Revolutionary Think

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Everything posted by Revolutionary Think

  1. I followed him and all he did for 3 years until finally in a twitter space I got a chance to talk to him.
  2. So I have Andrew Yang's personal cell number and suggested that he do a talk with Sam Altman about open AI and ChatGPT and it's effect on the workforce and the future. I even told him we can get Elon Musk involved and he just went "oh ya that's cool let's do it." I asked him if he still had an in with Altman and said "yup". This is exciting and it seems if I can put it together for WPKN he's be interested. It looks like it'll be really cool. Wish me luck this could be some kind of big break for me.
  3. I like this kind of family feel. Like you can call your cousin, nephew, and uncle a schmuck from time to time but, still make jokes with them and not hate them and them not hate you after you did that.
  4. I'm glad we can criticize him and he does admit to his faults. If that didn't happen then we would be a cult. So yes it's a very good thing we're not.
  5. I thought you said 6 fingers as in chicken fingers or something . Anyway I made the same joke once with salary. I thought it was celery. I said who the hell would enjoy getting paid with those. I guess they're pretty though
  6. Well to each their own. I'm happy that you are starting to realize some of your own arrogant behaviors and making amends. A lot of other teachers would just deny, project, and call their audience ungrateful and undeserving so you're definitely not that type of person and that's a good thing. Just remember that you're not doing it for the Lowest Common Denominator. Just because a few kids in class are screaming, yelling, being clowns, and not taking the class seriously you still have those students who are the opposite of that and actually do appreciate what's going on and doing the work. Teach for those students not the rotten ones and you'll be fine. I really appreciated your latest video on Andrew Taint. The humor in it was fantastic and the only people you were talking down to was him and the people who admired him. I felt no direspect arrogance and ego in that video on your part. (Well to be fair some people may have but, since I'm nothing like those people I was cracking up after all those jokes after that hour mark). Keep fighting the good fight @Leo Gura and do know that for every 1000 people who don't appreciate it maybe 1 out of that thousand does. So if you do the math and know you have over a million subscribers that's still a lot of people. Do it for them
  7. Hit the nail on the head.
  8. No I think you're wrong. @ivankiss has a point.
  9. So ever since 2019 I've been following Andrew Yang and his message of Universal Basic Income (UBI). I was out there campaigning for him spreading his name message etc. After he suspended his campaign I got a bit depressed. The good news is that I joined his Forward Party. I was in some Twitter spaces he was in and I also recruited a whole bunch of people to his cause. I told him in a twitter space since we both follow each other on twitter than I wanted to have a private conversation with him and got out of the room. I shared my personal cell with him through a Twitter message and lo and behold he calls me back! I think this is a big milestone in my life. It shows you the power of persistence despite resistance.
  10. I just thought it's appropiate to post this video of my experience with an online scam because @Leo Gura put up the Andrew Tate video. Mind you this was a financial scam not a dating scam but, a scam non the less. I go into intricate detail on how it works and the manipulations and tricks they use.
  11. I was listening to the episode about Andrew Tate and when @Leo Gura talked about Batman telling the girls he's going to save Gotham city by having them appear nude on a webcam I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath. It was GREAT!
  12. I also noticed now Leo is saying "click the like button" and not "click the like button for me" I was thinking "what you can't click your own like button Leo". . Shouldn't everyone know how to click their own like buttons in life and not rely on others . I'm feeling in a jokey fun mood Today ever since the Andrew Tate video Leo did a fantastic job.
  13. I'm listening to the rest of it. I really like this episode because I'm so SICK AND TIRED of these online scamming hustlers hucksters and all around douchebags. Keep making episodes like this. People like Andrew Taint are a scourge on the Zeitgiest of humanity. Keep doing what you're doing. It's appreciated.
  14. By pimping out Bat Girl
  15. So any way my parents are from Iran and met in Los Angeles and had me to make a long story short. Now that I see the fervor in the Iranian people and they're fight for regime change it makes me happy. At the same time I am shocked and disgusted at the lengths the regime is willing to go to to straight up kill and murder people in the name of staying in power. At this point it seems like they're willing to kill everyone in the country who is against them with out any remorse or conscience. What do you all think will happen. All I can basically do is pray they are successful from across the pond and maybe write some letters to my representatives. It's interesting to watch but, I feel so bad that they are being treated the way they are just because they want to enjoy the same freedoms that we take for granted in places like Asia, Europe, and America. It really gives me perspective into how priveledged and lucky I am. I don't feel guilty that I have this priveledge and luck because me feeling that way isn't going to help them. I'm just wondering what will. Anyway I just wanted to get this message out there.
  16. No one is talking about NATO liberating the Persians and there are more than just Persians in Iran. The Iranians are going to liberate themselves. They made a mistake in 1979 (not the ones who were kids or born after 1979 they made no mistake) The mistake is being fixed though by them.
  17. Hamas certainly doesn't care.
  18. It's awesome you guys are mederators and supporting me on this. Thanks.
  19. Hi everyone I'll start with this at a young age I was always the "nice guy" I was always saying that it was ok when I didn't get my needs met just to not be a rabble rouser. I was very conservative too and hardly wanted to bother my parents I thought my parents worked hard for there money and I wasn't working so I didn't feel like I should ask them for things I didn't earn. Another things was that I wanted to always find a way to help even at my own expense because I thought it was "the right thing to do". Until... I want to live a life that I like and I'm tired of sacrificing my needs. Me and I coworker blew up on my manager and I was really mean to one of my higher ups at great risk and now I think he has more respect for me and bothers me and my coworker much less. I also blew up on my own mom too telling her so many things that I waited to tell her for a long time. More of this and instances of this in my life where I argue with people I would just say OK maybe you're right to those people. It feels really good and empowering to stand up for myself and not be so conflict avoidant that just to keep the peace I suffer in silence. Anyway just wanted to put that out there.
  20. None of this bullshit where you're in front of the camera telling us how inferior we are to you and your enlightenment @Leo Gura it's just demoralizing and annoying. I've reached this that this that this that and you're not even 1/999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 of where I am. This is just ridiculous and unproductive because if we are there what hope do we have of getting to 2/999999999999999999999999999 of where you are? Or whatever the hell. You're just making these assumptions. I think we need more moralizing content that gets our spirits up intead of just being told "you think you know something... you don't know anything" attitude that pervades your videos. (Some of your videos) anyway that'll be all. Peace.
  21. yup!
  22. Well they burned Ayatollah's Khomeni's house and museum lol. I think things will never go back to normal in Iran and the regime will eventually die. Multiple Basij and IRGC terrorist offices and bases have been burnt to a crisp. Karma is coming for these asswipes.