Revolutionary Think

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Everything posted by Revolutionary Think

  1. Fry in the Robo mental hospital is like when they take healthy young people and put them in public schools.
  2. You guys want to know something funny, I always thought the BGs were girls because of their high pitched voices.
  3. Always knew something was up with the American education system.
  4. Flying a private jet does not preclude one from being Yellow. I'm pretty yellow and I love Aviation. I'd have a private jet and a helicopter not for luxury but, just to marvel at what the world looks like at that height with no babies or people making noise in the background. That would be awesome to me. Not to mention I really enjoy gadgets so learning to fly would be awesome. In fact I'd create a Jelicopter a Jet and helicopter combination that can fly in the air and it would be so awesome that other aircraft could land on it as well and fly from it as well. Thinking about all this aviation stuff makes me all giddy and happy inside. Anyway just liked to share that insight I wouldn't have the Jet and Helicopter just to show it off for material purposes I'd have it for the awesome functions they can perform and the new perspective they could give me. In fact I wrote a blog post about it
  5. Seriously this has really been getting on my nerves. So I just finished a teachers assistant job and finished my 300 hours in CAD/CAM 3D printing I called a phone number and this guy had an orthodontic lab and he wanted me to help him with the 3D models and I was so ecstatic. I go to his office no resume, no application, no interview none of that. He just gets me familiar with the software. He tells me that I'm on call but, he'll mostly need me on Wednesdays and Saturdays. So I help him out with a few of his cases then I get a call from him on Monday telling me he needs me but, only for two hours. Unfortunately for me his business is like 45 minutes to an hour away so I call and tell him to please get back to me on a day he needs me more for two hours. Then I usually go to him on Wednesday he tells me maybe I should come on another day because he only has 2 hours of work on a Wednesday too. Then Saturday and next Wednesday roll around and I hear nothing from him. So I call other Dental labs in my area one of them responds to me and tell me to come in on a training day for Monday. Then when it's time for me to learn the designing the guy I'm supposed to be learning it from is too busy to teach me because he's working on rush cases for about 4 hours. Finally only an hour and a half of the day remains and he tells me to just play around with the technology and I have to probably come back for another training day. Then the owner of the lab tells me for sure he'll get back to me tomorrow with the answer. Tomorrow passes and he hasn't gotten back. On Wednesday I give him a call and the secretary says he's going to be in back to back meetings. Then it's Thursday don't hear anything back. Then Today finally rolls around and I call him and the secretary says where she can send me that check for the training day and they don't want me. I tell her that I didn't even get a chance to train but, the secretary says it's ok because they found someone else. OK when all is said and done this really isn't the first time and it was much worse when I was in my early twenties. I don't know if any of you here are employer or personal hire people but, since you're on this forum you're different. Some employers to me are sick in the head. They are narcissistic entitled jerks who care about no one else but, themselves. Not willing to give you a chance and not treating you with the dignity and respect you treat them with. You're just raw material to them a cog that isn't even worthy to be part of their machine. Every time I go through an event like this it brings back the traumas of how terrible and soul crushingly depressing job hunting is it's honestly sickening. Were people always so stage Orange that they weren't willing to give a new generation of workers a chance. I mean for crying out loud I know factory jobs aren't amazing but, you could live a relatively decent life with a high school diploma in the past. I have a bachelor's degree and 6 months of vocational training plus 300 hours of teacher's assisting and I am still treated not that well. What the hell is wrong with people and why do they treat job seekers and people who have been working for them for a while with such little dignity and respect. Seriously what's going on here?
  6. @Leo Gura Is this Yellow with hints of turquoise or just green?
  7. Some parents do everything on this list.
  8. Right. Thanks for the clarification.
  9. @Finax Well for a country that literally sounds like do buy I guess someone should've seen it coming.
  10. I don't know if this qualifies but, it's a bit of a paradox.
  11. "This sentence contradicts itself — no actually it doesn't, yes it does, no it doesn't, yes it does." —Some other guy who was arguing with Douglas Hofstadter
  12. Here's what's kind of strange to me. Finding was purely through a friend that I would've never made if I didn't make a decision to apply for a $1000 program. If I never made that friend I'd have never known about the YouTube page, the website, and this community. So many people out there are really starving for something like this in their lives because they are so lost and so confused about the world and their place in it. I really wanted to know why Leo doesn't go public? Well maybe if he did the Fox Newss' and the CNNs' of the world wouldn't be ready for someone like him. Maybe he'd get death threats from people when he'd challenge their limiting beliefs and it'd put his life in danger. I really don't know but, this community is a hidden gem that a lot of people wont be able to find. I wonder if that should be changed or it should just remain in the shadows with the bulk of humanity not knowing about it. Probably the bulk of humanity isn't even ready for it?
