Revolutionary Think

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Everything posted by Revolutionary Think

  1. @Raptorsin7 Agreed. This is so freaking weird. Looking at Leo for all this time as the most non bias non ideological pragmatic person that does his due diligence and keeps us in check when we are acting like devils and now having to look at him with the same kind of lens he looks at us. Anyway nobody is perfect. I think this is awesome because it shows how not culty this community actually is and how everyone is growing even Leo.
  2. @Raptorsin7 I know he showed me this in a private message and I rebutted with this
  3. $12,000 > $0 also it helps keep you afloat when you are transitioning.
  4. Right Leo usually digs deep, does research and is usually in tune with certain "things". It's unfortunate that now he seems to want Bernie because he has an emotional investment with him rather than actually looking at hard facts and data.
  5. Fair enough @Leo Gura we'll just have to see how they debate each other. I really want to see Bernie's response to Yang's criticism of the UBI vs FJG that should be in the month of November. I'm hoping if it is Bernie he adopts the UBI but, I'm still with Yang.
  7. @TheAvatarState *nodding my head in agreement*
  8. @Leo Gura I think Yang is more progressive than Bernie. Let the best person win. And Yang would absolutely demolish Trump. I know a ton of former Trump supporters who almost automatically switch to him.
  9. That's cool Leo but, I feel that Yang is more in the middle than Bernie is. Trump or no Trump this coming election if Sanders gets elected how can he ever work with the Republicans/Conservatives to get things passed? I feel that Yang can at least meet them half way but, more to the left side.
  10. Hear hear couldn't have said it better myself.
  11. I think it's a difference between a MLK type and a Malcolm X type
  12. @Leo Gura such as...
  13. You're right Leo I agree. Yang has over 100 policy proposals that are all relevant to the 21st century. I doubt that Sanders tackles as many issues that Yang does. Also Yang is running on Sanders legacy. Yang actually voted for Sanders when Sanders was running. The problem I see is that free college and $15 minimum wage does nothing to address people not being able to actualize themselves because when a job is out of reach or you have a job you hate and it only give the bear minimum it's really hard to spend time on thinking of anything other than basic survival needs.
  14. @remember Think about this.
  15. Money = Power
  16. @remember the basic income being spent will create jobs. What country are you from then?
  17. @Leo Gura This is why I think a Universal Basic Income is a much better idea than a raise of $15 an hour. When Sanders helped these employees get to $15 an hour their hours were cut
  18. I know I saw that I was very disappointed.
  19. So @Leo Gura what do you think of these guy?
  20. Well the way I got this job seemed to be through serendipity. The headphones I had for my computer got busted then I went there to change them. I successfully changed them and as I was leaving the parking lot my mom called and told me not to forget about an external hard drive either. So I went back in and as I was looking for an external hard drive and all of a sudden a friend of mine who I went to the same classes with and know for a good two years and didn't see for about a year tapped on the glass and said hi to me and we talked about our lives. He said working there was pretty awesome. Then I see that the front of the store says they are having a hiring fair for the holiday season in two days. Well I think to myself I'm working strictly online in high ticket sales and that hasn't exactly been working that great for me and I am missing the human element of actual being around people and talking to them. So I decided to go to the hiring fair and at first I get bad memories about job hunting in the old days. They put me in front of a computer and make me fill out all the usual boring shit that I hate. After that I qualified for an interview with the manager's then he qualified me for an interview with the General Manager. I had to wait about an hour and a half to do it but, it was worth it. Turns out that when I told him I love technology, gave great answers, and I was smiling the entire time he really liked that. I asked for $14 an hour and he even raised me up to $15. I got a piece of paper from him saying welcome to Best Buy with a phone # and an email. The best part of this whole thing is this. I really enjoyed my time working with Hector and now I get to be his co-worker. I think that's even one of the reasons I got hired because I talked about Hector to them a lot. Also that particular store is the store of my childhood memories and I always enjoyed going in there with my father looking at all the electronics and browsing through the store and all the interactive displays. Electronic retail for me makes you use more of your mind and it's not as robotic and soul crushing as working in fast food. Clothes stores for me are also pretty boring and uninspiring. The one thing I'm worrying about now though it the I-9 form. My passport expired 3 months ago and I heard that now I can't use that form of identification if I could it's the only form of identification I would need. Now I have my drivers license but, that is a B form of identification I need one form from the C list. I can't find my social security card and I have a photocopy of the certified copy of my birth certificate but, I'm afraid that they wont like that and ask for the original. I'm a little nervous that my targeted hiring date is on the 17th which is coming up and if I can't produce those documents fast enough they wont like it. I think though that I may be a little too worried. It's because in the past I had so much trouble getting my foot in the door and hardly getting call backs or hearing back from interviews that I'm thinking to myself how about if something goes wrong. I really want to have this job and I was extended an offer but, I'm getting nervous about this I-9 documentation shit. I'm sure though that if I don't have both documents by that date if they really need help for the holidays they'll wait until I have time to re-order a SS card just in case they didn't accept the copied birth certificate. Anyway all and all it looks pretty good and I'm really looking forward to working at this job.
  21. If any of you needed hard evidence that trickle down economics is a scam here it is.
  22. Something else trickled down on the middle class and the poor it wasn't money.
  23. Yang is gaining steam every single day.