Revolutionary Think

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Everything posted by Revolutionary Think

  1. Some things that I 3D printed.
  2. It's like a son that's so happy to see his long lost dad. Anyway I just saw that picture and started laughing hysterically. What are the odds though that there are two people with the same exact haircut, same exact black background, and same exact idea of making different body gestures for their thumbnails both talking about self actualization and life improvement topics. It's just so fitting and I find I'm wondering if Leo and Brett personally know each other and if not maybe I can introduce them. Anyway it's funny how we think the universe is so random yet we can find such amazing patterns and similarities. I just wanted to put this out there because seeing this made me happy in a comedic sort of way. What do you guys think?
  3. Depends on how you think about it.
  4. Read this article and tell me what you think.
  5. I have a hunch. The voices of ego, anger, and insanity are loud but, the voices of humbleness, kindness, and reason tend to stay calm and collected. The idea I have are people who are loud with their kindness and reason. People who changed our world for the better were kind and humble they still knew how to find a way to make themselves loud enough to listen to their messages. When we embrace voices of kindness and happiness when it gets amplified enough we can at least give that the most attention and deprive the ego and anger driven people from what they crave the most. I was also thinking that we can write RIS on the graves of people like who do this kind of damage to our world. RIS would stand for Rest in Sh*t. Do that so the other person who thinks when he does something nasty will know he wont be remembered or cared about. Once these kind and reasonable voices are amplified enough and reach out to people hopefully those other voices of ego and anger will be ignored by most other people and it'll hopefully make the world a better place to live in... This is just a hunch.
  6. @SOUL I think that video you've shown doesn't represent the average Trump supporter just a lunatic at the airport who's racist.
  7. Well I think the main cause of all this is a system you grow up in that wants to build a fake version of yourself. Schools are factories that produce docile unhappy workers. When things get bad enough people snap and go insane. I think that all people who value being happy and doing what they enjoy should be working to have a revolution. I'm not talking about that as in a bloody coup but, more like a revolution of ideas and speaking to people about what we can have instead of what we have now.
  8. @Leo Gura OK so if I did it out of the kindness of my heart then it wouldn't go full circle? I guess I'll make a living doing 3D printing that I'm learning in that case. Also ironically the circle gets fuller because you're charging for your life purpose course. So you're your own enemy too. I'd tell you to put your money where your mouth is but, in this case I guess put your money where your mouth isn't then it's not monetized.
  9. @Leo Gura It's goes much deeper than being spiritually bankrupt it's full on stupidity. How can we have a public education system that is stupid enough not to teach young people about their passion, how to make money, and how money works. That being said how could the citizens be stupid enough not to question such a stupid system. I guess it just goes full circle. Even for the most anti-spiritual super practical person in the world. The current system of education we have isn't even practical and nobody is up in arms about it. Our society is a brainless dump... I just needed to put that out there. The question is though my life purpose is to bring this to the attention of the public and somehow monetize my efforts as well. Will your life purpose course help me with that?
  10. I'm thinking more along the lines of what was said in the article. Like working a job that you've checked out on and have no desire to do. I could only imagine it's much worse over there though.
  11. @Hungry_Duck you don't seem that hungry when you're offering so much food
  12. I know it isn't healthy but, sometimes I can't help it. When I was younger I went through a lot of crap that I like to think wasn't my fault. The two main things that bothered me the most was my parent's divorcing and school feeling like prison. I felt like the world was against me. I had to suffer for other people's decisions that they made that effected my life. I grew up not enjoying my family situation and not enjoying my school situation. With my family situation I was an introvert in an extrovert environment and not only that I was in the middle of my parents fighting a war against each other and I was used as a pawn. Then when it came to school middle school was a nightmare because I was given way too much work and I couldn't keep up with it not to mention it was boring work that didn't mean anything for me. When high school was finally over I wanted a job as soon as possible to afford my own place and be away from my family situation. I started doing well in College later but, was actively searching for a job with no luck. That's when it happened I got more vindictive. I said to myself here I am a person with talent, passion, and intelligence who feels abandoned and betrayed from society at large. Then I looked at older people the generation before my generation as a bunch of greedy corrupt lying morons that were destroying the planet. I started to hate society for the lies I was told that doing well in school meant doing well in life when even after school I felt like I was in the same helpless situation because I couldn't get a job to make money and I felt like I was trapped. Sometimes I night I think about all the dreams and aspirations I have and how I'm going to succeed but, then a vindictiveness also comes out about the society I live in and how I'm ever going to reach my goals when all these morons around me don't even acknowledge my existence and yet celebrities and stupid people on TV get all the attention while people like me are left behind. Although throughout the years growing up and going on vacations, meeting new people, coupled with the fact of seeing a therapist and going to the poetry lounge and doing slam poetry about my situation to let off some steam have helped. Also with in the past week I've reached a breakthrough point where I was about to go into a vindictive thought spiral but, then I told myself the people I'm so annoyed at were children who didn't know what they were doing themselves. These people are also to a certain extent trapped in their mind like I am and there is no use in getting annoyed with in my own mind because it wont do anything. When I thought that to myself that one night it really helped. Although from time to time these vindictive negative thought spirals do emerge I think I am making progress with my meditation habit and being a part of this forum. Anyone else feel this way? Care to chime in?
