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About TurkishGuy

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  1. For the 2: I believe this is what happens in yourself. First, your body-intelligence, insticts, your guts tells you that "The thing you are doing right now buddy, is not right. You will die alone. Go and have someone that covers your back". Now this is good. It is healthy. You don't want to die alone right ? Then your Ego, your thinking mind tries to inject the thoughts: "Fuck it, I don't need anyone. I can do everything by myself. Fck relationships ". NOW. The key factor is Balance my friend. I believe if you putting so much emphasis on one hand of the Counter , you will become unbalanced and sick. Well.. how to balance ? Try to listen your body. Beware, I am not the expert at this. Just some food for thoughts. Mehmet Ali
  2. What's up Everybody ! I have one simple question that I need your insights. First the concept: Like the nature's seasons, people are likely to have the same. For example (it depends on people to people), Your motivation changes by the time just like seasons.. If you worked hard in some part of life, you need to chill aswell. Ying-yang basically. Question: How one man can be sure that if he had enough rest ? And also How he can be sure that he is not just being a lazy ? How can you balance that fact ? Thank You. Mehmet Ali
  3. Man, I have to be honest. I am a computer engineer and my whole life is behind this screen. AND I have to get connect with internet and I love it, no bitchin... You see the danger in here ? I want to learn code in youtube... One minute and Bam. I found myself listenin "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up"... I just wrote these to help you to see we are familiar with same issues. Now the solution: Find the habit and replace it. For example; "everytime when you come home from work, first thing you do is open the computer and play the games". First you want to try deleting the game. And really commit that. Print a calendar for every day you can place a "tick". For 4 weeks. Remember; your mind, your will, even body will resist it. You will say "oh man its been a tough week and I will play JUUSt a little bit". You lost my man. IF deleting the game doesn't do the work. Now we are gonna replace the environment. You will go to coffee shop, starbucks whatever.. You will take your coffee, sit down relax and read your book. Remember. If you skip ONE DAY. You will start from beginning. So: 1)Find the Habit 2)Find The Chain Action 3)Replace it. 4)Don't listen your mind. Don't try to convince yourself. Don't measure if you don't do it now, you will do twice tomorrow.. Non of this shit. Just do it. Calender Works. Here is Leo's video: