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Everything posted by AstralProjection

  1. I would have joined him if he gave out free DMT like candy, and told me we were the chosen ones. LOL No I'm kidding. The poor guy probably had delusional disorder.
  2. In memorizing what Jesus says, and praying like him we don't become Jesus of course, but we are one step closer to going down the path he has taken. But yes I agree that in the end we must learn to be our own path. But that takes time and so in the meantime we must learn, memorize, and imitate the masters. Just like training wheels.
  3. I just don't agree with this notion that we don't need masters, and teachers. And that we are the path. Yes is theory this is correct, but in practice it's much much much easier to learn from someone that has already been there done that.
  4. I wouldn't go that far. When newbies first start out they need to imitate, they need someone to follow like a mentor. Like a parent that helps their child grow up and learn the rules and the ropes of the world. But eventually yes the child must take off the training wheels and do it themselves, but in the meantime there is a place for training wheels. To be honest I would be totally lost if it wasn't for the spiritual leaders out there that I've learned from. I think the key would be to not just have one mentor, but many. Because some mentors are blind to other truths. So in order to have a health variety of spiritual truths it's a good idea to have many sources for spiritual insight. And take what works and leave the rest. I think your looking in the wrong places. I think you need to go to people that specifically teach what your looking for. Don't be afraid to put down some money on a good book or DVD set. Or just use the library if you can't afford it. Learn to Google specific teachings like how to do samatha meditation or something like that. Here you can start out with this as a general guideline. (Note I don't think everything in this movie is correct, but it's generally on track.) Spiritual Reality - The Journey Within (Power of Meditation) [Full Movie] Good luck Afonso.
  5. You got to get sleep. Sleep is vital for hormone production, muscle creation, memory, and a host of other things. 6 hours is nothing, if I sleep less than 10 hours I feel like crap. I suggest you find other ways to include them into your routine. Honestly you will get a lot more out of your spiritual journey if you take psychedelics. Psychedelics are like a shortcut. Leo probably won't tell you that but it's true. If you could cut out the meditation and just do psychedelics every month and integrate what you learned, then that would be enough to give you some very very profound insights spiritually that should last a while until your next trip. Hope that helps, good luck Mondsee.
  6. @Leo Gura This technique is so powerful it can allow you to reach new places into your psyche that is hard to reach otherwise. I would like to recommend a very good way to increase your psychedelic insights, and go deeper without having to increase the dosage. It's actually very simple. Take a good quality eye mask that blocks out all the light and put it on. Now chances are you will still be able to see light coming through the mask because these masks aren't meant to block all light, so you must block out any other excess light. Turn off the lights, close the shades, and curtains, even put extra towels over the windows to block excess light. Even better do it at night. Because any photons of light that makes it to your retina even with that that being done will hinder your efforts. So basically just try to make it pitch black, as dark as possible with no light whatsoever reaching your eyes. Then just take your psychedelic, blind fold yourself and lay down put a towel or blanket over you. You must be as still and comfortable as possible. If you want to record your thoughts then you can use a portable tape recorder or a smart phone with a recording app to record your thoughts on insights as you lay there. Eventually though you may want to even stop doing that as it would be just a distraction going inward into your being. [EDIT: You shouldn't have any music or any sounds from the outside going on if you really want to go deep. So you can use ear plugs to help block out any excess noise from the neighbors or wherever. And then just surrender to the experience. Enjoy!] Try it out and let me know how it's worked for you. I've done it with good success and taken my meditation and psychedelics to a deeper level with this technique. This technique should help limit and prevent bad trips. Also it's recommended that you don't do psychedelics on an empty stomach to prevent bad trips, also eat something carby just before you take your psychedelic. And always have a good set, setting, and sitter. I got to give a shutout to Robert M Bodley for telling me about this technique. You can read his personal experience here. I don't remember if this technique is mentioned in the link given but he did tell me about this technique in a PM. My Own Personal Psilocybin Psychotherapy Robert actually went further inward than what he talks about in this link. He went to the same place Leo did in his Infinity video using the above technique with shrooms. That is what he told me in a PM at least.
  7. IDK about the first video I think that might have been modified. But I totally agree with Jordan Peterson in the second video. I've followed Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris a bit.
  8. In skimming around this thread there seems to be this sentiment that we don't need to do anything to reach enlightenment. This is not true at all. This video helps illustrate this. Concentration vs Meditation - How To Develop Concentration
  9. Hang in there NR, not only will the rewards will be great but the journey will be worth it.
  10. Great trip Martin, welcome to the world of love through psychedelics. I would just like to encourage you to slowly push your boundaries and kick it up a notch, while also doing a enough integration work. Great job taking the leap of faith to give it a shot.