  13. I remember in a post I posted before you talked about how your past was also troubled. Is the advice you're giving me how you got over it?
  14. @username As for the victim video earlier in my life I fell under the 1st category I was depressed and had very pessimistic thinking. Now I think I fall into the 2nd category (and that's improvement) I think I have a pretty decent life right now but, as far as relationships and career go I'm thinking there is so much there for me and I don't know how to get there. I'm very good at public speaking and I really want to build a brand out of my YouTube page and my blog. I am having some trouble finding like minded people that share my vision and that I can collaborate with. I just keep thinking that if I meet the right people things will get so much better for me. I get lucky and do meet people like this and I'm happy in the moment but, unfortunately it doesn't stick. Those people usually fade away from my life or they are too busy and doing some other things. I have all these ideas in my head of what I want to do although I'm having trouble to implement them. For example I started a petition to bring mentors to schools The fact is that I'm always thinking to myself if only I had a radio show or a TV show to reach a wider audience and talk about subjects that I'm passionate about. People tell me I'm really good at being a performer things like writing a script and giving a speech. The problem is that I need some guidance on how to achieve my goals. They are very attainable goals that sometimes seem so close to me yet the reality kicks in and they seem so far again. I'll just have to hang in there.
  15. Thanks @Hungry_Duck you're understanding yet, not patronizing. @Dingus I'ts not so much a booboo as it is more like bunch of deep flesh wounds but, yeah with this consciousness work I'm working on getting new flesh basically. @username I watched those and let's just say easier said than done. I've at least taken the initiative of signing up with a program that's going to teach me job skills for the future.
  16. @Leo Gura Does subtraction meditation sound like genuine meditation. I joined these people because of your videos but, a lot of people on the forum say that they are BS because you have to pay them for guided meditation.
  17. @Dead_Mouse Good one. @Cameron24529 If someone offers me something I either say yes or no. What do they do when you say no thank you?
  18. Fair enough. Although does not manipulating mean not taking action and just letting life "happen to you"? I'm really concerned with what that actually means... Say I wanted to get a good job to afford a nice place would that already be an agenda and the way to manipulate the situation to fit into that agenda is to get some job skills at a local University to put that on a resume and give it to an employer to serve that agenda? Or would it be a better idea to do some inner work first to know why I want that nice place first? Let's say though while I was doing that inner work I was avoiding the more practical things like making money from a job because I wasn't concentrating on that and the quality of my life went down because I couldn't afford a good place and healthy food. This stuff isn't so black and white for me but, I'm hoping with the help of you and this community I can figure out much more and achieve true happiness in life instead of fake happiness (if that's even a thing).
  19. So if we stripped all of those things that you mentioned... Will it eventually lead to an enlightened society or a jungle? I'm learning here but, it seems like it'll all come full circle eventually. Reminds me of the Tea Peter episode in Family Guy The episode where they get rid of the government and then everything goes haywire and then they make a government again.
