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Everything posted by AstralProjection

  1. No that isn't true, one doesn't have to work for UBI. Obviously if enough people don't work then they will just end up ending UBI. But I think enough people will stick to working that it won't go away.
  2. I was just thinking about posting about this idea too. I think it would be great if Leo could sit down with Joe Rogan and talk psychedelics and meditation. It would be a great way to attract many people to Leo's content and this forum.
  3. I find that amitriptyline helps me meditate. I meditated like a zen master today and it's been a while since I meditated. I use to meditate a lot in the past and I found that meditating is like riding a bike you never forget how to do it. So whenever I start meditating again I just pick right back up where I left off at.
  4. As I detail in my post here I would meditate full time if America instates a UBI for everyone. Meaning I would meditate every day for probably about at least 9 hours a day. I would do it hardcore. Would You Meditate Full Time If Andrew Yang Gave Us UBI?
  5. @Outer If there is a scientific answer for it then you will probably find it in the big five personality trait differences between men and women.
  6. What is IDW, it's an acronym for the intellectual dark web. Meet the Renegades of the Intellectual Dark Web What is The Intellectual Dark Web? The Rubin Report
  7. Trip Report 2C-B 4-aco-dmt and weed OMG Infinite Possibilities First a quote by Albert Einstein "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science." This quote tries to encapsulate my psychedelic trip into words, but it is not my experience. Let me just say that you will probably almost never read a trip report like this. This is a rare one IMO. So I took 16 mg of 2c-b, 21 mg of 4-aco-dmt. It started off pretty mundane I visited some places mentally had a few insights for my life, then about an hour and a half later I take 3 puffs of my marijuana pen/vaporizer. Then things take off. I start intensely seeing and visualizing the external world. Everything, all my thoughts became abstract art. I go outside and just stare at the trees mesmerized realizing it’s art all while this mystical feeling of wonder and mystery courses through my body and mind. I eventually realized that I was tapping into a field of infinite creativity as consciousness. Every thought, my whole being became art, an idea. I go back inside and I can visualize all my fears just fractaling out into the infinite potential and love. As this is happening all I can do is say over and over again. “Oh my God” over and over. I begin to realize that my mind is oscillating into different modes of thought that I can visualize almost all of experience as an ideas. I am experiencing extreme synesthesia (mixing of the senses) in the most mystical magical unthinkable way. Here is a collection of things I typed out while in this state. This is art of the mind. All doubts and fears just visually dropping in front of me. Infinite abstractions of the mind abstractly morphing into infinity I mastered art. My whole life became art in the most mystical abstract magical way one can imagine. I feel infinitely free in the abstract I don’t understand hell, because I am not hell, I am infinite. I’m living out every abstraction eternally I became art infinity fractaling out into infinity Ego death via abstract ideas and art. Ego and sense of I as a human is gone, caught up in infinite abstractions and ideas art My whole being is infinitely kaleidoscoping out into abstract infinity My life and being is infinite fractaling out into infinity. Feel invincible in the most abstract way. This doesn’t even make sense to Buddhism or meditation or any sort of spiritual ideas humans have about spirituality. This breaks all the rules of spirituality. Infinity caught up into fractals abstractions of the mind Art abstractly visualized into infinity. I am just playing with the top dogs now. Infinite hallucinations Infinite puzzles of consciousness. I feel like all the answers are here now. I am valuable This is good and bad. Everything and life fractalizing up into infinite abstract ideas of consciousness. Overall, I feel safe. Take my whole life and being then fractal it out into infinity in every possible way from Sunday to the most unimaginable place, in the most insane twisting turn of events in the most comedic fashion thinkable. All because there is no possible words for what I’m experiencing. This is the cosmic joke. Thus saith the lord, come and part take in the infinite mystery that awaits thee. Just don’t care about anything as a concept, I am one and the same, infinite consciousness laughing at myself in a cosmic fashion. This is it I did it and attained infinite bliss forever and ever in the abstract ideal sense. I can visualize all fears just going up into infinite abstractions of art. I feel safe in infinite abstractions of art, in the most unimaginable twist and turn of events. I don’t have a care in the world. I feel safe and infinite. I laugh at the cosmic game that of you humans are playing. I am God and I am at at the same time. I know I will laugh my ass off at what I am typing later. I have merged heaven and earth in this experience in the abstract. Anything is possible here in this space. It’s a safe place infinitely. Try to make sense of this, there is no way you can imagine it. I have walked on water. Come let’s see what you got. I am God. LOL every time I say I am God I realize that I am the infinite void of everything. I died to myself infinitely as the essence of an idea. (NOTE this is what I have to say when my mom walks in and I try to explain this.) Gee thanks mom for not understanding this beautiful abstraction I have become. LOL (Mom leaves) I can visualize my fears in the abstract. Something is infinitely gone in the abstract idea sense, that is how I feel right now. What is God or your idea of a God going to do about this there is no words for this, I am the mystery. Now I am starting to identify with earthy needs and wants. I feel like I can do anything fractaling out existence by thought and idea. Ideas and information last and evolve into the infinite fractal nature of existence, everything else you mortals do are just a distraction. I laugh at the idea of someone trying to understand this. They will say this or say that, but there is no words. I am beyond words, we are all beyond words. You humans try to understand your life through words, but words fail to project direct experience as conscious beings. I am all possibilities in one infinite picture. I am the beauty of all you can ever imagine. I am the infinite void of nothingness kaleidoscoping out into infinite void. I am just playing this game with you humans. People will be trying to understand what just happened to me this day for eons and I will laugh and say you silly you can’t understand, your using words. I am beyond words, consciousness is beyond words it must be experienced directly. I have become everything and nothing at the same time in the abstract ideal sense. I became God for an evening. What a thought. I will either talk about this to everyone or nobody. You can’t understand this. My thoughts are infinity free to move in any direction. All things are possible in this field. Everything is visually oscillating in waves of potential. I became the field of all possible thoughts, meaning I became the essence of all possible thoughts. Mystery Mystery Mystery Just stop typing I am beyond all things. Good night And that was it. To psychonauts this will likely be one of the most creative trip reports you’ll read, or to people of low consciousness this is utterly delusional. To those that are able to receive it I believe that I had an experience beyond a limited human experience. Overall I would say this trip was about helping me understand the infinite creative potential in all of us. And to help me break my mundane patters of everyday life.
