Revolutionary Think

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Everything posted by Revolutionary Think

  1. @Sevi I just think it's cool where you have a dream and the power to do anything you want in it. If people know how to do that I want to find out as well.
  2. Which actually bothers me is because society at large turns you into a villain by giving you the ego. No where is the more apparent than in the education system ESPECIALLY the Western style education system. At a very young age you're taken away from your parents for most of the day and given all these things to do. Then later in the school system that's when they separate everyone and make these caste systems. They make the grades and the grades are attached to you defining the kind of person you are and the kind of person you are going to be. The people who get the better grades are the ones who's egos are fed the most. Basically the education system especially when you get into the later years is just a trough for the ego. Almost no attention is paid to getting in touch with your true self. Only your fake self. The grades, the diplomas and degrees that are posted on the wall (showing everything the ego has accomplished). I don't know about anyone else here but, I think that an enlightened society would never create something like a public education system that's just based purely on competition and giving out grades. Then again I run into the problem of my own ego by writing down this statement about how the education system is and what it does to people it's my ego that wants the attention for the good that I'm trying to do (or I think I'm doing) by bringing attention to this problem.
  3. BTW @Salaam the 9th post here is my story. The main reason I joined this forum is to find people with either similar stories or pain in their past who I could relate to. Then I want to take everything I learn to do some public speaking and speak about important topics to help others.
  4. @Salaam I also don't appreciate it either when people who haven't been through what you've been through think they can talk about it as if they are an expert on the subject. Also I want to know if you spoken to those disgusting people who did those things and what there motive was. That or they are either mentally deranged. Also I'm glad that you and your wife spent time healing and growing I think that's what we're all ultimately trying to do here.
  5. I think most people tired of the status quo may create heroes.
  6. I guess the best way to look at it is that enlightenment is a state of mind rather than a set of dictates that a person has to live their life by. If you were a friendly person before enlightenment you'd be a friendly person after and if you were a grumpy person before enlightenment you'd still be that grumpy person. Or maybe a better way to think about it is that you'd most likely have the same personality and know you didn't exist instead of having that personality and thinking you existed... I'm kinda confused but, I'll get the hang of it.
  7. I watched that stuff. I guess not doing anything to help out would be the Zen Devil.
  8. @Leo Gura I'm also wondering if enlightened people would save others from concentration camps if they had the chance or if the whole no good no evil paradigm would make them complacent and say that suffering, pain and fear is all a part of life so what's happening isn't good or bad it just is so there is no need for me to do anything. Again I might be thinking of this from a selfish ego perspective but, I guess until I can have an ego less experience I worry about these things.
  9. @Rocky what actions is he talking specifically that seem passive aggressive?
  10. @Arkandeus It sounds great in theory but, I'm worried about practice. Let's say that during WW2 the allied powers had this kind of mindset... Let's say if they thought about turn the other cheek and loving everything. What would compel them to fight the battle against the Nazis? They'd think to themselves like oh people are dying over there and genocide is being committed but, there is no point in doing anything about it because it wont bring those people back... Or let's say you're in a situation where someone in your family is getting death threats from a known criminal. What would you do? Of course these are hypothetical but, I'm concerned if showing kindness to cruel people is being cruel to their victims.
  11. @Arkandeus Does that mean murderers and people who do those kinds of things shouldn't be punished? They should just be able to roam free among the general population?
  12. Well life is just as much as an illusion as death. I mean when I think about it I don't know what I was before I was born...
