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About Staples

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  1. Humor is a survival tool! Comedy is a built-in remedy against suffering. Suffering causes depression and anti-survival patterns. Thank god we can laugh! Because it's fun and it keeps the fun going.
  2. The only difference between Isaac Newton inventing calculus, and you learning it from a textbook, is that Newton derived it and you were taught it. One can't have true understanding of anything unless you can re-derive it from first principles. 'How did Newton invent calculus?' is a much more powerful question that 'Can you teach me calculus?'.
  3. I'm not sure if we can have the good without the bad. If being a lefty fed Elon's ego and companies more than being a neo-fascist he would be doing that instead. The moloch trap strikes again.
  4. There is no body mind connection.
  5. Cash in the mattress, canned food under the floorboards.
  6. There is no such thing is a decentralized economy. The only reason we value money is because a state enforces it and makes it convenient through schemes, legislation, and threat of violence. In fact - money is nothing more than a proxy tool that spares us from having to use violence to get what we want. If you are advocating for a decentralized economy, you are advocating for total economic warfare held to no legal standard. All crypto value is built upon the failure to recognise this.
  7. Tigran Hamasyan Animals As Leaders - Drummer explains the music theory My intuition says aliens would be doing some crazy Fibonacci sequence polyrhythm.
  8. We have brains and social systems designed to operate in tribes of hundreds and thousands, not billions. Of course we are having social issues. Giving humans globalized capitalism is like giving a chimp a machine gun. The only way out is working through the tough problems now.
  9. I am like a bird stuck in a shop. I fly from perch to perch searching for a way out. After all, everything I have ever needed to survive meant flying around. The door is open, escape is easily possible. But it would never occur to a bird like me to go to the ground to find the exit, because that's where predators lurk. I know you are like this because I am like this. How are you like this bird?
  10. Love how honest Daniel is recognising his own privilege here. Corruption and wealth inequality seems to scale exponentially with population growth. The more people there are, the more people one can exploit. We are stuck with political and social systems designed for thousands, not billions of people. Like my Civilisation 6 games - the people are culturally retarded and technologically brilliant. Like having giant death robots in the mediaeval age. We have serious cultural and epistemological work to do. Put your computers down, nerds.
  11. I've rebuilt like 3 other softwares I was paying hundreds of dollars a month for with it for $25 bucks a month. Crazy powerful if you do any sort of office work.