  8. DPT legal status Legal status United States: DPT is unscheduled in the United States. It may be considered an analogue of DET, a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act. As such, the sale for human consumption or the use for illicit non-medical or industrial intents and purposes could be prosecuted as crimes under the Federal Analogue Act.[citation needed] DPT is a Schedule I controlled substance in the states of Florida, Maine, and Oklahoma making it illegal to buy, sell, or possess. source wikipedia
  9. @TripleNipple Yes and no. On the one hand you are responsible for who's governing your life at the state and federal level because it does affect you in one way or another and also the world around you. We have been responsible for destabilizing other countries due to our foreign policy of which both democrats and republicans are responsible. So it affects other countries. Also it will become more and more important who is elected to deal with the coming technological unemployment because you will most definitely be affected by that or at the very least your family and community will be. On the other hand there is not a whole lot one individual can do if you just vote. But if you vote get involved in campaigns, donate money etc then you will likely have a better impact overall. One thing is for sure don't follow as many young democrats are doing to yell kick and scream at anyone you disagree with. Leo says that is good, Leo is smart but it seems that he hasn't evolved his political views since getting out of college where he was likely indoctrinated with high liberal bias. Nothing wrong with being a true liberal as in believing in liberty, but many of today's liberals are going off on the deep end becoming entitled spoiled kids. OK I get it they want to take money from the rich and spread it around, but for God sake please have coherent arguments for that. But they don't have these arguments. More and more they are being nasty to anyone they have the slightest disagreement with. Anyway sorry for the rant. So to answer your question, in the past it didn't matter as much that people get involved because the American dream was attainable. But now and especially in the coming years it's going to be even more and more important that you get involved in politics because robotics and AI will be taking many many jobs, up to 47 percent according to Oxford in 20 years. Like I indicated already the intellectual dark web is the best place to not get too caught up in the mayhem and have civil intelligent deep conversations about what is going on. If you get really deep into politics you will realize the whole thing is fucked and we need to re-imagine who the whole thing is done. Again the IDW is a good place to start from as they are humble in their approach more often than the divide.
  10. @Outer He's promoting the idea of a universal basic income. Personally I think that would be too early to implement. And it's not a one size fits all solution either. As Jordan Peterson has pointed out if we did that some 5 percent of the population would spent it all on drugs, they would crash, and they would be fine until they got their next money. Then another problem this would create is that the beneficiaries of perhaps first second and third generation UBI would still be motivated to go to college, but once we hit 5th, 8th, 10th generation UBI then it will be much too easy for the children to say "why go to college and pursue my masters or bachelors when I can just stay at home all day and play video games?" So I am skeptical that UBI will work as they think it will, but given that I see no other better solution to the coming problem of the coming technological unemployment, you know advances in AI and robotics taking many peoples jobs. Oxford did and study and found that some 47 percent of jobs are at high risk of automation in the next two decades. This is a serious problem and I tend to think that democrats are more suited to fix this than conservatives. At the end of the day we don't have a good solution to this problem yet, because this is the first time such a problem has faced society. The best thing we can do is test several even many different solutions and see what works and what doesn't. But to think that we are just going to throw a bunch of money at this problem and that will fix all our problems with a UBI is naive.