  13. Day 3: Yesterday was quite the emotional roller coaster it started by going up I did a focus group on cars and got a check for a good amount of money. Then I'm so nervous about if I won the video boot camp I was in so I could get a mentor ship with the creators of the program. I told myself if I can finally get that mentor ship I have success in life in the bag and I can finally get my amazing and inspiring content out to the masses. So I come home from the focus group to see that the minute I get on the group discord chat one of the admins is congratulating me that I was one of the winners. I am so happy for my life I finally have a chance to work with professionals. Then other people come out of the woodwork and congratulate me on winning. Then what sucks is that the only reason they thought I won because I didn't is because the winners of the program are in green but, if you search for someone on the spreadsheet their name turns up in green (go figure). So it turns out that I actually didn't win so I was really disappointed. The unfair part about it was the way the bootcamp was set up was that some people worked alone and some in teams the people who worked individually with a score of 23 or higher for their video ended up the winners. Unfortunately for me my video got a score of 23 the exact number I needed to win if I were working individually but, unfortunately I was in a team where people ended up with sub-par scores. The team that won the highest score was a 22 but, the average of their team was higher than the averages of all the other teams. The thing I hate the most in life is when what other people do effect you and this is a fine example mind you the people weren't doing anything bad but, their level of work was way below my level of work. In this Universe though sometimes it's the ugly truth like when a mother has AIDS the offspring gets AIDS or if the mother decides to smoke and drink while pregnant the baby that's going to be born ends up suffering for it. I dislike that fact about life so much but, I have to find a way to accept it and for it not to bother me. The silver lining in all this is that they still haven't seen the last video and will be handpicking more people to individually mentor so I can just cross my fingers for now. The other thing is there is a chance I may not get picked but, I'm not going to let that hold me back I will do my best to find a way to make my name known on the internet and spread my message. In other news I'm taking a trip down memory lane and reading from a Journal that I wrote in 10th grade. I feel comfortable sharing the memories here. One of the most inspiring things I wrote down is this. "I have a power like electricity but, how to harness the power is difficult to find out. The power can go against me, be neutral, or really help me. THE POWER OF PUBLIC SPEAKING! Like the power of electricity when you put it in water it has a negative deadly effect, when it's used on wood it doesn't do anything a neutral effect, and when it's harnessed with technology and light bulbs it has a very good positive effect that as of now it benefits the world. That's the same correlation/parallel that I want my public speaking talent to have." So anyway the overall gist is that the negative effect is speakers who use their skill to pump up people's ego and make them feel that they are superior to others and their country deserves to rule the world, the neutral effect is speakers who speak but, don't exactly inspire people, and the positive effect is speakers who inspire people to be better people and make more of their lives. I have the talent to do that but, don't know where exactly to go. I tried toastmasters I did well although it doesn't really feel like it's making a difference so that's why I did YouTube. Anyway looking forward to share more of my thoughts, and ideas on here in addition to meeting like minded people. Oh and I did 20 minutes of meditation Today with a metronome don't really know how it helps you but, I guess Leo said you see the results later.
  14. How old is Leo now?
  15. @sgn That thing brings back memories. Really really old ones.
  16. @aryberry Well there's two ways we can go about this stuff right now. We can either look back and feel sorry for ourselves and look at the present and the future and be glad that we learned from the experience. Even though I know it's not healthy I sometimes look back and ask why it had to be me and why it couldn't be different. I ask what I did to deserve such a thing but, we all know that the Universe is indifferent to that question and the Universe has existed for thousands of years with out us. I too find myself looking for inspirational content online that makes me happy and gives me a sense of hope and purpose. The problem is though once the video ends I'm still here in front of my computer staring at a screen and nothing has really changed in my life. What I really want is to get in contact with that person who's talking or giving that piece of advice or information once I contact them I can explain my own situation and get something specific from them into how I can change it. I think that the best thing that can be done right now since this forum hopefully has some high consciousness people is to somehow put our heads together and help each other out. For example in this post I talked about the negatives like the de-actualizers and how much of a pain in the neck my past was. So I think I'll switch gears and talk about something uplifting. For example my whole life I kind of wanted to get my name out there and turn myself into a brand I wanted to change the way the system works through that. My first step was to create a YouTube account. So I just didn't sit there and just think about it in my head. I had that YouTube page for about 9 years now. The problem was it wasn't getting any attention so I decided to join a program very recently the start of this year to help me go viral. It's been an interesting journey and this program had a bootcamp with specific things to do. I did those things and did em well and low and behold my graded project for the bootcamp got an exceptional rating and just Yesterday everyone was telling me I was among one of the winners. Then after that I got so happy and overjoyed I got the mentorship I was ecstatic. Then after that I found out I didn't win (mind you this happened Yesterday) turns out the reason I and others thought I won is when you search for your name it turns up in green (that's the color of the people who won) and one guy who searched for my name saw it in green that made everyone else search for my name and me and those other people saw it in green. Anyway I eventually found out I wasn't picked so I was annoyed. The good news is that they'll be picking more additional people to get mentored than just those people who won so I still have hope. Even if I don't get picked my content is always improving and getting better. So as you can see I'm trying to switch gears here and maybe I'll open up a whole other topic on where we are in our lives and the tangible steps we can do to take action that sometimes we are too scared or lazy to take. This really should be going on in the schools as well. Anyway watching Leo's stuff is inspiring and all but, I think that this forum would be where the real change happens because when Leo is talking I can't talk back to him (although he anticipates that when he says that we'll say well oh Leo...) so in that case since I got all my frustrations out there and can put in what actions I'm trying to take, what happened when I took them, what I learned when I took those actions, and strategizing for better actions in the future. What do you think? / @Arkandeus and @Leo Gura Does this video explain all the stuff you encounter with psychedelics?
