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Everything posted by Staples

  1. Yes! All distinctions are absolute. The mind's perspective of a distinction is what's relative. You said very succinctly what I've been trying to articulate to myself for a long time.
  2. Reality is like an improv comic. Yes, and...
  3. Could be as much as 10%. It takes 1/10 bad actors to disrupt an organisation enough to lead it in the opposite direction.
  4. When I first dealt with DPDR, I thought I was depressed and got on anti-depressants. It made my DPDR 10x worse. So if you are taking medication consider trying a different anti-depressant or work at getting off them entirely. I am free of it now, once I got my life purpose back on track and did more human things. DPDR is the result of the human body dealing with existential issues it is not fully equipped to handle. You want to step in and out of this work in a healthy way, full plunging into the abyss has a big cost.
  5. Until proven otherwise. If the precedent for what happens to fascists wasn't set 90 years ago, today's fascism would blow WW2 fascism out of the water. Imagine Hitler in a world with 90 years of hydrogen bomb development. Modern day fascists have to be sneaky and discreet by comparison. Same dynamic with the mob. Mobsters used to wear suits and be quasi-celebrities, now mobsters are totally off-the-grid because they can't survive the old way anymore.
  6. Good luck, DPDR is a bitch. It's impossible to communicate how it feels to someone who's never gone through it. My advice is: Remember DPDR is something your body is doing, not you. There's not something wrong with you. Rather the brain and nervous system are struggling to grapple with new existential insights. It will pass, give your body time to integrate. Second is don't expect enlightenment to give you a sense of joy and love. Those are extra things you do in your mind, not Truth. If you want joy and love, get a dog.
  7. God does not see itself as perfect, it would like to improve many things about itself. That's where you come in.
  8. You've found a thread of insights that have occured to me, that I figure enjoyers would appreciate.
  9. Whatever Nature has in store for mankind, unpleasant as it may be, men must accept, for ignorance is never better than knowledge. - Enrico Fermi
  10. Mouthwashing
  11. People are faultlessly, metaphysically fragile. Love them. If you can do that, expand your love to all life.
  12. In response to the selfishness post.
  13. What? You miss the point entirely. A virtual state is not a piece of software.
  14. There no rulebook. Just be smart about it. But if you want a guideline; treat her the way you would want your sister's future husband to act.
  15. I read this part from the blog you linked: On paper it is outside the jurisdiction of Nigeria, but that's only true for as long as Nigeria wants it to be. It's on Nigerian soil, they can walk in whenever they want with machine guns and say what's what. Nigeria benefits from Itana and that is why it allows it to exist.
  16. There is no secret cabal that runs the world. All the people you mentioned above would just devour each other if given the chance. Life is a free-for-all match and might makes right, until we evolve otherwise. Any virtual state would collapse immediately without broad military and economic influence. By virtue of being a virtual state, you have no borders, nothing to defend and no one is tied to the state. It's a flimsy, doomed concept. A cryptocurrency is not economic influence. Military protection over resources and a workforce is.
  17. Put it all on red. You can only lose 100% of your money, but you could make 1000+% of your money if you win. The math is flawless. (I have no idea what I am talking about)
  18. No.... don't protest at the Tesla dealership... What if I need a new battery for my Nazimobile?
  19. Intellectuals are often naive and weak. How can one claim to be an integral thinker when they have no grasp on what evil is?
  20. Nassim Taleb is one of my favorite intellectuals. He has such a brilliant grasp on psychology and how the world really works. It's so clear, and no BS. I'm particularly impressed with his concept of Via Negativa Via Negativa: The approach of knowledge and improvement through subtraction rather than addition. Taleb suggests that we often achieve better outcomes by removing harmful elements rather than adding beneficial ones. This applies to fields such as medicine, governance, lifestyle, and knowledge. There are metaphysical reasons this principle is effective. Reality is an infinite matrix, will all possibilities and distinctions within it. So to gain insight about something, you have to distinguish what it is from everything it is not. Subtractive sensemaking. It's impossible to start at a void and build up understanding, you will create a delusion. Additive sensemaking leads you down rabbit holes and fantasies, subtractive sensemaking keeps what works in focus and removes the BS. Recognizing this principle and actively engaging it is key to good sensemaking.
  21. If you experienced whatever Leo did, you'd have done the same thing. Have you had a reality shattering experiences? Becoming an Alien feels absolutely real in that state. As real as the feeling of your feet of the floor right now. Not defending the claims he made, but if you don't know the nature of such an experience you would be strawmanning Leo.
  22. Then why are all the Christian evangelicals so anti-woke? Tom Holland should stick to making movies. It's a mistake to attribute general western moral virtues to Christianity. Moral virtues are developed based on principles that support survival and pragmatism, they are just culturally steeped in Christianity in the west. Like a coat of paint on a house, it doesn't matter what color (religion) you paint it, you still have a house (moral virtues). Because moral virtues are a social reflection of Life's ultimate purpose, they are not an arbitrary religious construction.
  23. @gengarThis is like shit talking the first cosmonauts for being overwhelmed with the experience of visiting outer space. If you've never been to space, what do you know of it? A little bit of love and empathy on this forum you enjoy for free would be nice.
  24. God has a personality. God is not as unbiased as you think, although this bias is not a product of ego or agenda. This bias is a result of functionality, what exists in God's creation are only things that function. All life shares a soul. A soul that chooses to survive, multiply and seek love in all its forms. That is the personality of God.