Revolutionary Think

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Everything posted by Revolutionary Think

  1. @Emeline I think this explains it then
  2. @Emeline which country are you from?
  4. Making the world of bioshock into a reality
  5. This is what happens when stage green thumbs it's nose and doesn't understand the stages below (or even above) it.
  6. I actually talked to Leo about that. I think that it'll come as a shock to people if they listen to one of his enlightenment videos where he talks about you don't exist but, at the same time when did you don't exist become you are god so if I'm god and I don't exist does that mean god doesn't exist or since it's non dual non-existence and god are the same thing anyway whatever. I talked to Leo about Andrew Yang and Leo was a bit against him in favor of Bernie although we both think both options are better than Trump. Andrew has a vision for a human centered economy and I see that as more conscious a transcendence between the socialism and capitalism duality we are used to.
  7. @Leo Gura How do we deal with devilry like this?
  8. Thank you all for your support I'm glad I have this community. The good news guys is that I am still working with the team and the team has other opportunities coming in.
  9. About 2 months ago I join a program called High Ticket Closer because I was sick and tired of the job market and how ridiculous it was to escape the rat race. I joined the program spent 100+ hours being part of the community and learning everything I can. I did well and thought I had some opportunities. The last opportunity I had was pretty nice but, when I got on calls with B2B prospects I kept having them giving me the run around and telling me they will get back to me later. Some had the intention of getting back and some didn't I explained the power of the software showed all the evidence to them in front of their face and they were all hyped up and excited for it. All of a sudden Yesterday I wake up in the morning I see a message that the influencer is not happy about the sales that we aren't making and made a list of people who stay and whoever isn't on that list leaves. I didn't make the list even though some people on that list haven't closed sales either. I worked really hard at memorizing the demos, putting together the email, and creating my Linkedin profile to their specifications. We were also told we had until the end of the month to close $6000 in sales and we didn't even get a chance to do that. It's not only this it just seems that every single time I put things together in my life and when the time comes for the final piece to come together something always happens that it messes up at the very end of it. I don't know but, it's like I'm getting sick and tired of it. I put everything together, my due diligence, and the hard work and it all just goes south at the end!! It's really getting annoying.
  10. There is a democratic model
  11. Profits above people
  12. @Moreira Yup. Just look how they tried to silence Yang at the debates.
  13. Do you guys think that this kind of money will free people up to do what they love?
  14. This may sound a bit weird but, I'm curious. Leo talked about the time when he used to be overweight so I'm wondering what that looked like. @Leo Gura do you have a picture of yourself when you were overweight I'm wondering if you show the before and after pictures it'll be an inspiration to someone who thinks they can never change a certain thing in their life. Just an idea. Take it or leave it.
  15. @John Iverson Indeed. I like what you wrote.
  16. Best reddit post I've seen relating to the debates.
  17. @Leo Gura You mean this... @9:27
  18. @Leo Gura the best thing to show people like @Norbert Lennartz
  19. @Leo Gura I really think you're stereotyping when you say that all of Yangs supporters are just stage orange techie fan boys. That's painting everyone with a broad brush.
  20. @Leo Gura I remember a certain somebody calling Elite Universities a scam in their blog. This guy also called University education in general a scam too. Is making a corrupt and badly need of reform system free automatically make it good? That's like saying using leeches as a form of medicine is good the only bad thing about it is how much it cost.