Revolutionary Think

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Everything posted by Revolutionary Think

  1. @Sage_Elias how's that working out for you?
  2. Thank was enough to make you financially independent?
  3. This describes how blue can act the way blue does. (Even orange for that matter)
  4. Interesting so it was all a stumble upon. None of it was through anything direct.
  5. First make friends with them and then show them there's a better way. Much better than just getting triggered at their behavior and demonizing them.
  6. I think this is more yellow and/or turquoise
  7. Los Angeles CA, Orange that pretends to be green.
  8. @Leo Gura OK that's gross but, what does that mean a lot of vegetables in your diet?
  9. @metwinn what video? mine?
  10. haha
  11. As I'm listening to Leo's video about Green my mom is in the other room screaming at the TV watching the Soccer game. She even wanted me to watch it with her a when I refused she said something along the lines of how can I start a conversation with other people if I don't know about this stuff.
  12. Orange and green co-existing
  13. Ya you guys it's time for some post-conceptions. I'm going to wait for the video and then talk about green
  14. What was your job?
  15. @Nahm When did you finally become financially independent?
  16. @Nahm I guess nothing in life is guaranteed so you just need to go with the flow sometimes. I let my past traumas and angers get the best of me from time to time so next time I'll take that two hour shift and try to make it the best two hours ever. Even if it's not fair I just have to know that it's also not fair for some people to have a genetic disorder or an inherited cancer so I'll just be glad with what I have.
  17. @TripleNipple Depends on what you like. What do you see yourself doing as a career what is your passion and what do you do for a hobby.
  18. @aurum I'm projecting? I never had a job candidate to abuse and I never lied to someone and kept them in the dark as to what's going on. Try again. I think that most of these employers might be caught in stage orange but, maybe it's the society around them and the way they grew up. I understand that everyone goes through struggles and hard times like these employers I'm railing against but, the problem comes in when deception and less than courteousness behavior become a norm in our society especially the people most others rely on for a living. Maybe you should also have a bit of sympathy for the people going through a hard time as well.
  19. What do you all think about instant gratification and the meme culture? pretty orange?
  20. A rejection of orange values.
  21. I remember when Leo actually did realize this and kind of apologized for it on one of his blog posts. Just goes to show you where you're going matters more than where you've been.
  22. The damage of Orange thinking