Revolutionary Think

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Everything posted by Revolutionary Think

  1. Easier said than done. I've tried all the traditional and non-traditional ways of doing it but, I still find myself stuck. I went to community college got an AA in broadcasting didn't help me career wise. Then a BA in Communication Studies only helped me get a BS job. Then I took these classes on 3D printing and coding. I loved 3D printing but, I couldn't find a job in it even though I was really creative an really skilled at it. I purchased a course called Jumpcut Academy for $1000 to make it big on YouTube (and interestingly enough I was introduced to through a Malaysian guy living in Japan through Jumpcut Academy because when I talked to him how I was sick and tired of pop culture and nonsense on YouTube he showed me your channel). When Jumpcut didn't really pan out I purchased your ultimate life purpose course for $250. Then I got a handle on things and I purchased Success Insider Academy for $500. When that helped but, not too much I decided to create a communications course myself through Udemy (before I got involved with a financial MLM). Then I got a refund for the MLM and joined Dan Loks High Ticket Closer course for $2500. I actually have made some money through closing deals but, not enough for return on investment. I think this links to a deeper structural problem in our education and economy yet, I am trying and not giving up. I do have moments when I get bothered though.
  2. This is why things like UBI are so important
  4. What about the people who's jobs were automated away and they don't have addiction issues. So you'll let the honest hard working people suffer just because some people have addiction issues?
  5. @RichardY I have to learn about how all of that would work because the stupid school system never explains how resources and having land even works.
  6. Stage Yellow observing a deep orange person
  7. If he really dove head first into the coins he'd most likely die
  8. @RichardY I'm not sure I follow. I'd rather have money than land because if I don't have a buyer for the resources I have what good will that do me to just have those resources. Money can be transferred into anything it's more fluid where as land and resources are more concrete.
  9. @Keyhole You're welcome. Here's some info for you to start looking at
  10. Just do some more research on it. Look at it from an objective point of view and try your best not to let ego get in the way. Good luck.
  11. How our view of reality is warped by media.
  12. @Serotoninluv You're preaching to the choir man. Where are you from?
  13. The UBI communities get will create work because if people don't have work they wont have the money to spend. The job creators stuff is bullshit that's trickle down garbage. Work is created by customers not bosses if there is no demand there is no work when people get the money there will be demand and there will be work. You're thinking about this the wrong way.
  14. The finger doesn't have the ability to point at itself
  15. @Bodigger I'm going to be honest with you. I sarcastically made fun of him and insulted him here and there too but, I deleted those comments because they seemed in bad taste and I was trying to deescalate the situation. These people are so entrenched in their "live free or die" paradigm that they go berserk when you challenge it. I'm glad that you're letting go of your ego and shedding your skin. I see the same kind of opinions that you have that are similar to the opinions these people have. On the other hand at least you're not the same person you were two years ago and if people are really growing no one should be the same person they were two years ago. So are you saying not to forget as in remember that what you did wasn't good and use that as a reference? I also got this guy to take a minute and to self reflect in a private chat.
  16. This is progress you're open to discussing it... In my previous post where I talked about Anarchy being a clusterfuck look at the ego backlash on this guy when the entire community didn't like the idea of it and I didn't even want to talk to him anymore. Then he apologized for going off the rails.
  17. @Leo Gura It's all in good fun
  18. Yup all a bunch of mind games. It's not just Politics Politics... it's family politics, community politics, homeowners association politics, and.... even the Politics with in yourself like when you think someone is a jerk when they talk too much but, then you get excited and you talk too much and not even realize you're being just like that other person. It's mirco and macro levels.
  19. Make it illegal and arrest those who pass the difference to the customers. Make a way to monitor it as well.
  20. Use reverse psychology and call them communists for the 2008 bank bail outs.
  21. As I talk about rigged here's a man who's acknowledging it
  22. This Dollar Vigilante guy just made a video attacking Yang and Bernie yet, when one does some digging on him you find how much fraud, lies, and insanity there is among the anarchist and libertarian communities. They're the ones that advocate that people just be free to do whatever the hell they want and then they're surprised when there are scam artists and thieves among them and they have no way of recouping financial losses and they want to do this to the rest of society at large smh.