  17. Day 2: I put something in the Self-Actualization channel that I should've really put in this journal but, I'm hoping people see it there and know my story. The more people who know about my story the better. So anyway Leo has tons and tons of videos that are so long sometimes too long and I find myself so interested in the things he has to say but, a sense of dissatisfaction when the video is over because I don't know how to make the words into action that can actually do something for my life and the worksheets seem boring though I have looked into them and done some. I think the best thing I did was actually do a meditation where I sat down and tried to concentrate on an image. I did it for 20 minutes and it was alright but, I really didn't feel a thing just bored really and I tried to stop thinking and concentrate the best I could although that seems impossible because when you think in your brain "not to think" you're still thinking about not thinking so how is that supposed to work?? In other news my petition got 13 votes and needs 87 more. This is the way I'm trying to become a hero. This nasty and sinister education system isn't working for young people these days and I feel it's actually working against them. Getting mentors into schools will be a huge step in the right direction. It's funny how everything is forced upon you at a young age and yet they call this place a free country. I'm going to try my best in the coming months to kick my YouTube channel and blog into high gear figure out more ways to get more people interested and join my cause. I hope to find many like minded people on this forum in the days and weeks ahead as well as getting to know Leo I'm glad he pops in an out here once in a while.
  18. I can totally relate to the difficult childhood part and me not being the root of my unhappiness. I always thought I was talented as well but, lived in an ignorant society that was too clueless to see my talents and the education system didn't help out either. Although at this moment I am trying to make something more of my life and meet like minded people. If you want you can take a look as my journal as well. It's called Becoming a Hero.
  19. @aryberry Well your dog in a cage analogy is the kind of thing that I experienced through most of my childhood. Even though in my opinion I was a very well behaved child unfortunately the adults in my life were not... So it all started in middle school where I felt like my school became a fascist dump that was killing my soul. Anyway I lay out my history with the education system all here In addition to feeling trapped with my school I felt trapped in my family life. It all felt like it was a boring re-run of a Television show. After my parents divorced it was just a civil war between them. What I wanted to do was get a job out of high school immediately. I knew that my only chance to get out of this cage was to be financially independent so I could live on my own and not have to deal with my parents constant bickering about one another. So in my community college I was tirelessly working with the career center to find a job but, they couldn't really help me since I hardly had experience (there is another paradox for young people you need job experience to get your first job). Then starting my second year of University the unthinkable happened I lived with my mom in the hills of Bel Air, CA from 5th grade to 9th grade. I hated living up there because I felt trapped. I had no car (and of course no one under the age of 18 does) so that meant wherever I wanted to go I had to depend on my mom for rides. I was also living with my grandparents who I shared nothing in common with. I really didn't like that house and the lack of autonomy I had up there. My only escape from my frustrations with the world, family and school was through video games. At least through video games I felt like I had some form of control even if it was just a character in a video game. So a miracle finally happened in 10th grade where we finally moved from that horrid house and we were closer to the city and closer to my school. I felt so happy that I could finally walk to school and walk home it felt great. When she wanted to move back my 2nd year of University I was in shock and at that time I didn't even have a car I was taking the bus. I moved with my dad and told my dad about it and I was crying uncontrollably about it. I didn't want to talk to my mom and my dad didn't care that I didn't want to talk to my mom either. Unfortunately though I'd only see my dad on weekends and I'd still feel like I was in a cage because at that time it was the 2008 recession and I still had a lot of trouble finding a job. Then all of a sudden a year later my dad tells me him and his girl friend are moving to a one bedroom apartment and I have to move with my mom in Bel Air. I felt betrayed and angry but, had no choice. I went to live with my mom but, I quit going to Community College all together with 3 classes left to get my AA degree. All I could think about up there was how depressed I was and how unfair and evil society was. I fell into one of the biggest depressions in my life where I didn't even want to play video games or go on the internet sometimes not even