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  1. @Martin123 where's your shadow work guide?
  2. @CreativeInertia All of that is done you should see my journal it's fucking amazing I should publish it. Everything you just named off is fucking perfected. I live a cat life though like something is out there I just can't or don't know how to do the excercise. not sure if there some knowledge out there I'm unaware of like an actual excercise that I don't already do.... guess nobody is ever going to understand my question.. you don't understand what I'm trying to ask. Is life just a place to be blissfully ignorant and I'm suppose to just chill here because I feel like there is very hard work to get done but I don't know what it is or how or where to get started.
  3. Full of a lot of theory and not much practical. Does anyone know of the courses he offers has any practical skills or it that just theory too? Something to keep the mind inquiring. Does anyone else understand this question? Like something That can fit into a schedule to do on a daily basis that's not reading or mediatation or excercise or eating right or taking vitamins. Something is missing I can't find it. I'm looking for self.
  4. @Lha Bho there's really two ways in life and the right way will always be hard, with so much greatness in the end of you are patient and work hard to do things the right way. The bad way will bring easy results fast only to bring you into a pit. keep doing Leo's worksheets and meditating and saving everything you can because in the end you will cash out more than you put in
  5. @Lha Bho yw. Everything's going to go to be good don't worry. Be happy.
  6. Love goes both ways so why show anyone one person what they don't exactly show you. Malicious brings evil about and why not stand up to shit like that because on the end they don't love you. Especially someone taking somethig from you. When you have everything the world has to give would you give it away? That's why sometimes I feel I don't want others to be enlightened And to stay trapped in their delusions.
  7. @laisa that comment was on point. How would one enlightened women befriend another enlightened female? Hmmm. Not sure what would occur. It's scary to think about so I tend not to. Imaging encouraging each other to be zen devils is what would happen. Fast work and results is what I crave. Ugh. I don't even know what I'm saying.... sips tea
  8. Wow that's..... ya. You put that so beautifully. Couldn't even ask for help on that trying my best.
  9. If given the gift of enlightenment whatever tf YOU are will naturally go into deep enlightenment during sleep only to wake up and wonder how tf your mind just did that while asleep without any control by "you" your body just did it on its own and you will probably be confused to wake up and find your still enlightened and how you deserve this. I run to the mirror wondering what occurred only to find sleep changed me for the better but it wasn't me I was sleeping .. who was it ? Who cares .. im beautiful.
  10. Meditation should be done in a clean safe environment with incense. Some sweet smelling incense in the morning after you are cleaned and a stronger tougher incense around seven pm. Sitting criss cross with your back straight and hands on the knees. Starting with the fist closed become close to God. With the pinky on the thumb to start meditate on how you want education specially for you when your ready, thumb on index and meditate on the money, move on to the next finger meditate on health, next.. your carrier.. next is love. Ending with fist open. We come into this world with our fist closed(as babies we are holding onto something as our fists clench) and when we die our fists are open(we take nothing). Then pray for five minutes before you fall asleep. The order you mediate can be any just an example of an order. Remember the right way in life is always hard but comes with benefits in the end. The easy way or bad path brings lots of money but is temporary. This is all something my teacher has taught me and I'm not responsible for this wisdom. Just wanted to share I hope it helps.