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About Vintus

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  • Birthday 01/23/1998

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  1. Just a quick one. It's pervasive, in all walks of life. Religion, politics, academia, family life, just to name some of the obvious areas. I've been reading more and more on it and I'm curious to know what forum goers think on this topic. How has it affected your life? How do you deal with it? To what extent have you realised your own dogmatic behaviours? What insights have you had around it? For clarity, I've been in university for a few years now and I'm getting to grips with academias influence on young minds, including my own. I've toyed around with a few ideologies and belief systems, one of which I still hold would be veganism, although I've mellowed out thankfully.
  2. Have you tried tea tree oil or Apple Cider Vinegar? My friend used that stuff and her acne cleared up nicely. Cold water helps too imo. Oily foods can be a culprit too.
  3. How long ago was your 'running away' trip? How much did you take in your last trip? I'd be safe and take 100ug
  4. @frnsh So I just took LSD and wow. Where to begin? 9 hours in. The euphoric feeling was crazy, feels like I've just been told the ultimate joke that life is just a joke and I'm here for the ride, so enjoy it. This is certainly an experience hard to explain, I can see why people can hardly articulate it. Such a brilliant experience, idek.
  5. It's crazy how these substances are still illegal, although I'm sure there is progress integrating them into clinical practices for helping people overcome their issues. I respect the tripping alone and then having your unconscious bring up negative stuff, takes balls to work through that and to integrate it properly, at least I think you have integrated it. I'm pretty high in openness as it is so I'm fairly creative, and people who work through their traumas tend to have a standard deviation higher post-drug-use. If anything I look forward to a bad trip, where I can learn the most.
  6. Day 3 - Dying for a wank. Dopamine levels are balancing. Been tempted, but I'll reward myself when I need to.
  7. I hope it'll have the same effect on me so I can finally get my essays out of the way lol. I have easier access to pure LSD, so no doubt I'll do that first. Amsterdam is a place I plan on going to either this summer or next, seems a lot more relaxed there from what I've heard, I wonder why lol. I connect the dots pretty well already, so once I've integrated my experience life will seem more abstract than it already is. Really looking forward to tripping. I take Lion's Mane mushroom extract and that works pretty well for 'connecting the dots', connecting different regions of the brain, non-psychoactive psilocybin mushrooms in a sense. They give me some outright vivid dreams too, I recommend them.
  8. I found myself becoming dependent on them to go into a deep meditative state, as long as you avoid that, then have at it. Sounds of rain, tin roof, car roof etc. are pretty good for meditation too I find.
  9. @TripleNipple See, I wouldn't mind doing shrooms first, but I've been told with LSD you can somewhat steer your mind so to speak, while shrooms you're off in wonderland, no chance am I doing a heroic dose the first time for sure. Both still sound fun though. When I smoked pot for personal development, I'd take notes of some of my thoughts, then read them the next day thinking what was the fuck was going on about.
  10. So, I've done plenty of research on psychedelics like Shrooms, LSD and DMT, but not taken any of them yet. I've only done your basic pot, nothing truly exciting, although provides more abstract bizarre thoughts imo. I've got easy access to them and during time-off I'll definitely try them. I am curious about other peoples experiences, so I thought I'd get your guys views. What did your unconscious cough up during your trips? How far did your experience(s) impact your waking life? Have you taken them while meditating? What other psychedelics have you taken? As a psychedelic virgin, can I take them without a trip sitter?
  11. What side do you sleep on? What's your diet like? There are plenty of ways to reduce heart burn or chronic heart burn. From research that I've done, sleeping on your left side is more beneficial for the heart because of the blood flow. + diet wise; taking in a more alkaline foods is helpful, I find honey, specifically Manuka honey, is helpful for heartburn too.
  12. Sometime in the future, I'll be taking Psilocybin Truffles. I've heard and done research on experiences with ego death and wondered what other actualisers experiences are if taken psychedelics?
  13. By the title of this topic, it may seem I am referring to the book by Stephen Batchelor - good easy read, I thought - although this is not the case. I feel as if I am around rather unconscious people, primarily in college, this tends to distract me and brings me to their level, therefore I feel less productive and effective at what task is at hand. My question is; if relating to this situation, what steps were made to overcome this and to feel more conscious and productive?
  14. I've also asked myself that. We're all at different stages of development, the key I guess, is to see that you were perhaps in their shoes at one point. Self reflection, questioning and delving into our own pasts can bring some great insights. Just don't get too absorbed by it or it will bite you in the arse lol.