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Everything posted by AstralProjection

  1. Exactly that is why I think that how one visualizes is very important. So let's say I want a nice new car. Instead of visualizing myself driving that nice new car, instead visualize myself working hard in college to attain that job that can fund that car. Yeah I remember that study. Funny how it works in RL. But what is the point of doing visualization if it doesn't cause you to take action and accomplish what you want in life. I don't think you understand how desire and spirituality work. If you don't workout those mental muscles you atrophy.
  2. So basically Forbes talks about a study that was done which shows that when you visualize having your end goal that you loose desire to attain that goal then you don't actually do it. So one group visualized their to do list while the other didn't. And the ones that visualized accomplished less on their list. Even on the most basic measures visualization decreased desire to attain their goals. So here they took two groups of people that were thirsty. One visualized having some water while the other group didn't. As it turned out the group that visualized didn't go for the water as quick as the group that didn't visualize.
  3. I am no expert in this type of thing but it can subside in a few weeks and not years from what I understand. Plus you really need to rest since it's so stimulating. Also if it doesn't subside soon then there is certainly medications that can taper it. I wouldn't take full dose medications to fully stop it but just enough to help you get back into functioning in life, but not enough to fully stop your awakening. Let me ask did psychedelics start this awakening?
  4. As Leo might say they all point the same thing but they all have different nuanced differences based on who taught them and their semantics involved. I'll just add that reality and consciousness are probably the ones that are different the most but only by a little bit when compared to the rest. Consciousness can be just ordinary consciousness, meaning thoughts + awareness for everyday people but if a meditator says consciousness he could mean awareness without thoughts. And with reality, reality can mean the absolute reality the unmanifest pure awareness, or it can be truth, or it can mean experience. So it all depends on the context.
  5. I started to become enlightened last time used a condom. Hahaha My girl friend never takes the name of God in vain when we rub really fast. LOL Just made those up.
  6. In case you haven't seen these yet. Love this video here which is a animation of what it's like to take a psychedelic like DMT. I like the first video better but certainly the second one is great too. Alex Grey Kundalini Visualization Alex Grey - Kundalini Awakening 3rd eye
  7. I was digging what you where saying until you said "The easiest way is to admit right away: "I'm selfish, I only care about myself."" Almost everyone has positive qualities about them. If your friend needed to barrow 2 dollars today would you loan him the money if you had some. Of course you would, unless you have a mental disorder. But most people have very positive qualities about them too. Even in extreme cases by admitting this you are subconsciously programming yourself to be selfish and so it becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. You got to think positive much more than you do negative otherwise you run into all kinds of problems. I use to think very negatively, but I changed my mind through trial and error. On the other side of the coin I see what you mean about these people that say crap like "I am light. I am pure consciousnesses" In this case it's best to not say untrue things but it's also good to use this as a mirror reflection of what we would like to be like. Like a model of what we would like to be. It's one thing for a kid to say I want to be like Micheal Jordan. And it's a completely different thing to say I am Micheal Jordan. Then again you don't want to say too much to yourself "I want to be like Micheal Jordan (or whatever role model)" otherwise you are creating a "want" instead of a "have." So it's a fine balance that isn't easy. Moderation is key though I think. At the end of the day yes I am selfish but I am also generous. I do many generous things, so I focus on the positive. I don't deny that I am selfish because I know on a certain level I am. But it doesn't help for me to say I am selfish all the time. I'll put it to you like this. If I am truly selfish and it's a real problem then I'll leave it up to a psychedelic to show me that if it's truly a problem because psychedelics have a way of showing you things you need to work on.
  8. Kid "Daddy who am I?" Leo "Son you don't exist, everything is an illusion. You don't exist, I don't exist, our beliefs and paradigms are all just illusion. Everything is illusion" Kid :confused: "What's my name?" Leo "Leo the II." LOL I just made that up. You know we all love you Leo.
  9. Great job nightrider, yeah psychedelic cacti can be good for cutting the pot habit too as well as other psychedelics. Keep up the good work and next time trip alone and write down your goal for the trip and try to dig into your psyche to really make progress.
  10. OK everyone I posted it here, let me know what you think over here. The Grand Theory Of How Science And Spirituality Will Merge. - By David L
  11. I love Tom Campbell he does ground breaking work in astral projection theory.
  12. Man I saw that video by Leo about dropping your paradigms. Sure there is some truth in it but that doesn't mean that we should all go live in a cave and meditate all day. Given Leo's paradgim video I also believe that embracing duality and paradoxes is important. I don't know about you but I don't want to live in a cave the rest of my life. I've noticed that the spiritual people want to shun the carnal lifestyle. And the carnal people shun the spiritual lifestyle. I am saying there is room for both and both are fine just as long as one doesn't get too extreme either way. As far as that 2000 year thing. Well science is a relatively new thing, that is good science. I know there's a lot of room for improvement but we are improving. And the exponential growth of Technology is also a new thing. I'm maybe halfway done writing out the full theory. In fact it's so expansive I provide three paths to the merging science and spirituality.
  13. We'll see what you think after you read my theory then because it probably won't happen how you think it will.
  14. I think you's will be in for a surprise then. Because there will be a way to merge the subjective with the objective. All you have to do is follow the logical progression of technology. I am working on a well detailed theory that I will post soon.
  15. But I did use real world sources to come to my theory. So I don't want you to think that I am doing arm chair philosophy. LOL
  16. I have to get at least 3 requests then I will type it out. It's a theory you have never heard before I am sure. And it came from me. Nobody taught me this theory. Because I am an outside of the box thinker.
