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About dominic1

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  1. If this is not relevant the post can be deleted but I wanted to give it a shot: A few years ago there was a content creator on youtube who made reaction videos to leo. He claimed to be "enlightened" himself and had short curly hair and smiled a lot. I really enjoyed his content but can't find him on youtube anymore, in part because I forgot his name. Does this ring a bell for anyone? If he didn't just delete his videos it would be cool to check out what he does now. He also did a review of "Panda" from Desiigner and said he might open a meditation centre where you shut off all you senses for a few days. If you know who I am describing (although maybe poorly) please let me know! Otherwise have a great day and keep practicing love <3
  2. can you link it? kind of hard to find. thank you
  3. So what if I would cut out one of my senses, lets say I am blind now. That would mean that sight does not exist, since I can´t experience it right now. But it does exist. To say that only those things exist that I can experience, is just wrong. - If I am everything, I am more than just 5 senses plus some thoughts. But I can´t access more than that. If I am everything, why is my possibility to experience so damn limited? Just 5 senses and thought of the present moment. That is all there is?
  4. If I am nothingness, like leo said, why can I only epxirience through the senses of some random person? I am NOT this person, not this mind. But still, there is something unique to that mind and body. And that is that I can only expirience through that mind and body. So if this mind and body dies, will I still be able to epxirience? How? Because expiriencing is the most beautiful thing I can imagine. According to what leo said, when my body and mind die - nothing is lost since that was not me in the first place. But I still feel like I lose everything. I am as much this body as I am the coffee table. But the coffee table can´t experience feelings, sight, smell - all the beautiful things. It just is there. But without expiriencing as much. Probably without expiriencing anything. Could it be that the lower self needs to be there to make the higher Self possible? But the question that I want to be answered the most is the one in the first line. If I am everything, why can´t I experience everything - but instead just experience through that body and mind that I am not. I hope someone will get what I mean with this question.
  5. I had a lot of experiences where the mind was still, so no monkey mind during that time. And sometimes it kind of feels like you are enlightend (you enjoy the present moment fully and dont think about anything else). But Leo once said that "Nothingness" feels like heaven. And I can´t remember feeling that good. It always feels nice to be fully present but not THAT good. My question: Did I have temporary enlightenment experiences? It is no permanent state for me yet, but how does one know when or if enlightenment happens? Is it just the absence of monkey mind and enjoying the moment, or is there more to it? Because that I had a lot, and even people who know nothing about this topic have it all the time. For example when they are having fun with their friends, starring in the eyes of you loved one and so on. I thought this was it, but I am not sure if there is more to discover, or if I just have to extend the time of being in such a state. Thanks for answering and have a great moment