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About theinevitableandi

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  1. Bitcoin Its just a 8 year old baby , i don't think we've seen anything. Im still rather new noobbb but the amount of things you could do with this technology seems infinite. Decentralized everything ?!! Crypto currency is very interesting seeing all these new projects . Im mind blown / overwhelmed by all the research you have to do to understand bitcoin and blockchain. im sure computer programmers might see it from a vantage point , i dont know what i dont know.. real not knowing lol i really don't know jack ...this is like spirituality when instead of complaining these people are creating their reality. I bet @Leo is into bitcoin and if hes not id be really surprised. Looks like he would use this technology himself and create something . Just talking randomness now but cool to know I see some people are into bitcoin on this awesome forum
  2. @Spiral its still a thing!!! crypto currency is the future.
  3. This whole crypto currency thing is going crazyy. how many of you know about this?? Leo also have you looked into investing in it? great opportunity to invest in something that is changing the world. @Leo Gura any insights on this?? =p
  4. Wow!!! Leo ! Cannot emphasize how important this video is to your followers ! It probably the 2nd best video you have IMHO besides the " How to be mindful " video. I've been meditating for about 2 years following various techniques and was riding the do nothing technique for a long and i've gotten alot of growth because it lets the mind purge letting go of many fears and beliefs and that did its job for getting rid of the "DEMONS PER SAY" but my concentration was stilll shit , not as shitty as before i will admit but kinda this flow state i remember when i was younger i would tap into . Sometimes after meditating I would randomly also incorporate concentration on my breath sometimes and I would get into this flow state without knowing how or why i would be able to get into it sometimes. This video punched me in the face because Yes i've gotten so much Growth from the do nothing technique but at the same time I can see how Although I was able to achieve very relaxed states and purge alot of emotional baggage, my concentration level was shit. It was growing little by little but i can see how by using this concentration technique / meditation i could "TAP" into this flow state easier .I remember when i barely started meditating i would tap into this FLOW STATE for 5 minutes , 10 minutes , 30 min sometimes 1 hour LAZER AWARENESS after meditating for a long time but then I didn't pay much attention to it because I Was "TRYING TO ACHIEVE OR BECOME ENLIGHTENED" . Thanks so much LEO SERIOUSLY! OUT OF ALL THE FUCKEN GURUS OUT THERE or SPIRITUAL TEACHERS THEIR IS EVERYWHERE , BOOKS AND YOUTUBE , Your videos are really profound because it comes from a Direct Experience and LOVE THAT YOU ARE a SKEPTIC About everything !!! ! SO MUCH LOVE FOR YOU BRO ! Thanks for sharing all this for freeee you are one INSANE GUY !!! MUCH LOVE FROM SOCAL - PETER PS. Gonna try ... DO NOTHING Meditation FOR 20 min and then Do Concentration Meditation for 20 i will update to see results !
  5. shes asking about how to meditate not for some bull shit guru answer. It seems like she either doesn't know about self inquiry or doesn't get how to use self-inquiry. maybe you can teach her how to meditate or how to do self inquiry since you're all so KNOWLEDGEABLE in knowing using self inquiry to answer her . Seems like you cannot discern when someone is really confused When she asked >>>>"@Ayla Sorry but what do you mean by the one ? my authentic self?" ( this kinda tells you she doesn't know what you are talking about using self inquiry) anyways.... you are not helping youself with giving mr lenny that answer . I like to criticize myself sometimes hahaha!
  6. when you meditate what happens? Do you get anxious ? does it relax you? What are you trying to achieve while meditating? When i meditate i close my eyes and listen. LIsten attentively , and do not take judgements serious. Just be listening, you will be hearing the noises in the room you are in along with the silence in contrast to the noise. You will also be hearing thoughts. You will notice that they will distract you from being in the present moment and drag you with a story about w/e the thoughts say . Your job is to listen/observe try not to judge or take it serious if you do ... you will see how you resist being there you will try to run away from yourself ,what is this resistance? ask yourself contemplate that
  7. You feel like you are a leaf blowing in the wind ? What if you are the wind and what you identify as YOU is the leaf. or maybe You are both the Wind and the Leaf but you have identified only with the leaf only. You are resisting something . Maybe contemplating on what you are resisting will bring more insight. Typically we resist the way we see life.( thoughts like "this should or this shouldn't be happening" ) But we forget that the way we see life is a concept not the way life is per say . We have mistaken the map for the territory. Shanti shanti - Peace
  8. Every thought is a belief. It doesn't mean shit this doesn't mean shit . Things only mean something when you create meaning. Everything is about being RADICALLY FUCKEN INSANELY HONEST ! I is a thought . This is all thought or it can be seen as markings on a electronic screen. When you look at a sunset what does it mean? It doesn't mean anything you are just seeing . Seeing is just happening. who is seeing? why do we believe there is a seer? What is language ? sounds images .. seeing w/ out thinking vs seeing and thinking wow does anybody do this ? inquire while typing ? Going out of my mind ^__^
  9. I read both mckennas book and peter ralstons books. Yes Mckenna is dramatic and sounds dark but it should do the trick and shake you the **ck up ! It shook me so hard ... I felt depressed after reading 3/4 of the book , then i quit reading it . Ego could not stand it !!! I think it did a great job , to point to what enlightenment is not and scaring the crap out of me// Peter Ralstons books really helped me thanks to Leos Previous Enlightenment /Meditation videos I had been watching. Both are great reads ! @Leo Gura Btw your enlightenment videos are really profound / well explained ! Been doing enlightenment/self help for 2 years now and man the breakthroughs ive had thanks to your videos , you CHANGED MY LIFE ! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !! You are doing an amazing job at what you do !!! peace!
  10. who cares about who thinks what thats all distracting you from looking within
  11. just keep doing it ! you are going to have to sit through all those thoughts until your mind starts to calm.. also focus on your bodily sensations and thoughts at the same time.. you will break through just keeo doing the emotional labor ! but you gotta sit and do the work even if the mind says " i feel like im not going anywhere " notice thats just another thought making you impatient, the you you think you are is getting annoyed frustrated impatient. that's perfect sit through it notice how its just another thought , listen to the silence in between every sound this should get your awareness very focused after maybe about 20 minutes! I know it feels tough but it's all worth it now !!! seen major results in my life with this , its so powerful most people dont see how deep this goes ✌️✌️✌️
  12. bro you have too many beliefs! let it go!
  13. Ego wants to experience everything because it desires . You are the thing you want to experience, thats why you can't experience it... ask ... who wants to experience everything? mind will say " i want to experience everything" who is that i? who is that I? who am i? who are you? are you your thoughts? ✌️
  15. After 1.5 years of meditation and about 1 year of Self - Inquiry my life completely changed. This past month I have realized that I am not my body or mind. Yes there are still thoughts but I don't associate with them anymore. Everyone thinks i dont care about anything and that I should do something with my life because "Im a smart guy" and I should go to school and blah blah etc... I decided to take LSD recently and It was a very strong . Awareness of the senses were enhanced and awareness felt like a laser beam. I was out of my mind, it was clear as water. It totally confirmed full blown enlightenment is possible. Getting a glimpse removes doubt from mind that the possibility of NO MIND is totally POSSIBLE and not just MYTH. Here are some images i got from reddit and i thought it be cool / funny to share how people ARE REALLY SCARED OF BEING OUT OF THEIR MIND. They are scared of not existing , because society / 99.9% of people I or humanity really believe that they are the MIND . Its mind BLOWING! lollers ! Thank you LEO @Leo Gura for starting BIGGGG FUCKING HUGGG MAN!