  17. If you's are interested I'll tell you how I think spirituality and science will merge and usher in a new age. And it's probably not what you think.
  18. Sometimes if your young this can be an issue partially because your brain isn't fully formed yet. The brain isn't fully mature until about 25 years old. So keep that into consideration. But yeah I agree with Leo living your values and your life purpose is what really builds motivation. Looks like you have got to do a lot of self inquiry and contemplation to find out what you really want to do and what you really value, what is your life purpose. And don't follow the catch all phase of "do what your passionate about." Do what is valuable that is going to lead to valuing yourself and others in meaningful ways.
  19. Hi everyone. I like that this seems to be a good forum for talking about all kinds of outside of the box things. Not very many popular spiritual forums can you talk about psychedelics and spirituality at the same time. So I hope you's are open enough for this topic. A little about myself first. I've been on the brink of death in the past from a health condition that almost killed me. At that time I use to use a wheelchair and a cane to get around for about 7 years. Luckily the doctors found two medications to help me get better and I am in college now. But I learned something very valuable during that time. See I had a ton of time to research all kinds of things. I learned about self help, visualization, affirmations, psychedelics, religions, astral projection, cold fusion/LENR, meditation, kundalini, NDE's, seasteading and all kinds of stuff that has given me a big picture understanding of the world even before I learned about Leo. Though Leo has helped me deepen my understanding. So during my sick days there was a period for about a month in which I became very ill mentally. I eventually went to a hospital and got better and never had those mental problems again. But I learned something very important at that time and soon after with a little internet searching. Which is that at the end of my life I don't want to be at the mercy of doctors unable to help myself to the bathroom, and being force-feed. BTW many hospices will force-feed even if their advance directive says otherwise. So I plan on living my life to my fullest and self actualize, then at the end when all I have is degrading left, I will painlessly take my life. I will not talk method unless that is moderator approved, but yeah I urge all of my friends to consider how you want to exit life. Because In many ways the people play Russian Roulette with their dignity. They say "I hope I die a painless death." This is wishful thinking as most people never have a painless death. If you die in your sleep is was because your organs where shutting down. Nothing painless about that. Anyway I don't take my life or death for granted any longer. It's a privilege to me to be alive and well today. But at the end of the day when my time is up I know that there is no need to play with my dignity and I will say good bye to all my loved ones and write a beautiful letter and then exit my life peacefully just how I wanted it. And as I like to say. "My life, my death, my choice, because we should be able to control our lives, as much as our deaths." I encourage you to not live by today's barbaric practices and embrace dignity at your death. Until then I will be with you all on the journey to self actualization.
  20. Let's define dignity to make sure we are on the same page. Dignity - the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect. Do animals have a sense of dignity? Yes they do the alpha male is revered and respected by most of the group. I would argue that even mice have a certain sense of dignity even us humans made a cartoon out of them called mickey mouse? Will you discover your dignity if you get hit by a drunk truck today and are in the most pain of your life? Wouldn't you want respect from the driver and the company he worked for? Or even better will you discover your dignity if you get mental disorder where you loose your sanity like delusional disorder? If you make yourself look like an idiot because you've gone a little crazy wouldn't you want people to at least acknowledge that you exist by talking with you a little? Because often times crazy people are ignored. Even family can be quite brutal and disown someone even in their own family.
  21. OK let's define self obsession or better yet let's define obsession since we already pretty much know what self is. Obsession - an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind. I don't continually think about the way I want to die. It's been months if not years since I last posted about this topic on a forum. I am in college and have better things to do with my life than thinking about ways in which I want to die all the time. Besides that would get boring pretty quickly. Yeah they are dying without choice because nobody in society gave them that option. I don't live to today's standards which change at the whim of who's in power. I live by what I believe is going to be the future standards of society. I rose above today's barbaric end of life practices and I am now trying to help others realize their choice in the matter, because there are options. If Leo limited his understanding and options to today's society he would have never took psychedelics and had those great breakthrough experiences. I believe what Leo said about paradoxes, so I can agree with you that dignity is a human concept, but it's also a real tangible thing that can be measured.
  22. I agree with you there, but it would take 5K to 10K hours meditating to master just calming the mind. This is called Samatha. Then at least another 5K hours of vipassana to get rid of your inner demons. These numbers come from an advanced Buddhist named B Alan Wallace that has trained with the Dalai Lama. So your talking a good 20,000 hours to master this enough that you could conceivably have a peaceful death even in the midst of a mental illness and even then I am skeptical how effective that would be depending on what kind of mental illness it is. I don't quite understand what your saying. Do you mean that self actualization is a self obsession? I don't agree with this notion.
  23. @Prabhaker You can play semantics if you like with the definition of meditation, but I think your smart enough to know that things can go terribly wrong during the dying process. I'll leave it at that. I am not here to keep arguing. I use to debate things unto the death, but I've learned there is more important things than winning an argument. I think you understand my point, take it or leave it. Or even come back to this topic after you thought about it. If you ever have second thoughts just google the peaceful pill handbook. And I hope your meditation plan works out for you. William Buhlman is a famous astral projector that advocates kind of what your talking about. Which is using consciousness at death as a launchpad to go very deep to the light realms during the dying process. He's also a famous astral projector. He touches on this topic in the video bellow. William Buhlman on OBEs at Monroe Institute Professional Seminar 2014
  24. No other movie explains my position best than this one here. It's about an old lady that lived her life to the fullest but in the end she wanted to take her life after all she saw was degrading left. She eventually did exit her life on her own terms before the end of the movie.