Milos Uzelac

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Everything posted by Milos Uzelac

  1. I would only advise you to take this fact into strong consideration when you are talking and sharing content and info about UFOs and supposed extraterrestrial beings, that some governments are allegedly secretly in contact with, with other people. I couldn't find it in a shorter format or text format but here in this doc about the history and development of the contemporary neoliberal economy, politics and digital age Adam Curtis touches upon the origin of most the UFO sighting and extraterrestrial contact phenomena, mostly in the U.S. and how in short it was a government cover-up and created fake conspiracy to hide their newly created advanced high-technological (mostly air) weapons programs over the decades. It's a more than 2-hour long documentary but the topic (Chapter 6 -,,The truth is out there" about UFOs is from 1:06:08 - 1:14:48)
  2. @iamthatThanks for setting the time and provide the perspective of a person older than me and with more time spent on this planet than me. @Leo Gura Thanks for setting off your time to answer and provide advice for me regarding this personal problem. I had to drag my grandfather, today as well, due to his appointed doctor missing the medication needed for thrombosis that was listed on the back of the paper on his diagnosis report and failing to turn the paper backward to see if anything was listed there (or me failing to specifically mention and point out to him when giving the paper to him, that there was specifically a prescription also written on the back), to get that missed anti-thrombosis injection. When I held onto him when we walked to the clinic, for him to get his injection, the feelings from yesterday were pretty reduced or non-existent, the impulses and the unconscious actions that he does were reduced and he was much more collected mentally since yesterday, it was as if a part of his reasoning ability that regulates unconscious animalistic impulses returned and he was overall better in his appearance and stronger, more self-reliant physically. Part of the reason some part of my disgust and emotional defensive mechanisms for him dissipated or disappeared was that when I sat to meditate and tried to focus on my inhalation/exhalation of air for half an hour last night, after writing the first post, I subconsciously got to contemplate what would I look like and resemble when/if I reach old age and had an unprompted short mental image appear of me being exactly like my grandfather, mentally and physically at some point and even being almost the same person as him - as if we were the almost exact same person only years and generations apart. It was a weird very short "merger" moment, that helped me today to exponentially lower my emotional resistance and feelings of disgust that pop up towards him, when I held him for almost half a day, walking with him to one clinic to another. But afterward, when we returned home, I tried to do a breath/focus meditation for half-an-hour before lying down to rest, but I fell asleep hard, had no will to wake up or do some of my planned studying sessions or to talk to people on the phone who called me while I was lying in a comatose half-woken state. I slept from mid-day till about an hour and a half ago, sleeping over most of my day, not having the desire to wake up or to get up and not get emotionally sucked into to lie down again and pull myself over in another fantasy dream. Basically an unwillingness to experience the day and experience some mental challenges regarding studying, due to perceived emotional drainage after the unplanned clinic visits today. I had this problem of having a heavy sleepover session during the day, after which I feel numb and half-dead emotionally and mentally and not having the desire or will to wake up until night time for two-three years now periodically. So sorry that why I couldn't and hadn't replied sooner to thank you for the advice and provide my input for the toilet experiment. I generally can stare and smell my own feces, knowing from earlier times I had to pull my sleeves to clean the toilet. But I feel disgusted and uncomfortable and don't have the same perhaps callous approach, when I know it originated from someone else and not me, especially a family member - I have a much lower and intolerable disgust threshold. This is not unusual for me given, that I feel disgusted and aversed even when I see food particles of different liquid foods (like tomato particles) on the table when I want to sit down to eat or remains from different food types on the table (for example I feel pretty grossed out when I see watermelon seed or liquid together leftover on the plate with some salty meat or bread that's soaked in it or bananas with something dry, even bread or crackers, etc.). My mother had this condition of eating only meat and bread when she was in her heavy mental sickness stadium while alive when I was young and being aversed to seeing a fruit or some types of vegetable mix together with other food, so perhaps I inherited from her some part of these reactions unconsciously, while only occasionally from time to time I tried to overcome this and get used and tolerate to experiment with very different food types (from my POV) mixing. Anyways thanks for setting the time to answer and give me advice and theory on this, I think I know have a generalized idea of how to approach it to lessen it in the future.
