Revolutionary Think

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Everything posted by Revolutionary Think

  2. Maybe...
  3. @TomDashingPornstar good one. This is what I like about this forum and this community those people who come here and start criticizing Leo think as if we worship him. I don't worship Leo far from it I see him more as a friend and a person that can help me not as some kind of cult leader. That's why I/we can make jokes about him and treat him like any other human being on this planet. Try cracking jokes and making fun of your rabbi's, priests, or imams and see how that goes.
  4. Oh I didn't see that thread. Do you know what it was called?
  5. @Joseph Maynor Don't get me wrong I don't mean the only one I guess I was exaggerating. The reason I said that was when I was lost in my life and I was looking for some form of truth I kept watching video of atheists debating religious people in this case it was rabbis because I am Jewish and Judaism seemed like the best way to go for a religion because throughout the years so many terrible things happened to Jewish people and they survived. Then I even went to a Jewish Young professionals place that had this non-religious Israeli guy speak about his near death experience and how it made him religious and I thought I finally found the answer that the meaning of my life is to become a religious Jew because that way I know I'm a good person and my afterlife will be secure. It wasn't until I became a bit disillusioned by the process of what being an Orthodox Jew actually meant that I couldn't do anything on Friday night and Saturday morning including driving, turning on lights, any form of work, and not being able to use anything that turned on and off. I was really suffering at that point because I always felt like I was putting my afterlife in danger. Although that was happening all atheist had to offer was nothing like nothing is important it's all meaningless deal with it and religion was if you don't adhere to these super ultra strict rules then you're going to be in trouble after you pass away. It wasn't until I found Leo's channel that it kind of felt like a middle ground atheism has gone nuts and religion has gone nuts but, here is truly finding out some kind of truth with a sense of not shoving it down someones throat and at the same time not telling them that all is just meaningless and nothing exists and it's all pointless. So that's what I got from his channel. Even when I didn't know about Leo I thought that there had to be someone like him out there.
  6. @Leo Gura well I guess you plucked out his stage orangeness out of the community
  7. Does Leo have no clothes or do the clothes have no Leo In all seriousness though I don't worship @Leo Gura or anyone for that matter but, when someone comes to me with good ideas I give that person a chance and Leo is the only person I've seen on the internet with a good sense of nuance and someone that seems like he takes the time to think about things instead of making assumptions and jumping to conclusions.
  8. @K VIL I have a YouTube page and a blog
  9. Just thought I'd share something positive with all of you. When I was younger and my life was quite painful I used to get jealous of people who had parents that were married, were enjoying their lives, had more money, did extremely well in school, knew advanced topics, and who could go on awesome vacations. Now though I see it's all a state of mind jealousy and envy aren't useful emotions and they don't do anything to improve our lives. After I went on my trips to Australia, Japan, Israel, and New Zealand by myself I thought to myself that I shouldn't have been jealous of the people who have more abundance and are happy instead I should be making friends with them and learning from them. So when I went to the ISDC and met Jeff Bezos maybe I was a little envious that he never had to worry about money a day in is life but, when I got up to him and talked to him face to face it was like he was like at the end of the day we were just people having a conversation and all that other stuff is an illusion. I have a body he has a body and we're both living on this planet. He didn't think that I was just some peasant not worthy of having a conversation with him and in fact he started the conversation because I went up to him but, didn't know what to say at first. Then when I started mingling with all the rocket scientists and space enthusiasts despite not having a background in the hard sciences it just seemed like I belonged there anyway just because I had a passion for it. I felt like I was just as much a part of it with my Communications Degree from CSUN than someone who went to Harvard and had a degree in astrophysics. So I made my way to those awesome countries I always wanted to see and now I'm part of Mars Academy USA and I'm going to be a part of something with more doctors and scientists as a 3D printing officer and who knows what awesome things are in store for me in my future. It feels so liberating not to have to have any homework assignments from school in the back of my head and not be somewhere watching someone happy and coming from a place of abundance and me shaking my fists at that person saying I deserve all of this and that person doesn't because I know now there is plenty to go around. So if you are that jealous person I was in their teens or mid-twenties know that things always evolve and change and where you are now isn't where you are going to end up. Just send your signal out into the Universe and instead of being jealous and envious from the people who have success and are in a better place than you try to emulate them and befriend them it's a much better idea. Just imagine if in Germany instead of the people being stupid and hating the Jews they knew nothing about they made friends with them and learned from them instead. More people have that mindset of abundance and love the better place this planet (and even the universe) will be.
