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About AstralProjection

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  1. Bye

    @Brandman This is why I am a New Age Christian. It's even better than Islam. In Islam you will only ever be a slave to Allah according to the koran. I can find the verse if you like. At least with Christianity you get to be a son or daughter of God (God being a guide or an angel). You also get to contend with God (e.g. the Angels). Angels like seeing the fire of life in your soul, in your thoughts and actions. If you stumble you get to change their minds if you turn to the truth and turn you life around. And God (angels) consider you a son or daughter if you follow the path. And this is why Leo is wrong. He assumes that our growth as a world will always be about the same as what we have always known. But what he hasn't realized is that technological advances that will be discovered eventually through the merging of science and spirituality will eventually allow us to transform our spirit bodies so we don't have to reincarnate again. Regular spirits are yin energy, angels are yang energy, so we have a long way to go but it's totally possible to overcome and never have to reincarnate again. BTW Jesus did believe in reincarnation. I can prove that as well from the Bible. That is why the Bible says - Revelation 3:12 (NIV): This is Jesus speaking. "The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name." BTW I think the new Jerusalem is just a metaphor for a new age where science and technology will merge. And the new name is just symbolic of the transformation that you go through becoming the very elect. Elect by who? I think it's a network of beings that work tirelessly to help all life merge back with heaven. So when Jesus says my God he's just talking about his angel friends that are helping him evolve. Given all that Jesus is talking about being victorious through many lifetimes. But we are already in the top .00000000000000001 Googleplex percent of life on our spiritual journey back to source compared to most life forms. I think Leo needs to study the near death experiences, and astral projections that involve high level beings, guides, angels if you will. Especially with the ones with Jesus as he is the main guide that has been set in charge of helping earth enter a new age. The Bible is an obvious great source as well. I just know that it's got a bad wrap for many. You will never find a source you agree with 100 percent of the time.
  2. Make fun of it all you want I've seen ghosts myself in my lifetime with my naked eye.
  3. So my girlfriend actually caught some paranormal activity on camera. I told her I wish she did a 360 view but it's pretty good regardless. The end gets crazy so I would watch it to the end. She stopped recording cuz she got freaked out. I know it's not empirical evidence but it's a great anecdote at least.
  4. It's called phasing your consciousness inward in the astral projection community.
  5. "Why does it take thousands of hours of Meditation vs having the same realization in a single trip?" Because with psychedelics you jump-start your enlightenment biochemistry. From an evolutionary standpoint it's hard to get into the meditative state because our ancestors had to survive and didn't have time to evolve meditation into our genetics. Nothing would select for it. I mean if you were a female who would you pick the guy that meditates all day and is enlightened but then gets eaten because he was so distracted from being enlightened on DMT. Or the guy that brings home a wholly mammoth for everyone to eat? Personally I'd wanna the guy that is more grounded in this reality. "Why do so many psychedelics experiences peak and return to baseline, are they futile or fake?" Depends, sometimes it's all psychological but other times it's out of body. It depends on if you get a breakthrough experience. But even being out of body there is overlap so you will still experience what I call overlays and filters. An overlay is added onto the experience or reality, while a filter takes away or blocks something from the experience or reality. Edit: Either way even bad experiences you can learn from so I wouldn't call it futile even if it's all just psychological hallucinations. Also you can learn from these hallucinations as they provide context and meaning from your subconscious and your consciousness. "Did someone who spend all that time waste it due to paradigm lock or get something more out of it?" Idk, I don't have time to read all that text.
  6. @Leo Gura You should make your own GPT and release it to the public so that people can ask you infinite questions. LOL
  7. I know that, I mean immortal in the sense that you don't have to reincarnate or ever go to hell. A very high level of spiritual attainment.
  8. There are different levels of spiritual immortality. I just want to know what level he is at.
  9. The rainbow body. Look it up.
  10. I think I remember him saying that he became enlightened. Does that mean that he became immortal? What I mean by immortal is that he wouldn't have to reincarnate again. I know he doesn't believe in reincarnation but perhaps an immortal would think that. LOL
  11. @DrewNows Thank you David Hammond, David Hammond, DrewNows for chiming in. And yes DewNows it's a fine balancing act. I guess when I say working with beliefs and psychology. I am not talking about it in an egotistical way. I am talking about in a more selfless way of trying to find the truth. With the ultimate desire of attaining the highest truths, not just fulfilling ones ego.
