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Everything posted by RandomPaul

  1. In my opinion it really depends on the subject matter. Lots of times the methodology seems more important the the actual effort. I think that waking up early and using that morning motivation can get you a long way into the day, especially if by 11.00 AM you already did more than others do the whole day. Later on your motivation level will go down and then you should: a) find some time for some physical activity so you can refresh; b) take a break and then approach the subject matter from a different perspective - i.e. find some books with practical examples or exercises, test to see if what you read earlier on was well understood, etc. As the day goes by you could make your learning process more dynamic to avoid boredom. like I said, depends on what you are studying, but there are some general tricks for the brain to make it more resistant throughout the day; at least this is how I used to do it really curios about what you guys think, cheers!
  2. Do you think Mos Def was on to something or did he just think the lyrics sounded cool? :))
  3. Also check out Thomas Newman - Plastic bag theme; Sigur Ros; Fredo Viola - The nothing song;
  4. Hey! this is interesting! Even if music is really subjective I think that there are certain songs or rythms that make you feel like what is within you is as infintie as the universe outside. I kind of get that feeling when listening to: The mighty Rio Grande - This will destroy you; Pain and gain OST - I'm big; God is an astronaut; Sigur Ros; also, Thomas Newman - plastic bag theme (Amercian Beauty), stuff like that. I think that lyrics can make or break you, so I prefer less lyrics and more imagination, but that's just me cheers!
  5. Hi guys, really excited about this forum, mostly because in real life i feel kind of "lonely" in the pursuit of personal development, so I feel really grateful. For me I think it was "Spiritual Enlightenment - The Most SHOCKING Truth You'll Ever Hear". It's not the actual "truth" that gave me the jolt, but the fact that I saw that there is so much more to understand about life and the realization that so many take their perspesctive on life for granted and think that they kind of know all they need to know by, I don't know, 25. Again, really excited by this and really looking forward to... everything! may the excitement never wear off :)) PS. i'm a total newbee and not a native english speaker, sry for the eventual mistakes