  10. Who here loves what they do and what are the step by step action plans they took to get there. As in who here is doing a job they enjoy and getting paid a wage that either they can afford there expenses or they have exceeded what they need to pay their expenses.
  11. @CreamCat I made #1 part of my life purpose to combat it.
  12. @Leo Gura you and Bezos both have the same haircut. The funny thing is that I met Bezos at the ISDC and still haven't met you but, I have more correspondence with you. I have hope maybe I can introduce both of you to each other... you are each other lol
  13. I was wondering and it seems like a timely topic because I made a post about a vacation with my family and someone else is making a post about an upcoming vacation with their family. I want to know if most people who changed the world worked on self-actualization etc. had rifts with in their families. All I know about @Leo Gura's family are the things he's shared with us in previous episodes. His dad was looking for get rich quick schemes so from time to time they had money problems and that's where his hoarding money psychology problem came from. Then what I know about his mom is that he once tried to convince her to take psychedelics and she wouldn't because she thought it was nonsense and that she had a knack and talent for making art but, she didn't follow through with it as a life purpose. Then what I know about his brother is that he chose to get the video game at Toys R Us and that's when Leo saw it and was inspired to become a game developer. When I was younger (since I grew up with Disneyland and Hollywood I lived in Los Angeles so those things were very prominent) the movies brainwashed me into thinking that everything works out in the end. So somehow I always thought that one day people especially my family would get me and understand me in the end and I'd be accepted and honored for who I am and magically have this not obnoxious happy relationship with my family and I'd enjoy being around them in a genuine way. THAT DIDN'T COME TRUE. In fact as time went by in some cases it just got worse and worse and the rift between me and them just kept growing wider and wider. When I was past the age of 21 I saw less and less of them and things were not as obnoxious because they had less power over me and treated me more of an adult so they couldn't scold me for not being the first person to say hi to them anymore and yell at me when I was just daydreaming instead of starting a conversation with them. Not to mention there was already a war going on between my mother and father and the two sides of the family were constantly bad mouthing each other. Other than that I noticed I'm just different with my interests in general. They like gossiping about others, stick to their culture, are very stage orange in a materialistic sort of way, they like rowdiness and arguing with each other, and they seemed to have no interest in finding the Truth with a capital T. That makes me wonder that for Leo or for any of you other people on this forum if you feel the same way too? Like when you stumbled upon and you found these videos about enlightenment and self-actualization were you excited to share it with your sister, brother, mom, dad, aunt, uncle etc. Did you show them and they didn't care, did you just forget about showing them any of it because you know that it would go way over their head, or did you show them and they actually did care and join you on a journey of self actualization (in that case I think you hit the jackpot)? That leaves me with Leo I'm wondering what kind of relationship he had with his family and extended family before self actualization like if he was always the quiet one and the rest of the family wanted to talk about petty things while he was just always curios as to why they would talk about those things (like I was). Also now that he has and so many followers if his family is also following him and interested in what he is doing or is it that no matter what your career or business you are in or how much money you have you will always keep that position in your family no matter what. Like if you were always the scapegoat for your family and next thing you know you become a multi-millionare you will still be the scapegoat in your family. In another scenario if you were always the shy one in your family but, you somehow became a guru and influenced thousands of people when you come back to your family you are still that shy one. It's funny because I noticed in my family that I was always this non-threatening push over character in my family that would always accept my uncles abuse no matter what but, then when I pushed back against it my uncle didn't know what the hell to do and everyone in the family became uncomfortable and told me to calm down because it kind of pushed away from the dysfunctional dynamic of the family that they were used to. So anyway really curious to know all of this. This would be the best research for why skin color and race really doesn't matter and Eugenics is a load of bullshit because people in the same families can be so different and genes would have nothing to do with interests, personalities, IQs and Emotional Intelligence because people in the same family can be so different.
