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Everything posted by AstralProjection

  1. Focusing on consciousness and awareness.
  2. @Prabhaker No amount of meditation will help you if you get Alzheimer’s Disease, or Parkinson’s Disease or any one of the other numerous serious mental illnesses that affect the mind during old age and dying. Second of all thanks for pointing out that Sallekhana and Santhara and Prayopavesa is from Jainism no Hinduism. But I still disagree about it being an option for just crazy Jains, I still think that this is a better option for many people. Even Compassion & Choices is the nation’s oldest, largest and most active nonprofit working to improve care and expand options for the end of life advocates death by starvation because of the lack of options. There are things that can be done to make this a much more natural and less painful process. It doesn't have to be undertaken by a Jain. I still remember hearing about my brother's friends mom got cancer and didn't say anything then about a month later she went to the hospital and was convulsing uncontrollably until her last breath when she died a few days later. in another story I remember this young lady that had cancer of the intestines and she was so sick she was vomiting up fecal matter. She died soon after. Sorry to mention these such graphic things, but like I said you play Russian Roulette with your dignity if you don't take full control of the end of your life. I hope you do have a peaceful death meditating until the end but you must remember there are very real possibilities of it going terribly wrong. So don't kid yourself, the body doesn't break down as nicely as we would like it to. Sorry I am just all too aware of the hell that can open in a mind that is breaking down. And trust me all the things that you hold dear can be taken away mentally. All those safeguards and filters that prevent you from even having the most basic sense of sanity can be gone. And your dignity raped. Mine certainly was. I have to use strong langue to help convey the possibilities otherwise you will never get it until it's too late perhaps. Hope it helps you though.
  3. Seems like BJ Miller does good work. I know there are other options out there. But the problem is trying to plan enough that doctors, hospices, and hospitals will follow through with what is being requested. They don't always follow through with advance directives. Their job is to keep you alive no matter how much suffering someone is under. All they do it just give more morphine or sedative which isn't nearly enough to stop the pain. There is Sallekhana OR Santhara OR Prayopavesa in Hinduism. This is where someone at the end of their life they fast and starve themselves to death. I think even this is a better option than being drugged up and forcefeed at the end of life. If you took all the self help and spiritual talk that people use throughout their whole life and all it would take is being in a hospice for one year at the end of life for all that psychological work to be thrown into the garbage can. It's a smack in the face of even a baseline level of dignity. When the brain breaks down all bets are off. I appreciate the link, but at the end of the day I don't want to risk it, doctors can only do so much in comforting people. I got a glimpse of what it's like for the brain to be in total break down and I never ever want to experience that in my life. So I choose to not risk it. Everyone has their own path and I respect those that choose anything other than the standard cookie cutter treatment at the end of life. Thanks for chiming in Bebop.
  4. I would say my long term goal is to learn to consciously astral project. My short term goal is to quit smoking and drinking (I've already started.) And my abstract goal is to express the best love possible to my future child. Having a child is a long term goal of mine too.
  5. It's hell unfortunately. I still have unfinished subconscious beliefs that I need to take care of with that. And second to that is an undignified death.
  6. I've got a special place in my heart for people that take self-actualization, spirituality, and psychedelics seriously.
  7. @Echoes Shoot you just reminded me and yeah I am also going to quite possibly take a mild psychedelic dose and then exit life peacefuly at the end. And yes I've heard of Alan Watts taking his life with an injection of LSD while he had cancer. But I didn't know about these "institutes," are these places just a theory of Alan Watts or do they actually exist? Thanks. Thanks @Extreme Z7for the positive feedback. My family wasn't too keen on it at first. They are starting to warm to the idea though. It's not something that people change their minds to overnight in many cases.
  8. You have to know that even if someone can astral project to the real time zone, and see something in the physical, that their own biases and subconscious beliefs will greatly influence what they see. They may be out of sync with the current physical time zone. So it may be raining when it's not. Or furniture might be arranged to another time. Or your subconscious might block some information and add other information into the experience of the real time zone. I call them layers and filters. So it's not as easy as you think it would be. Probably an I am also a poster at It's one of the best places to talk about and get advice for astral projection. The rope technique is OK. But there is no one size fits all technique for astral projecting. You have to experiment until you find one that is right for you. Also what your experiencing above is normal. You just have to program yourself to clam down and keep practicing because what your saying seems to be completely normal and in fact it's a good sign that your close to projecting.
  9. @Leo Gura First off love your videos. And please take the time to research astral projection a bit. I view only second to psychedelics in power to transform. In fact in many ways astral projection is more powerful than meditation. See why bellow in the first video. 1) Did you know that you can go to the realms of light that are without form through astral projection? 2) Have you heard of William Buhlman? He's one of the few people that have gone so far inward through astral projection to the point where he had no body and there was no form and he was a ball/orb of consciousnesses. There are many other astral projectors that have gone way beyond ordinary mundane astral projection to very deep sacred places. 3) What do you think about astral projection Leo? Thanks! Out of Body Experiences, the Astral plane and the Afterlife -William Buhlman William Buhlman on OBEs at Monroe Institute Professional Seminar 2014
  10. Oh and one more thing you might want to micro-dose psychedelics for the emotional spiritual side of your issues. Microdosing psychedelics has become increasingly popular, and this is much more manageable then a full dose 5-meo-dmt trip to infinity like Leo did. LOL It's sub-perceptual. so you won't even notice any visuals or anything like that. Just a mood boost. Personally I like a semi-perceptual dose, It's something I've done before with shrooms. When I did it I cried a natural cry to some music. It just sounded so beautiful and almost always have sweet dreams when I micro-dose. This seems like something Leo might actually do and talk about in the future. I am just beating him to the punch. LOL
  11. Afonso thank you for sharing your story, though it's a bit long. I think I can help. I deal with similar but different problems. I am an introvert, and I don't care about talking with people as much as I use to. Anyway you have to learn to get out there and push your social limits in order to grow. I suggest you go to and find some hobbies that you can share with others to learn and grow with others together in. For your situation though you would really benefit from something like the mac and cheese events. LOL Don't worry it has nothing to do with mac and cheese. LOL Check it out here. Also you should have a baseline of new and interesting things to talk about to others. Things that they can relate to. Like art or exercising just different things that you can use to talk about. Also you should get stories you can use over and over again on different people that help teach them and convey what kind of personality you have in a funny and interesting way. A great book that helps with this is called "Superhuman Social Skills: A Guide to Being Likable, Winning Friends, and Building Your Social Circle." And I must say I have learned quite a bit of social skills for women from PUA and seduction. Though you must be very careful to not get too identified with a lot of their philosophies because they will pull down your consciousness to just thinking about women and sex. So their limited but they are very good at teaching you how to get women to talk to you and what you can talk about with them without scaring women off. Hope that helps.