Revolutionary Think

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About Revolutionary Think

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  1. 2024 has been a year of transcendence for me mentally and emotionally. I quit most of social media, I got a job I love, and the things that used to frustrate me so much in the past I learned not to take them so seriously and let them hurt me so much. I whined and complained less and I became thankful for my situation. I learned how to deal with problems more effectively etc. I bring this up because I just saw 2 of @Leo Gura's quotes on his blog and they're so relevant to my life right now. The one about the disadvantage of leftists over conservative and the one about social media basically appealing to the lowest form of reasoning and logic we have and appealing to emotion. That's when it hit me. I spent so much of my life online, forums, social media etc. trying to get other random people who'll I'll probably never meet face to face in my life over to my side of thinking... and for what exactly? Then it HIT ME if I have no direct control over it why am I getting so worked up over it? Even if I do have direct control over it I'd rather do something about it than complain about it. Which brings me to my next point. Lets said hypothetically I manage to change Leo Gura's mind and he supports Israel. What then? Is he going to solve the conflict? Will he change anything in that part of the world? No. So again why do I care so much? The more time I spend working on myself and actual doing things that concern the building blocks and improvement of my life instead of getting caught in sisyphean conversations on the internet the happier I become. Therein lies the solution. Take the power away from my lizard brain and give it more to my transendant brain. I also wonder why we let our lizard brains take over when we're online instead of when we're out and about. If I were walking on the side walk minding my own business and some rando wanted to have a debate about Israel and Palestine or even if some rando was trying to preach about which side is better or worse I'd most likely ignore then and go about my business. Nowhere was this more apparent to me than when I worked at the airport. I saw people at LAX with shirts supporting Palestine and people who wanted to fly out to Israel. Not once did I bring up the topic of the conflict I just did my job and sent them on their way. Now my theory about why we let our lizard brains take over when we are online and why we try to suppress them more out in public goes like this. It seems most of the time we are being our screens in our own home we see it as our territory. Even though the other person is behind their screen in another location. So it seems our screens our part of our homes. When that happens the thing coming from the other side that might be vehemently against our way of thinking comes into our own home we get territorial and attack. That's when the online space descends into anger, hate, and profantiy laden tirades. It's rarely we see this type of behavior spill into physical spaces like cafe's, parks, stores, shops, and sidewalks (people don't feel as territorial). Anyway that's just a theory I have. These days I hardly deal with the online world anymore. I am here because I think that this space in the online world is a more developed space than most I've seen. I may vehemently disagree with Leo and most of the people here on Israel and Palestine but, my opinions on that issue are not who I am as a person and what represents me. Humans are complex and multifaceted and the internet we get a distorted view and we see each other as one dimentional. The point is even though it's not enlightenment I feel enlightened with this new transcendant brain I developed. This brain or mind gives me the ability to get out of my own lense and see the frame. I used to get so angry that my family was so loud and rambunctions but, with my transcendant mind I see them as just any other family. If I looked at a random families behavior and didn't like what I saw it wouldn't exactly effect me that much. So in turn why do I let my own family effect me that much and just like that I actually don't let it. If I ignored a random person's opinion I don't think of it much but, when someone ignores my opinion I get flustered. Well to that other random person I'm just another random person. When I see it this way I keep my anger and frustration in check because I'm finally looking at the frame and not one tiny part of the picture through my even tinier lense. This has helped me in my life immensly to control myself and strategize. Putting my emotions aside and thinking about things through a grander more universal perspective so I don't sweat the small stuff if you will. To the world I'm just that random person I pass by on the sidewalk or in a car. They don't know my history etc. so that means at any given moment when I take control over my life I have a chance to study the situation and but, my biases and personal history aside so I can make the best choice and put myself in the best position. It wasn't exactly that easy to find this place in my mind where I put all my desires and wants on the side to do this but, I got here eventually and I am thankful for it. Heck at this rate it's ironically that Leo is putting out less content because it feels like I've transcended him and this community. If were to disappear Tomorrow and all of Leo's content was lost to the wind I'd be ok with it. It really feels special to reach this place in my life. Don't get me wrong I'm still a human I haven't got rid of my lizard brain so much as I've learned to control it and harness it in a way that can serve me the most. I'm the master of it. It's no longer my master and that's the best news.
  2. I liked that response for so much. That I don't even want to give it some kind of lengthy reply. I'm just so honored that you GET IT! Usually when I'm online I find myself disagreeing with people and getting frustrated at how they just "don't get it" that's not the case with you. You actually summed it up pretty decently. What's next? Your guess is as good as mine I do have an idea though. I want to create a family of choice instead of a family of blood. Like making friends with people who share my vision and doing creative spontaneous things with them. It's like my life is a video game. When you beat a video game the replay value exists in doing the side missions and exploring the things you ignored because you were way to focused on beating it. Having that job at CLEAR was like beating the video game because I always wanted to save up a ton of money and do something I love. Now I finally have the time to think about how to create this family of choice that shares my ideas for living a free life of spontaneity and creativity. I may not get it right at first but, a lot of things are fun because when you mess up you learn along the way. I was actually a bit hesitant about putting up this post because I thought I'd come across jerks telling me that if you're so fulfilled why are you back online, no you need to do XYZ, or saying something equally as pathetic. I'm glad though that you found it and responded the way you did. It gives me hope that not everyone out there is a mindless zombie NPC with no critical thinking skill and/or a sense of nuance and I can and will run into people who I don't look down on or dissapoint me. So thanks for that my friend.
  3. @Letho Thanks I really appreciate the reply. Well the old me was full of rage anger and hatred after my parents divorce. I also hated school as well. All I can remember when I was young when I genuinely felt happy is when me and my parents went on a trip. I remember my first time having a window seat and being happy when I looked at the ground at an altitude I thought it was so cool. I also really enjoyed the hotel and having a taxi driver come pick us up and take us to interesting places. I knew at that moment I didn't need people to judge me, evaluate me, tell me where I am in life. It was just enjoying the moment I was in. After my parents divorced for 3 years we didn't go anywhere. I was so frustrated about that. I saw my cousins and their parents that were married take them to Europe and I never got a chance to go. So this demon was created in my mind. I started getting jealous and envious and talking about how certain people did or didn't deserve certain things. Everytime I saw a rich celebrity on TV I got mad that they had so much at their disposal and I felt stuck and trapped. I wanted to become famous because I thought that I deserved it more than them. Long story short it wasn't good and I wanted poeple to "know my pain" and "help me out". I started job hunting in the recession and had trouble getting something entry level and that infuriated me. Here I was thought I deserved fame, fortune, and an audience then the reality was a place like Walgreens wasn't even hiring me. The opposite of the things I wanted for my life were happening in my life. UNTIL! Post Covid the power in the job market was shifting from the employer to the worker. I worked at this electronic store a block away from my house and this dumb interim manager made a holocaust joke in front of my face. I reported him to the owner who was Jewish from Iran and my parents are Also Iranian Jews and I'm a 1st generation Iranian Jew in the US. The owner was so pathetic that he didn't get involved. Then I quit the job and the person who hired me called and said you can always come back if you want and I said no. That was one of the best moments in my life because I was finally the one doing the rejecting (for good reason mind you) instead of being rejected. Then I told myself that I spent so much time trying to prove myself to others instead of actually listening to what I want in my own life. I literally started by cleaning up my room throwing out everything that I wasn't using, then cleaning up my digital life like deleting all the extra junk on my PC. After that I told myself if it weren't for my parents, my family, my school, my teachers, and my location what do I like. I said planes. So for no reason I went to 3 airports in my area and I just walked around I had no reason to be there other than just kind of stroll. I don't know if it was before or after I did those walks but, I booked a cruise to Alaska because I've never been on a cruise before. I had a blast. I came back and just typed LAX jobs in my computer and lo and behold a company CLEAR came up. I applied, I got the job and did really good at it. Then the revelation hit me like a ton of bricks! I saw other employees that were lazy and unreliable. That means the entire time I was having trouble landing a job in my youth had nothing to do with me and it was all just a numbers game out of my control and so much of how we talk about a meritocracy is a myth. It's very hard to say that if I didn't land this job I'd have the same outlook because maybe I'd still feel like "I never got what I deserved" and I'd still be unhappy with life. I'm still human so losing the job stung a lot I'm not going to lie about that. The thing is though in the past I'd be all mopey and angry. This time it's different because I know I can replicate what I did to get that opportunity and get another opportunity. The BEST thing that's happened to me that that I evicted this super moralizing voice in my mind that keeps comparing myself to others and talks about how they don't deserve and I deserve. Sometimes I lay in bed for hours on end but, in the past it would make me depressed becaue I thought that I was failing and I wasn't getting the life I desired. Now that I finally got to see the working world and if I'm being honest how dirty, low, and full of crap it actually is when I'm laying in bed with nothing to do I'm thankful that I don't have to worry about bills because I'm living with my mom and a voice doesn't come in that wants success fame fortune etc. I planned a trip to Singapore for March. I am going to use it as a mental reset point. Also now that I feel so free and liberated I tend to observe life and behavoirs more and it's fascinating. I also drive on a lot of side streets just because I can. I love being curious and spontaneous JUST BECAUSE. When I was younger I said I'll to all the fun interesting spontaneous things when I finally get "there" not realizing I was there the entire time and didn't need this arbritary BS. I've unplugged from all these idiotic societal and familial expectations and I want to live the most creative spontaneous life possible even if I'm my own audience member. I hope that helps if you have any other questions please feel free to ask.