  14. @ajasatya I understand for me the biggest injustice is trying to shove something down someone's throat and call it justice. If I have some I idea I think is amazing I must remember that it is I who thinks it's amazing. This purpose is for the people out there who felt like I did in the past I felt like I was suffocating when I was younger because I hardly had anywhere to turn to (except for maybe video games) and hardly anyone I could confide in (except my one best friend). Then as I grew older I tried to little by little force my philosophy on other people and hold anger and resentment against those who didn't get it so that was me building the Temple with those bricks that represented my failure I've already been through that and want nothing of it. I just offer people who feel like there is no where to turn to and who want something better what I think is a better way where they can take it or leave it. Although I think unless they tried it they can't really know I wont be the one to force them to try it either. That's where my beef with the current society comes from because when I was growing up it felt like a lifestyle I didn't like or have passion for was being shoved down my throat by people who thought that "they were doing the right thing) my family and my teachers/education system etc. and I felt so miserable. My philosophy for this justice is that people deserve to be happy because in the grand cosmic scale of things (or at least from what we know) people didn't exactly choose to be born. So this justice is about people finding their true path and not having anything shoved down their throats by family, school, society etc. I will speak power to that philosophy and see how it works out.
  15. So after years of being angry at the "job market" for not getting what I deserve... I finally managed to get on the crew of Mars Academy USA mission 1115. How this journey started was at the National Space Societies (NSS) convention called the International Space Development Conference (ISDC) that I volunteered at about a month ago. So while I was there I over heard a conversation about 3D printing and I decided to get involved the lady there Susan said she was a part of something called Mars Academy and gave me her card and invited me to come see the 3D printers. So I emailed her a week after and didn't here back after two weeks after. Then even after her email back still nothing for another week or two. Until one day the Space Steering Committee which I am a part of had someone by the name of Bill on the telephone conference and he was in contact with Susan and Susan was supposed to talk to him. I found an alternate email Susan had used to get in touch with Bill I sent an email to that one. She responded and asked for a cover letter and resume. Turns out she was so blown away from the cover letter I had wrote (and mind you this cover letter was just a template for another job I had applied to) that she wanted me on the next analog Mars Mission in Vasquez Canyon Rocks. She told me that normally people have to pay a $1,300 participation fee but, she waived it especially for me and also they didn't exactly start people on these analog missions so fast but, they are fast tracking my internship process. Next thing I know after further correspondence with her and a Skype video interview she invites me to her house in the valley. We kind of get to know each other on a more intimate friendship level. Turns out we have a lot in common she talks about her past and I talk about my past. We both speak about how some elements of our families and societies found us a little weird and eccentric. She shares stories about her father and how her Hong Kong father fought along the side of the English against the Japanese. She brings out the 3D printer and we tinker around with it a little bit. Her son comes home it turns out that her son is an Engineer who loves video games science and technology just like I do. I keep Tinkering with the 3D printing software to get it to finally work and make something. She is impressed while the 3D printer is making something she brings a flightsuit for me to wear and takes my picture with it around the 3D printers and I make the live long and prosper sign from Star Trek. She also takes pictures of the things I've 3D printer and last but, not least I give her a demonstration of my 3D pen and she is impressed. She gives me both the 3D printers to take home and tells me she can email over some files I can work on before the mission starts. I say thank you we had a great time and I go home happy. So if I can get myself embedded with this program and among these people my years of wondering in the job hunting desert are over and I'll be one step closer to achieving my life purpose.
  16. @ajasatya Thanks
  17. @Lorcan Wrong Mars Academy. I think you stumbled upon the Mars Academy elementary school. This mars academy is Mars Academy USA it's Analog Astronaut training.
  18. To inspire people to take action for justice by speaking. So being a public speaker that talks about what we can do to live in a better less miserable world.
  19. Dan Pena Went to CSUN like I did wow that's crazy.
  20. Thanks. Hopefully more to come after I come back from the Analog Mars mission.
  21. Einstien also talks about how much he thought school was actually part of the problem