  13. From Orange to Green
  14. @voxun Well you could also be talking about Stefan Molynuex lol.
  15. @Leo Gura I would be hesitant in praising the Young Turks too much. In the whole Israel vs. Palestine thing they appear to be amazingly bias. Their blind spots are pretty big and I'd be aware of that.
  16. Jeff Bezos went to a Montessori school too. So it's a mix of stage orange and green, sometimes even blue. I think it has more to do with the democratic style than it has to do with stages but, that's just me.
  17. Coincidentally I vlogged about how right brained thinkers are discriminated against in our education system.
  18. I already knew that but, I was seeing it in action.
  19. Hi all so about a month ago I volunteered for the National Space Society's International Space Development Conference. When I volunteered for those 3 days I had the time of my life. It was so exciting to learn about all the science and technology that went into space exploration. I felt like I was a VIP I was talking to all sorts of important and intelligent people rocket scientists, actors, sci-fi creators, astronauts, and not to mention I met the richest man in the world Jeff Bezos and gave him my business card. On the third day I met a Jewish Atheist (I'm Jewish myself) named Howard and we really hit it off well. We both talked about how we supported Israel and our passion for science, technology, space travel, as well as education reform. I asked Howard and if he meditated and he said no he said he'd get too bored doing nothing and he has the urge to constantly do things. I told him that my 300 hours for being a teachers assistant for a 3D printing program was expiring and if he could help me transition into another job. He said he had a press writer job in mind but, it would be volunteer and it wouldn't pay anything. So I said thought that maybe it'd be a good opportunity to network and may lead to something better so I accepted it. He gave me his email and a special number to conference call so I could get involved and talk with his friends. So after being in contact with him virtually I started to pick up on orange behaviors of people who are very analytically, scientifically, and arrogantly minded. He wanted me to write a press release about Jeff Bezos and how he saved the expanse then when I finished the press release and he edited it someone else was supposed to send it to the proper people for it to become a release that person didn't do it and I ended up losing that story that I spent so much of my time and energy on. In addition to that he scolded me for asking a question about what the difference was between the NSS and the NSC. Mind you this guy isn't even paying me. His signature for all the emails he ends is this: Author of: The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History ("mesmerizing"-The Washington Post), Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind From The Big Bang to the 21st Century ("reassuring and sobering"-The New Yorker), The Genius of the Beast: A Radical Re-Vision of Capitalism ("A tremendously enjoyable book." James Fallows, National Correspondent, The Atlantic), The God Problem: How A Godless Cosmos Creates ("Bloom's argument will rock your world." Barbara Ehrenreich), How I Accidentally Started the Sixties (“Wow! Whew! Wild! Wonderful!” Timothy Leary), and The Mohammed Code (“A terrifying book…the best book I’ve read on Islam.” David Swindle, PJ Media).Former Core Faculty Member, The Graduate Institute; Former Visiting Scholar-Graduate Psychology Department, New York University Founder: International Paleopsychology Project. Founder, Space Development Steering Committee. Board Member and Member Of Board Of Governors, National Space Society. Founding Board Member: Epic of Evolution Society. Founding Board Member, The Darwin Project. Then he gives me another assignment which is to talk about a 6 parts COTS space program and then when I ask one of his friends for more information he kind of scolds me again and tells me it's my responsibility to do my homework first and ask questions later and those 6 parts aren't even specified. The orange side here is very obvious his time is valuable and precious but, I'm just an expendable piece of raw material that's working on what he wants... He's written so many books, probably made a lot of money, and got to do so much with his life yet, here he is too cheap to pay me a stipend for what I want to help him with and he's arrogant enough to scold me when things don't go his way!? I may have felt great during my volunteer experience with the NSS but, I can now see it for the celebration of stage orange spiral dynamics that it actually was. It kind of reminds me of George Carlin when he talked about if we really want to introduce our shitty low consciousness values into space.
  20. Right exactly. First impressions are only first impressions.
  21. Leo talked about finding the holy grail in his life purpose course. So I decided to design and 3D print my own holy grail with my insignia on it.