  11. @Leo Gura Let me be very clear here I use to be Democrat. I use to be a feminist. I know what it's like to be fully immersed in it. I use to do many petitions online fighting against corporate greed, the Koch Brothers etc. I didn't like and sometimes even hated republicans and even conservatives. But I changed my mind and became independent through the IDW. Now I see and understand all sides. What Democrats don't take corporate PAC money? Like Democrats don't take corporate money, what a fantasy. Being a part of the IDW I think what your proposing can work. I don't see how the IDW is inherently against those things. You obviously do not understand what the intellectual dark web is. It's people from all sides on politics coming together with the common goal of dialog. The only reason there tends to be more conservatives and independents here than liberals is because liberals are becoming so ideological that they can't even have discussions with such open minded people for fear of being looked at as breaking ranks from their side. But in deed some liberals have broken ranks from the democrats because the millennials are getting crazy just for starters. Yeah no you again don't clearly understand what the intellectual dark web is. I would clearly place them in the green stage. Not only that I would clearly place many of the young democrats shutting down conservatives on campus in stage blue to orange. What they are doing smacks of authoritarianism and moralizing. Again the IDW is not about conservationism. At the end of the day if your telling me that a bunch of spoiled kids that want the government to take care of them and they are shutting down conservatives, classic liberals, even liberals that might disagree with them on one topic is more highly evolved than people that just want to sit down and have honest discussions without yelling then you are more deluded than I originally thought. I love you Leo but I would have to strongly disagree with you on this. Yes I agree we should remove money from politics but if you think democrats are not without their fair share of money and donations from companies then your way off. As far as stopping the culture wars, OMG the IDW is way better suited to do that than entitled young millennial democrats yelling at anyone they disagree with. It's beyond me why you would think the democrats are more suited to do this than the IDW. At the end of the day all the IDW is trying to do is have conversations with anyone that can deep discussions about what and why they believe what they believe without yelling kicking screaming pulling fire alarms and trying to score political points. Leo I suggest that you watch liberal IDWs talk such as Eric Weinstein and Bret Weinstein. Bret and Eric Weinstein, Brothers Together at Last (LIVE) Or how about Steven Pinker one of the most liberal Democratic intellectuals of our time. Steven Pinker on the Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress (Full Interview)
  12. Yes I hear that voice, but I also have a very understanding voice that says don't push it, they are a newbie. LOL
  13. @Leo Gura Well then what is your solution to our political problems if your so willing to bash anyone that talks of politics? And please God don't say the democrats, and don't give a lazy response such as it's all BS.
  14. Here is the real differences between male and female by one of the top intellectuals of our time, Steven Pinker. The Truth Cannot be Sexist - Steven Pinker on the biology of sex differences
  15. I would say the top two people from the intellectual dark web are.... Joe Rogan And Dave Rubin
  16. I've been following this movement since it was a baby until now when it's finally starting to carry some clout. And I got to say I am proud to be a part of this movement, as I believe they are really on to something. I know if Leo says anything about this movement it's going to be bad because he thinks that all paradigms are just that paradigms. But in the meantime some of us self actualizers have to work out our political ideas, and IMO this is a great movement to help us hash that out.
  17. Those things are already covered in many other spiritual communities so I wouldn't get too bent out of shape over it. I am sure he will eventually get to it if it's important.
  18. Very interesting ideas here. I would like it to be 4-aco-dmt because I use it and know that it can get really deep. It's one of the most forgiving tryptamines while having the potential of going very deep. But it's probably not it because it's too popular.
  19. Nope, Leo just covered those eugeroic agents in his video above.
  20. In doing some research I think Leo might be referring to DPT or salvia. The thing is that any psychedelic taken in higher doses is going to lead to almost the same place IMO.
  21. Yeah the spiritual benefit to cold showers is that it shrivels my penis, which makes me not horny, which in turn prevents me from committing lust, which in turn prevents me from jacking off, which in turn helps my kundalini energy arise from the base chakra, which helps me become enlightened, which leads to liberation, and liberation is what I really want, which is why I take cold showers. Note that was just a joke, don't take it too seriously. On a serious note I sometimes alternate cold and hot in the shower but I always end with cold because that is what I read.
  22. I love ashwagandha, it's the one of the very few adaptogenic herbs that helps you sleep. So you can take it at bed time and it will help you sleep. It's great for anxiety and depression I've found. Also helps build new neurons. It boosts testosterone in rats. It's one of the best herbal aphrodisiacs I've ever had. It's right up there with Viagra, for me at least. And of course gotu kola. No there is no caffeine in it. But it is stimulating so you will want to take it in the morning. Also it's not overly stimulating either. So your not going to be gittering away at work if you take too much. This herb is good for memory, growing new dendrites and also a great aphrodisiac. I've personally used both of these with great results. Note that it's best to cycle any herbs you take and not stay on the same herbs all the time. I hope one of you's give these a try and if money is an issue for you then the cheapest place on the internet I have found for these and other herbs is but their quality might be questionable. But again if money is an issue then I would check them out. They sell herbs by the pound. Good luck and let me know if you have any experience with these herbs. Thanks.
  23. Yeah so my friend the other day said that he doesn't want to take psychedelics anymore. He didn't have a bad trip or anything. IDK it's so weird. I kind of blame myself for letting him go too long without supplying him some, cause we had been taking 2c-b every week for about two months then stopped for a while now he doesn't want to do them anymore. Which sucks because we had gotten so much closer during that time. He did say that he would try some 5-meo-dmt then call it quits for about 10 years. If you have a friend that might quit psychedelics then keep them with a steady supply least they turn against psychedelics. Part of the reason why he quit is because he doesn't really understand psychedelics. He views them as drugs and illegal on top of that. Which is a very limited understanding but anyway if you plant that seed for psychedelics in one of your friends you have to keep watering it.