  3. My grandfather (he is 85 years old now) with whom I, with my grandmother (84), live together currently in an apartment in an older tall 70's style building, has developed a sudden (supposed - using this phrase because there was no concrete diagnosis of it when we went to an infective disease and emergency clinic to get it checked) blood clot in his right ankle yesterday in the middle of the night, that disrupted blood flow in the majority of his right leg, has swollen his foot and lower leg below the knee, causing him intense pain at an almost slightest touch and has (supposedly) as a result of it developed a feverish and a very high temperature, that at one moment last night, I and my grandmother was going to take his life there before us, due to his visible heavy and ragged breathing and extreme physical weakness of not being able to almost sit up straight properly, without our help and his sequential closing and opening of his eyes due to extreme tiredness and total weakness that visibly overcame him because of his condition. I have spent almost one part of the day with him, dragging him along and waiting in lines in of various waiting rooms and hallways of one of the largest medical complexes in Belgrade in search of the right departments for the diagnosis and the treatment of his leg, and in the scorching mid-day summer heat of navigating around the large bulging building and waiting and sitting on benches for the next specialist check-up in order and for his lab blood test results to finish, and second half running around the city, from one military medical center to another, and jumping in different cabs and taking to get the prescribed medicines for him, for free from his appointed doctor, in other states military-affiliated medical centers (for the special treatment of retired military service members, retired, in a wide range, from the end of their military service in former Yugoslav Army to the fairly recent retirees of the present Serbian military today) and to get warrants, from his appointed doctor, for a daily medical house visits and check-ups by an assigned medical personnel from a military medical ambulance and emergency unit, appointed to come every day in the next 7 days from today to give him Longsephx injections to treat the developed trombosis and cellulitis in the lower part of his right leg and foot. Also, me and my grandmother will also need to daily treat his leg by giving him daily prescribed oral ingestion medicine and coating his leg in a special acid (which I need to buy tomorrow in a pharmacy) drenched cloth to try to make the thrombosis and the cellulitis retract for the next week or so. Wanted to give the context for these feelings because, during this very sudden thing, which was for me, considering my previous inactions, screwing around and my mostly obligation and personal responsibility-free adolescence and young adult life, a little personal ordeal, that when I and my grandmother had to change my grandfather's dirtied and sweat-drenched clothes and pants during his yesterday's fever and tonight's sweating episode, I felt feelings of disgust, contempt, and superiority when looking at the sight of my grandfather's physical appearance. When looking or touching his sagged-mole filled skin and his cellulite abundant when partaking my part in changing and dressing him in some of his clothes, I did so with the feeling of physical disgust and emotional distance so as to get the whole process done as soon as possible and to leave his room that lightly reeks and smells of his old man sweat. Even when gripping to hold him, so he wouldn't fall over when we walked yesterday in the outdoor around the military personnel special medical complex and facility and indoor in it I tried to keep my nose shut to avoid the smell of his very unpleasant and almost reeking old man's sweet. During these times and moments of being in physical contact with my grandfather in order to change him or move his leg, I was feeling a present feeling of physical disgust when touching his skin and looking at his weak, frailed, and extremely skinny, almost to the bone at some parts, molle filled body and the emotional and guarded distance in trying to look away and not directly at his physical bent-over body posture and face - which was in a state and look of dependency on towards me and my grandmother and helplessness and an almost a crazed smile and look of being sort of proud of surviving and going through this intense suffering and pain of his (possible personal projection), that I felt and found disgusting, annoying and unappealing with not a tinge of personal empathy towards its attitude deep within in me. I feel a constant (inner forced) and managed state of emotional distance and detachment when looking at my grandfather's current physical appearance and state and when hearing him cackle his old jaw and teeth to not think about (which annoys me and has a dehumanizing and hate-generating effect within me when I then look at him when he is compelled to do that) or overcome the intense pain in his leg and weakened body - in those moments he looks and feels to me at times, not as human, but disgusting, dying and decaying creature or an animal with a familiar humanoid appearance that's almost no longer human and the image that I have of my grandfather. What I seek as help here is for somebody who can help me in addressing: What are these feelings of disgust and emotional distance that pop up when looking and being in proximity to my grandfather when he is in this fully bodily exposed state and mentally animalistic state, with no clothes and reeking, to my senses, of an old man smell a deeper symptom of? Do I have an extremely selfish sense of selfhood and low tolerance criteria that I carried with me till now in my 22 years of age? Do I subconsciously refuse to imagine that this can one day be me, that I can also fall into this state that I now feel and consider barely alive and with dependency, weakness and no longer applicable use of former young age strength and willpower one day myself, and that I will also need unconditional help from a younger people than me which I have indebted in some way or another with the inheritance that I left over for them? Or is this a wider problem of emotional conservation, shielding and detachment towards other humans when they are truly are in need and in order to help them I need to sacrifice my previous personal comfort and go and experience through things and sensations which previously I consciously