  4. Wow my life has been a journey. When I was young I felt ignored and unheard in my family. This has lead me to seek validation from strangers. I've ended seeking validation and agreement from life in general and especially online my life has never been better and it's the ULTIMATE LIBERATION! It started after COVID most jobs that I applied to I was landing. Before in my life I had trouble with my job search so this lead to a lot of frustration and hate at the world and in life in general. I went online trying to spread my ideas, philosophies, and life stories everywhere. It didn't end well. I got disappointed, frustrated, angry at so many people and systems. Until the day it finally happened for me. As a young kid I always loved being around airplanes. I applied to this job at LAX with and got an airport job. I was so happy with seeing the planes take off and land and just living in the moment and enjoying my job and my sorroundings. This lead me to slowly wean off of external validation. I already had facebook deleted a long time ago. Then I got rid of Instagram, Twitter and all the other ones I can't even remember anymore. The only one I kept was YouTube and I go on there in moderation. When I finally hit a goal of having a job that was worth it and I didn't hate. Then I started realizing how much seeking validation, agreement, and want to be known online harms you and destroys your mental health. I keep certain people at an arms distance. Unfortunately I no longer have the job at the airport anymore for reasons I don't want to discuss. The old me would've probably gone into a rant of why I didn't deserve to lose it, life is unfair, screw those people etc. but, the new me knows it's a waste of time and that something better will eventually come along the way. I am so happy now that I DON'T CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK ANYMORE! I know that people all look through life through their lense and their opinion of me is none of my business. When I talk to myself I get expert advice. I know it's not enlightenment but, it sure as hell fees like it. I trust a very discerning analytical voice in my mind and now that's good enough for me and I don't take a ton of things that I used to take personally, personally.
  5. I'm not Israeli
  6. My childhood was terrible so therefore no. I am taking care of the neglected inner child who I was and I'm doing a pretty good job of that.
  7. Anyway screw the entire conflict. I'm more focused on my personal mental health at the moment.
  8. It's kind of sad that ever since I posted this @Leo Gura has not responded and has just continued to put tons and tons of anti-Israel bile on his blog and on his forum. I think the points I made here still stand and are important to pick apart. Ever since the worst terrorist attack and the worst attack on the Jews since the Holocaust it's just been anti-Israel hatred over and over again. I don't think that's fair and I'd expected better from someone who fancies themselves as "enlightened".
  9. Exactly Trump's celebrity endorsements are just as stupid as Kamala's I'm against both of them.
  10. So I couldn't help but, notice that Kamala Harris does all this pandering with celebrities all the way from Bruce Springsteen to Cardi B. That's just shallow. Isn't the whole point that Trump is a celebrity and what does being a celebrity have to do with Politics and yet the Democrats keep getting these rich out of touch celebrities to endorse them.
  11. I'm just going to put this here.
  12. On that note I'm not saying that I support the settlers and some of them are religious finatics. They are although a far cry from Hamas and Hezbollah that actively want the full eradication of Jews and are willing to indiscriminately target and murder civilians. If the Palestininians actively condemn the actions of Hamas and Hezbollah and want a peace with the Jewish state that they can be at peace trade with them and be civilized with them etc. I'd be more open to criticizing Israel. When I see them though doing the exact opposite and their entire culture is based on hatred and not contributing anything positive to humanity. You're damn right that I'll be supporting and backing Israel 100% of the time because the Palestinians never showed one iota of acting in good faith. Once I see good faith on the Palestinian side which doesn't even exist I'll be more open to talking about criticizing Israel but, if I don't see that I'm with Israel 100% of the way!!
  13. I said Israel isn't perfect. Are you also willing to acknowledge injustice on your side as well. Or is this just a one track mind thing for you?
  14. I'm sorry but, what you said doesn't make sense. Let's say there was a group in Mexico that demanded the land back that it got from the Mexican American War ok so we give them California and they use California to launch rockets and missiles at the rest of the United States. Not only that but, they get help from some Muslim country in fighting us. Then the Native Americans on their reservation start getting the idea of wanting to kill the white man and start entire education systems to educate their children to die for this cause. If you want to talk about terrible behavior Russia is also not interested in decolonizing or in this case de-sovietizing. Also if you haven't noticed Iran's government doesn't exactly represent their people they way they torture and kill all those who speak out against them. I'm wondering if on your blog right after 9/11 twin tower attacks that you'd actually put on documentaries on how bad and evil America is and that Bin Laden was justified because we're not interested in giving land back to the Native Americans that we stole from. Then you would say America deserves it because we're not interested in decolonizing and all the US bases we have overseas are a colonization project at that time you'd put stuff highly critical of the US right after 9/11. I'm not saying Israel is perfect far from it. Yet, when we live in a world where we see so many people in Iran rising up against their own government and their government using the blood sweat and tears of the Iranian people to fund a cause that they shouldn't even be a part of in the first place... We critize a teeny tiny state the size of New Jersey for oppressing people and having too much land. I'm sorry I'm not buying it. When there is so much corruption, and devilry all around the world they first target that people love to hate is the only Jewish state. To me at least be fair. I think this obsession is because Israel tends to end up in the news a lot and then people laser focus on one of the tiniest countries as the source of so many problems. Far be it from me to say that they are perfect. Although I think there are so many other countries acting far more nasty and cruel to their own populations with a history of far more brutality and barbarity and yet people LOVE to pick on Israel.
  15. What country wasn't? The United States, Canada, and Mexico all hurt their indigenous populations.