eat. It kind of felt like I was just waiting to die. Sometimes I'd just be in bed staring at the ceiling and negative thoughts going through my head almost all day. The only refuge I had from my negative depressing thoughts is when I'd go to bed. Then I would just wake up have negative thoughts running through my head until I would go back to sleep again. It was one of the worst times in my entire life. I'm happy to say somewhere down the line my Uncle bless his soul bought me a car. I finally went back to community college finished those last 3 classes I had to graduate and finally got my AA degree. Slowly but, surely I was removing myself from my depression. With that car I didn't feel like a dog in a cage anymore. Then another miracle happened that my mom moved out of that house again and this time permanently. That really helped me feel better since we moved into a great location near a gas station, a Walgreens, a shopping mall, and a museum. A complete 180 from where I lived before and I was so happy. Even though the job I got with my AA degree was at McDonalds I was just happy to work have a job and make money. That feeling for me felt great to get a paycheck and to just do something and be busy. Eventually I went back to community college again to get my transfer credits and transferred to a University. I was also lucky enough not to have to take out any loans. I used the money I saved up to go to vacations to far away countries. When I did that I felt like the opposite of that dog in a cage. Like my destiny was finally in my own hands and I was free to do what I wanted it felt amazing. I graduated from that University with a BA in Communications and now I started a blog and a YouTube page that I'm trying to get off the ground. I want to use my experiences of getting over my depression and making videos to inspire more people and students who may be depressed and going through a hard time. I just don't know how to get myself and my story out there. What to do with YouTube to make myself bigger and brand myself. I am getting help though I paid for a mentor and in addition to that I paid for a program and I'm even looking into Leo's life purpose course. My life has really been a bumpy ride thus far but, I honestly think that all my worst days are behind me and I've learnt so much after all the pain I've been through. I will write more about my journey and what I'm trying to do in the self-actualization journal I started called being a hero. Anyway I rambled on and on. What I'm really here to do is meet like minded people and make friends with them. People who want to change the world and make the most out of their lives.
  20. @ashashlov If you want to look at it that way sure. I'm not labeling the people as de-actualizers just their behavior as de-actualizing. I know it would alleviate a lot of pain in myself if I just accepted them but, I'm working on it. Somehow even though I have to come to terms with this and this is just the way the world works. I find the greatest injustice of all to be bringing someone into the world and abandoning and/or abusing them because they never gave permission to be born... if you catch my drift. We all know we live in a world that doesn't care, we see innocent people in Syria getting bombed etc. For me the worst sensation in this world is the feeling of deep psychological, emotional, or physical pain and I know sometimes we can use that pain to grow. The thing I think though is throughout human history we have done so much to get rid of unnecessary pain sometimes and I think that it's a good idea. If everything is all the same and nothing made a difference then what's going to stop you from getting naked tomorrow and playing in traffic? It's all the same in the end though. I know the Universe isn't going to care if you decided to get naked and play in traffic but, I'm sure you wouldn't do it because you have some common sense. In a way you are right feeling superior to anyone isn't a winning strategy and you should look for the goodness in everyone. The thing is though with some people you don't want their negativity rubbing off on you. That doesn't mean you have to hate them but, that just means that you alone can strategize to live your own life to the fullest. I also know that in the end though we all end up expired and gone from the planet anyway so I see your point but, at least the journey can be a better one instead of one that sucked. Also once you've reached that point in your life where you are at a really good place but, other people feel like their sinking in quick sand you can be the one to throw a rope to them to pull them out instead of just stand above laughing at them and feeling superior. The part I don't like is when they are sinking and they are dragging themselves down with you. In some cases some people can realize their own faults but, let you live in a way where you can find your passions and find better people. In this case I compare it to two people stuck in a pit one person can prop up the other person so at least that person can get out of the pit. Then in return the person who is out of the pit can go search for help and get the other person who propped him out of the pit some help by bringing in a rescue team.