  11. I thought Moses was walking out on stage. LOL He just needs a robe and a cane. LOL
  12. So I get dreams every once and a while that are very meaningful to me. Just as some prerequisite knowledge in general I've been thinking about if I should reincarnate again knowing that I would likely loose all the knowledge I've gained. So last night in my dream I was thinking about all the knowledge I've gained in my life. On top of being a Leo fan for a while now I have not only gained tons of meta knowledge about life and this world, I've also gained invaluable knowledge through my suffering in dealing with a health condition. So in the dream I was thinking about all this knowledge I've gained and how valuable it is to me. And I got very emotional and welled up I felt like I wanted to cry. And I said "I love my life, I love myself," in the dream. The emotions was so intense at this point that it made me wake up and so I got up. But I love these types of dreams that I get. So what makes my knowledge so valuable? First of all I became a meta source before I even found out about Leo though hard work, studying, and learning everything I could. And Leo has just enriched my knowledge to new levels. Also I've suffered a lot and I think I've learned through that suffering things that are very hard to learn otherwise. I've studied all different kinds of things, from psychology, to biology, to psychedelics, technologies, spirituality, religion, meditation, astral projection, self help, and self actualization. I've been challenged and I grew so much, and for all this I am deeply grateful. And yet I feel like I've just scratched the surface while also being very content with what I've learned. It's just so deep once you really invest the time into it, and that is why I had such a powerful dream. Everything Leo says about putting in the time for this path is definitely worth it. Even though you'll have to learn a lot of nuanced and novel things those make it all that much more better.
  13. I use to think that raising successful children is required to get a good reincarnation but on another forum they said that wasn't the case. So now I am questioning and rethinking my whole value system on how I can get a good reincarnation. So let me ask you what accomplishments do you think are the most important to have here in the physical for a good reincarnation? Thanks.
  14. So being smart and witty can help you get a better reincarnation? Maybe negotiate a better reincarnation? LOL I'm great at debating and debating why I deserve better. LOL
  15. Doesn't living a life of being successful in my career also lead to a good reincarnation?
  16. Sometimes I feel like just because I came here and that I had to endure the BS that I went through makes me deserving of a better reincarnation.
  17. Are they real? Yes Is everyone capable of developing them through training or do they appear only to certain individuals? No but training can help facitliate it in people that are already predisposed to being psychic. Can meditation unlock such abilities? Yes only in some people. Does enlightenment bring with it powers such as clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, etc? In some yes. Even I've had precognitive dreams. Dreams in which I dreamt something then it actually happened. But I wouldn't consider myself a natural.
  18. Highly recommend Leo's recent video which might tie is to your problems. Concentration vs Meditation - How To Develop Concentration
  19. @Colin I generally don't believe in contacting the dead unless your a world class psychic, and even then I can be skeptical. It could still have a therapeutic value without literally contacting my dad. Sounds interesting though, I'll watch the video. Thanks for the support.
  20. Dream felt so real. I dreamt that I was with my dad and I wanted to ask him a question before he died about God and spirituality. (Note my dad already passed away years ago.) Then I got all emotional because I really wanted to talk to him about this before he died. Then I literally felt a tear go down my face. The tear and the emotions felt so real that I woke up and had to touch my face to see if I literally cried. But there was no tear physically. I still get dreams with my dad like this after all these years since his passing. I still wish that I had talked to him about God and spirituality more in depth because he was so mad at God before he died. So there is so much more to this story but I will keep it short. Oh I'll add that when I microdosed some shrooms a while back that that night I dreamt that I was hugging my dad and I was so sad and happy to see him. It's odd because I don't think about him a lot. But I still get these dreams of like unfinished business.
  21. @Prabhaker I am not sure if I am ready to let go fully. It's really going to just take time. My thing right now is that I believe time heals all wounds. So even though I am not sure if I want to give up my desire to finish undone business I know that time will heal it if nothing else. The good news is that it doesn't really bug me in everyday life, so I don't want you to have this idea that I get heavy hearted all the time over it. On the contrary I am mostly past it at the conscious level. I guess I still have some subconscious work to do. @Callum A Thanks for the support. I know that things will work out in the end, but I am going to take my time getting there.
  22. Well it all depends on our definitions and what we all want to achieve.
  23. This comes down to what laws you want to use. Do you want to live by the laws of the physical, or do you want to live by the laws of higher spiritual values. Granted you'll probably do much better in the afterlife doing what you said above. But the trade off is that you won't be very effective taking action to attain those goals here in the physical. While conversely following my advice one would probably get more results here in the physical but not as much results in the afterlife. So it depends on what one's goals are personally. But I see what your saying Martin, I am just a more physical goal orientated person.
  24. Anyway I am not here to say visualization is worthless. All I am saying is that be careful how you use visualization. Instead of only imagining yourself attaining your goal end your visualization trying to attain it but not quit getting there so that it will create more desire in you to attain that goal. After all the mind is like a muscle. In always imagining life being easy having your goals it's sending a dangerous signal that is OK to slack and have your goal. So use it like a muscle and give it periods of relaxation in having that goal, while also creating tension and desire to attain that goal. This seems like the smartest most balanced thing to do.
  25. Exactly that is why I think that how one visualizes is very important. So let's say I want a nice new car. Instead of visualizing myself driving that nice new car, instead visualize myself working hard in college to attain that job that can fund that car. Yeah I remember that study. Funny how it works in RL. But what is the point of doing visualization if it doesn't cause you to take action and accomplish what you want in life. I don't think you understand how desire and spirituality work. If you don't workout those mental muscles you atrophy.