I can definitely relate a lot to what you are saying. Since I was a young child, I felt like I would always ruin every social situation I got in in some way, whether it was being misunderstood or arguing about something. I thought that something was wrong with me, which resulted in years of depression. I also craved a lot of attention and when a person showed me slightly less attention than usual, I would get super anxious and annoy them with questions. I don't know about you, but for me, I realized that my problems were a result of not paying enough attention to the people I was reacting with. I was trying to have people understand me without understanding them first. We talk to people so we can learn from them, about our bad habits and ourselves. As we pay more attention to how they act around us , we change in subtle ways. However, if one person is growing or changing at a different pace than others, conflicts arise. I don't think my conflicts came from not being surrounded by enough people; instead, I think I needed to work on myself. For me, meditation significantly helped my problem. It really helped me get my thoughts and calm down around people. Also, I still craved attention from people, but I became more and more aware about how I didn't need that. I began to relax more, and saw every social mistake as an opportunity to grow.
I think meditation will help alleviate your problems with people. I suggest that you try to calm down, tell yourself that it's okay to feel the way you do, know your needs and wants and balance everything in your life: socialize sometimes but also find time for yourself when you need it, and have faith that things will get better.
I wish you the best!!