  20. Leo in one of your videos you say that just because a person doesn't believe in good and evil it doesn't mean he'll automatically go out and do a bunch of terrible things because his or her mind isn't wired that way and that makes sense. Although I do worry that with this new paradigm even if a mind isn't wired to do "certain things" what if an incentive is there to do "certain things". Let's just say hypothetically speaking there is a poor person who is struggling to pay for food and someone comes along with a gun and a picture of a person and tells that poor person that if he or she shoots this other person they will get a million dollars and all their financial problems will be solved. With out a good and evil paradigm what kind of fail safe would there be against that type of behavior? I know you can say that with the good and evil paradigm it doesn't even work anyway and that's a valid point to make. Though I think with the good and evil paradigm it would be less likely for that poor person to do such a thing. If good and evil is really just an invention made in the human mind then what good is the justice system? @Leo Gura I'm glad that you are also an advocate of education reform as well but, just imagine if you went to a school assembly and in front of a bunch of impressionable hormone raddled teenagers you talked about no such thing as good and evil. Then wouldn't all the bullies on the playground want to pick on all the kids that they perceive as weak and then the councilor wouldn't do anything or even join in the bullying because good and evil don't exist? I also think of the economic collapse as well. What's there to stop the super rich from scamming and cheating everyone else if good and evil are an illusion? Good and evil may just be illusions in the human mind that bring suffering to those that believe in it. I'm just worried that if this information gets in the hands of extremely narcissistic people they can use it as an excuse to ruin the world and other people's lives for their own benefit. Last time I checked the majority of the world is low consciousness not high consciousness. If you somehow introduced this new paradigm to the hordes of low consciousness people and they believed you them I'm afraid there would be nothing to stop low consciousness people in positions of high power to use all that power for their personal benefit ruin the planet and other people's lives just to satisfy their own greed and narcissism. What would stop the powerful from picking on the weak and taking everything they have from them? What would stop someone from making their lives easier at the expense of putting other people in abject misery, suffering, and depression? What would stop society from pure survival of the fittest mentality?
  21. Day 6: I keep thinking that it will happen eventually. Eventually if I try hard enough and do my due diligence that I'll get discovered. That something I write or a video I make is so incredibly profound that people will want to know more about me, who I am, and will want to get their advice from me. It makes me wonder how many other people have lived through out history that we'll never know about because people were too low conscious to even pay attention to them? Maybe there were people out there who poured out their heart and soul to create something bigger than themselves and to propel humanity towards enlightenment that we'll never get to read about in any history book because they just faded away into obscurity because people were too ignorant to pay attention? I dedicate this journal entry to them. This isn't for the Martin Luther Kings, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerbergs and Gandis out there in the world, no. This post is for the forgotten ones. The ones who we'll never know a thing about but, we can be sure that they existed, they may have never gotten their 15 minutes of fame or international attention. Although they may have been working just as hard and just as diligently as the people I just listed. In the end though even the people who do appear in history books and are talked about after they pass away they are not eternal either. I'm here sitting at my desk and writing this on my computer and out there people could be talking about me and writing things about me right now but, if I'm not there to experience it how will I ever know that it's happening? That's the worst thing about being recognized or known after you pass away. You're not there to enjoy the fruits of your labor. It's like getting a deposit of a million or more into your bank account after you are dead... why do you care? I mean life just seems like one big cosmic joke because it inevitably going to end in the life not being there. That's why I think @Leo Gura talks about the importance of enlightenment because you don't exist and even if some how we do exist eventually we will not exist so it's important to come to terms with that sooner rather than later so we can achieve a peaceful state more easily. I find it funny how parents think their children owe them something for bringing them into the world when they never asked to be brought into the world. The world has existed for thousands of years before you were brought into it so does it really make sense that all those years of non-existence you where actually asking to exist? Ironically your existence is non-existence anyway and even if you think that you are existing it'll eventually end in non-existence anyway... These are the questions that keep me up at night sometimes. It always seems like a bothersome joke for me that I get so close and yet I'm always so far. I get in touch with someone who I think can further spread my message and be of a huge help to me but, sometimes it doesn't end up rather well. I came the closest when I almost got that mentor ship from JumpCut and I was ecstatic then I found out it was a glitch and I just didn't win it. I have all of the raw materials to achieve success. I am an amazing performer and people can feel a certain aura when they are around me. All I need is something to harness this energy and to do something with this aura and it's like no matter who I reach out too it's never something that is sustainable. With the mentor ship it would've been sustainable because I would've had access to the people who had done it before and they could've told me specifics to work on. It's like somehow this big fat jerk of a world always puts my hopes up and dashes them at the last minute. I need to think of some kind of strategy to have that not happen in the end. I can say though that I am happier that the past is over but, it seems that I am stuck at this point of equilibrium that I can't seem to break out of. If anything though with all my information out there in cyberspace and I'm adding more and more every day I'm hopefully that something will eventually happen. I'm only 28 and have my whole entire life ahead of me. On the bright side the latter the day is the more sweet it's going to be and the more I can savor it. So for now I'll just hang in there. Even if the day never comes I can be glad that I laid everything out on the table and held nothing back.