  21. Day 1: Well technically not Day 1 but, I'd just thought I'd call it that so I can label the other journal entries and not go back up and edit the first one. Anyway I don't know about you guys but, I think most people go through their lives like zombies/robots and my friends and family are no exception. Except the very closest friend that I have. I'm trying to break out of that kind of lifestyle but, I find it very hard to speak with people who are on the same intellectual and spiritual frequency that I am on. Me and my friend made a video though. Basically what I normally do for my videos is I sit in front of my desktop and start filming from my webcam and I edit from there. The video quality is usually not that great but, thank goodness I got a lapel mike and started recording from that so the sound quality is much much better. I always wanted to give fiery passionate speeches though but, never really knew how to convert that into a YouTube video while I was sitting down. In that case I had an idea. I told my friend to record me with the iPad while I was on the couch so that's what we did. At first it was annoying to form all these amazing thoughts in my mind into a video I could make standing up on the couch. I made a lot of mistakes and got especially frustrated when I lost my train of thought in the middle of my filming. Eventually I managed to get it all out. The problem is though that people's attention spans these days are short and they don't have the time to look at something long and something that has an overarching message. That's why I spent time finding interesting photo's, sound effects, and background music to put in the video. Along the way I finally learned how to use better editing software and just went for it. The editing of the video was torture but, after a day and a half I finally managed to edit the whole thing and put it together. I know that this may not be the best thing in the world but, I'm glad that instead of sitting down and just thinking about the amazing video I wanted to make and not actually doing it. I can actual do a slightly amazing video in real life instead of just sitting down and thinking of all these wonderful ideas only to have them stuck in my head and not get into the public eye. So with out further ado here is the video I made.
  22. @LRyan what exactly are you talking about with your psychologist that you can't talk to with us here? Of course if it's too personal I understand.
  23. @LRyan Then you have to dissect the problem a bit more. What were you passionate about when you were growing up? What did you always want to do in the world? The problem with school I noticed was that it doesn't really help people out with these kinds of things. Sometimes it's scary when we have no safety net and can't rely on people to help us but, we can still slowly transition into somethings we've always wanted to do step by step and not take a dangerous giant leap. About the medical professional I guess it really depends with how long you've been with that person and how much they know you. I know that nothing sucks more than seeing some kind of therapist or professional helper that doesn't see eye to eye with you. Although with so many of those kinds of people in the world you can always change them.
  24. What kinds of things are you thinking about? What's confusing you specifically?
  25. So anyway ever since I was young I enjoyed playing video games but, there was a period of my life when I was a Freshman in high school and I was telling myself that maybe older people are right and I should drop the video games and start socializing more and making friends. So I became this fake bubbly personality who pretended I was this changed person who was more social and trusting of people. That actually ended up being a disaster I felt fake and inauthentic and things started getting worse for me in 10th grade and I felt inadequate. Then in 10th grade this amazing video game came out and in this game you could almost do whatever you wanted like call in a Helicopter or a Tank and battle enemy bases and you could call in airstrikes on your enemies and have all sorts of fun. It also gave you that sense of being a hero when you're fighting against a dictator and defeating him. What's the point that I'm making it's this Leo in some of his videos talks about video games being a waste of time and I also believe that's true to a certain extent. Let me just say though I find it ironic because I'm thinking that he was at one point a big fan of video games himself. I think it's the people who really enjoy video games but, not just any video games the video games that take us on these amazing adventures those people think that somehow there is something more to life than we are seeing (I may be wrong on this though). Like Leo too I always had fantasies of creating but, not just the amazing video games that he talks about in his videos that he had in his mind to develop in my mind when I was really young I made an imaginary place that I could escape to. I also think that video games can teach people things too like how to be persistent and how to experiment in your life with different techniques until one technique finally leads to success. Not only that but, I think that life is like a video game as well. Some people are born with a strategy guide (which is someone like a parent and/or a mentor to guide them through life or a really good self help book), you also start the game of life with default setting (like your genetics, the kind of family and culture you are in, and the economic and social status you have), and really lucky people get cheat codes (like the people who are super privileged because of their parents and their background e.g. trust fund babies). Although I do agree that some people take it to the extreme with video games and it takes over their life and they become unproductive lazy citizens. I honestly think that's not true for anyone and their is something about games who have deeper insights into life. Me for instance when I listen to Leo's videos unlike the average person I wasn't so shocked and surprised because I knew society was full of crap because of all the bad things that I see in the world. Also I can better understand Leo's enlightenment analogy when he talks about there being no you and it just seems real. I compare it to a 3D Imax movie when you put on your 3D glasses and it seems like the stuff in the movie is coming at you when you reach out your hand and try to touch that stuff when you try to grab hold nothing is there. So that's kind of like what our monkey minds do to us. What do you guys think?