  12. In being on this forum viewing the responses many of you seem to have the belief that psychology and beliefs don't matter. Like I post about different spiritual concepts and there isn't much interest in it. But this is why I think that is a bunch of BS, and why psychology and beliefs do matter. Besides the obvious fact that beliefs and our truths shape our reality, being enlightened doesn't automatically make one do good. It's only by actually believing that we are more than flesh and blood and actually doing good in this world that we can evolve to true enlightenment. If we don't help relieve suffering and add meaning to our lives and others by believing and evolving through higher and higher truths then we don't actually create good avatar synthesis. We don't actually overcome. The only way to do avatar synthesis is to work with the meanings of our beliefs, intentions, thoughts, emotions. I know some of you believe that we don't have free will, so doing this is meaningless. But for the universe to be created itself would require free will. It's only by believing that we can overcome anything by taking on full and total responsibly for our actions and thoughts that something deep in us rises up to free us from our animal nature. Overcoming every single obstacle and attaining our highest potential isn't a blank state of nothingness. When the masters came here and reincarnated on earth like the Buddha, Jesus, Krishna or whoever, they were not blank states of conscious nothingness. These are ordained people sent by God to bring a message to a generation. If you don't believe in God can exist as a being then you need to read the near death experience book by Eben Alexander (neurosurgeon.) So theses enlightened masters knew how to work with words ideas, concepts, emotions, and thoughts at a fundamental level, It was inherent in their very nature because of all the previous good deeds that they did. Doing the right thing was so deep in their being and consciousness that nothing would stop them from doing it. And so what is it that separates these enlightened masters that only do good from those that do wrong and bring suffering to the world? We can we say? That at least fundamentally for now in this reality and time-frame for now these enlightened masters are doing something very different than those that cause suffering on this earth. That is why I believe in free will. Free will requires that one have the right mental constructs in order for them to even start to make truly selfless choices to bring love and peace to the world. Thoughts? The Avatar of Synthesis BTW Swami Satchidanand is one of the few permanently enlightened masters in this world. EDIT: I guess I would just add one more thing, which is, I believe that if a a pure consciousness reincarnated here but didn't have any avatar synthesis then it would just fall apart in our world because it didn't have any past experience to deal with this type of reality. That is why we need to learn to choose the right thoughts and actions. Especially when it matters most.
  13. I figured this would be a good place to post this because I tend to think of the people here as deep thinkers. I just created this. The ouroboros of truth and reality. “LIfe's Mysteries” which manifests as “Self Evident General Truths” which leads to “Many Paths” that all kinds of people take. Next this leads us to find our own self in this craziness with the synthesis of “curiosity” and “Critical Thinking” which when distilled creates “my path” which gives “my truth” which inevitably feeds back to “Life’s Mysteries.” LIfe's Mysteries > General Truths > Many Paths > Curiosity and Critical Thinking > My Path > My Truth > Life's Mysteries Now we can overcome deception in others peoples "paths" by looking directly at "life's mysteries" or "general truths" thus bypassing the "many paths" and even "general truths" other people use. But to do this we must use a lot of nuance, philosophy, and thinking outside the box. The only caveat is that we should learn what all the main paths are first. Because it's very difficult to understand pure mystery by itself. It has to be contextualized and grounded in practicality. So there is no need to reinvent the wheel here. Only once you have looked at all the main paths of life can you start looking at mystery directly which is very powerful. Now that I think about it children can directly look at mystery and use it because their mind is so agile. As we grow old though we get out of touch with mystery. But we can always find it if we look hard enough. Like I just did here. All this is a deep realization I had through many years of trial and error. It's almost mind-boggling. I feel like I figured out a math formula or something. If anyone has anything to add please do.
  14. Your drowning in beliefs, your whole world is constructed with beliefs. You can't escape it. Even the Buddha had beliefs. He just wasn't moralizing about it. I think your belief that beliefs are helpless is just a easy path away from discovering the truths of the universe. Part of the path to enlightenment is gaining discernment of the truth. Discernment is not something your born with and it's not something that you can gain just by meditating. It has to be cultivated through trial and error and reason.
  15. What nobody here believes in reincarnation?