  22. Recently I joined a form of meditation called subtraction meditation where you recall all your past memories and throw them into a black hole. The way it works is that I go to a place with separate rooms and it's a guided meditation. First they tell me to close my eyes and imagine a scenario where I am about to die and I do die. Whether it's death by a storm, car accident etc. Then after you die you become a ghost and you float up into space where you can see the earth and sun get smaller and smaller as your ghost goes higher and higher. Then the ghost is basically and illusion and you're in front of a black hole and the idea of the black hole at this point you open your eyes and see a small black circle in front of you. What you do after that is bring up all your memories from the past while you repeat a phrase "please truth eliminate the false" as in the Universe is true but, every picture you created reality with is false. Then you bring up all your past memories repeat the phrase and throw all your emotional baggage/memories/pictures in the black hole. These sessions go from an hour to two hours. They charge money but, I'm thinking I can do the same exact thing at home... Here is the website that describes it
  23. @philosogi I think the meditation has been helping a bit but, nothing that I can't really get doing it at home. If I don't feel those super positive effects that they say happen I'm not giving a penny more.
  24. I think extreme suffering is one of the worst things that exist in the world. That being said do any of you think that the mere act of giving birth is immoral? Here is some food for thought.
  25. Well I'm just wondering if it's a coincidence that @Leo Gura put the Highest Hero Journey video near the time I opened up the what creates a hero thread. The problem is that with my journey I'm wondering where to start and where to start really means how to start. This is what you don't learn in school or in society. What I wanted to make my life purpose into is being a person somewhat of a leader that people could look up to and get inspiration from. Why I wanted to do this is because I went through a personal hell and basically this hell manifested itself in my childhood with my parents divorce and feeling really bad at school because I had trouble making friends and I really didn't like school because it felt like a prison. Older people around me told me when I grew up I'd understand that life has to be this way and the older you get the harder and more boring things are so get used to it because it's not going to get any better. I honestly thought those people were nuts and out of their minds and by seeing everything I saw at this age it turns out I was right at that age. So basically what I want to do now is help those young people out there who are going through the hell I was going through while I was growing up by doing something about this unhelpful education system and these terrible divorce laws that don't take into account how these younger people are feeling. The problem is though say if I'm successful with that and people love me for it. Would that love and recognition I crave so much right now lead it to just feeding my ego and that ego being fed being a bad thing that will make me ironically into a villain?? Really at this point I look back that I quit my job about the start of the new year to invest into my YouTube channel and blog full time and all I am doing is pounding the pavement and going through trial and error to get people to pay a little bit of attention. I released my newest video which is my best and gained 15 subscribers and I'm hoping that means something in the long run. I like to say that I started a meditation habit and Leo said that's the best thing we can do for ourselves. I've been meditating for a week sometimes I do it with a metronome that Leo said was a good way to stop monkey mind. Sometimes I do a guided meditation that I find a YouTube video and they have positive affirmations. I'm still on the fence about buying the life purpose course. The thing is that I already specified my life's purpose at a young age of being the person who changes the way the system works, who is going to use his influence to open up a conversation about the education system in a way that gets people talking, thinking and listening about ways to change it for the better. My purpose of one day making that fiery impassioned speech and holding nothing back in front of millions of people. That purpose of being a symbol of hope for the next generation that's confused about what they are doing and where they are headed. I want to become a person who speaks with scientists, doctors, and philosophers of what can be done to improve our world and living situation for the better be on the vanguard of science and technology. The problem is I think about this and it feels great at the moment. Then I realize something all I'm doing is sitting in front of the screen talking about the big lofty goals that I have for myself, humanity, and the future. The problem is I have no idea who I should talk to, how I should do any of this, and if anyone is out there who is willing to listen and take me seriously. I wish I lived in a real community where people got together and talked but, in a place like Los Angeles I feel like a fish out of water. I was born in this city but, this city is not a part of my DNA it's not a part of who I am and I share no interest in what is going on here. The last question I have is for those of you who have a life purpose in your head and kind of knew from a young age what it was has Leo's life purpose course helped you to get that purpose out of your head and actually do something with it in reality because right now I'd give anything for something like that.