm Yes, thanks for catching that unconscious thought that I need to "get Back"! lol. There is no back and forward, of course there isn't. I really get what you are saying about surrendering preferences and I applaud you for that. It shows such presence to realize that the body needs simple things to be in optimum shape, food, real food not chemical variations of food and exercise. You have worked very hard obviously to get to that point. I hadn't really thought of doing that for myself but I'm interested in the idea. I admire your ability to also take this to a relationship level. I'm not there yet but I do see what I need to work on.. Takes surrendering to do so, yes. That is such a great idea to make a morning ritual of not clogging the mind with anything immediately upon waking up. I do believe we have a clean slate upon waking and that I something I will put into practice to center myself for the day and perhaps that will bring about more embodiment of how I want to exist in a peaceful state ....thanks for that! It's always the triggers that come crashing in, pulling you back into unconsciousness. For me it's the phone....reminding me that everyone in my family needs my attention. I have lived with a people pleasing personality for all of my life so learning to put myself first has been my greatest challenge. If I am to move forward with this work and inquiry, I will have to shut down the part that feels the need to help everyone.
  20. @Timotheus Its such a deep crazy realization I know. I think the mind is insane and we all have dark thoughts, look what we are capable of really....anything. Here is a quote I love: "divine guidance often comes when the horizon is the blackest" Gandhi This I believe wholeheartedly.
  21. @Leo Gura Yes, the small glimpse that I felt and had were so mind blowing it was enough to change my mind and everything I know as a human being for as long as I will walk this earth. I knew right then that all my previous ideas about what I was were wrong and I had to keep looking for the real meaning. At one point I felt so in tune with everything around me, I felt like I couldn't live as a flesh and blood human anymore because I knew that everything that I was doing, going through all the motions with people and a job etc. were just inauthentic. I realized that I would feel like an actor with people because I feel we are all actors. We are not who we are but the paradox is that we CAN'T be what we are on this earth can we? It's quite literally impossible. It felt like all conversations I had with anyone were completely useless and had no meaning and at first it felt weird to very very difficult to carry on a conversation with anyone. BUT I felt such peace, no conflict there were no problems nothing. Have no idea if this is related but when this happened to me a year and a half ago, it was the biggest full moon I ever saw. It felt so large and close to me it was very strange. I was not on any kind of substance when this happened. It was like an instant realization though that crashed in on my mind. It felt like I needed to go and be alone ....forever after I had this realization. But again, since we can't do that, I got sucked back into the play, the game this thing called life!
  22. @Saumaya I have questioned until I break all questions down to the one question..who am I? My belief is that I am soul energy expressed in a human form in this dimension. I believe that I am a piece of God or a piece of the Universe, whatever anyone wants to call it...Source Energy. I also believe that we are all one, but on this plane, we are expressed to look like individual people in a human form. I don't believe i was born in the sense people think of birth and I don't believe I will die. I believe it can be summed up that I am purely a part of the universe expressed as slow moving energy that is currently embodied as a human being. Everything is about transformation, being birthed into this human life, dying from this human form. Its just simply a transformation back into universal energy, source energy or God in it's infinite formlessness. This is my ultimate belief.....but I am open obviously to other views or ideas as not many humans that have ever lived as one have had 100% knowing to the core of their being, the answers they were seeking..