or subconsciously avoided and developed by way of those accumulated decisions a deep subconscious resistance and disgust for - and me attempting by way of that trying to subconsciously protect my image, that I think other people have of me as, a people-pleasing, do-goodie, and polite person - being of afraid of going into what I perceive as an unnecessary conflict in which people will resent me afterward for and avoid me and will cause a feeling of me of awkwardness and unpleasantness each time when seeing, meeting or interacting with that person - which I benefit from by being on good relations with those people and maybe getting some personal material opportunities out of that relationship. So a wider problem in short of me up until now acting, consciously and unconsciously, as a sociopath or suffering from some sort of sociopathy as a result of a modus operandi of repressed feelings and a strong sense of internalized guilt because of my extreme sloth, laziness, and un-achievement in the past few years and months, which I see as some sort of betrayal of my possible potential that was gifted to me mother? (who was deemed extremely intelligent, she appears to read a lot of intellectually and mentally demanding books on various subjects or at least bought some of them, I know this since we have a lot of books that were left by her and that she bought on the shelves of our apartment, while in contrast, I managed to force myself to finish no more than 10 books, from cover to cover, half of them obligational were just obligational in high-school, in my 22 years of age until the end because I would often get distracted and would read books only in part by a lot of people that knew her or met her) and her and my father's material inheritance left over to me by her from her years of hard and diligent work as a bank employee in Canada, that I have an image of from other's people stories about it? - Went on a tangent here since I had thought patterns regarding this that I would repress for a longer time now, and though they might also be hindering my capacity to feel more empathy and understanding towards other people since deep down I have a strong hate towards my present self and past actions that I think led up to it, so I just force myself to be good or kind towards other people but can't truly accept them since I don't truly accept myself in this state and despise and looked down upon myself in this state. So how to learn to love myself and accept myself while moving forward, while working to overcome and correct my past underachievements and severely, perceived, missed opportunities in life? Sorry for the of the tangent personal story at the end was somehow compelled to wite it while typing this, since it is a long repeating thought pattern of that I have which I have not been able to let go off, I hope you can see the crux of my question in all this text regarding the feelings towards old age and perceived detached attitude of non-humanness that I seemingly felt I had towards it. I thank all who manage and decide to set the time to read this if they think it's worth their time and have the will to reply to me and all this bulk of text that are my current feelings and for helping me with advice on how I can work on this emotionally and consciously in the next couple of days in advance. But any advice will be greatly appreciated. Bless you, be well.
  4. Sorry my intent is not to lecture you, just want to slightly correct you that concept of a nuclear family (a married couple household with one or more kids) hasn't originated and wasn't developed by a blue pre-modern traditional society but is in the contrary the family organizing unit that came into being during the industrial revolution in Europe, in what is generally taken as the beginnings of the today's modern industrial society, and was later by ways of the spread of modern industrialization and urbanization across the globe later accepted in other former colonial and developing nations for the purpose of fullfiling the lifestyle and work demands of the new industrial and market-based economy, so one can say in essence it was a product of an orange breakthrough in collective consciousness in regards to it's rational and scientific way of approaching nature and organizing productive units in society. It doesn't of course necessarily, and mostly wasn't and isn't still , organized completely around orange-based values but it wasn't originally created by and for the purpose and function of a blue instution but for a more broadly generalized orange-based organizing societal changed economic context. The traditional extended family of the pre-modern era, included mostly a shared household of family members three or four generations apart, or traditional family communities were several households will engage in shared economic activity, usually agricultural or cattle-based. Sorry in advance I don't want this seem and appear as, like a gotcha pseudo-intellectualuzing online, just I thought from what you posted before on the forum that you value strictness and precision when using certain terms and terminologies, and I wanted correct yo just quickly on the use of this term in the context you mentuoned since it is something that we learn in sociology early on and wanted to share how is it used and in what context there when talking and studying about the family in sociology.
  5. My Compilation on Dangerously Deluded Quotes Regarding the Understanding of Religion, Theology and Spirituality in Contemporary Times
  6. @Consept Will do, intended to do that but I started writing this yesterday in long bulky way and wanted to finish it today. But I will extrapolate the main points of why this is constitués a propaganda piece, and not just a satirical cartoon and how you can tell its a wider propaganda piece for the Chinese state, and not just about ineptitude of the US state admins Covid response.
  7. I found this satirical cartoon very cute (probably for the purpose of appealing to average Asian or Western viewer) and fun with nuance of obvious propagandistic connotations for the Chinese state. Will see to edit later for the purpose of my thoughts of how this satirical cartoon showcases the subtlety and sneakiness of state propaganda in garb of today's consumer media cutsie looking aesthetics for appealing visually to most consumers and cultivating a naive and insulated world outlook in them towards the benefiter of the propaganda (a state appartus in this case) and to the wider world that's in some sort of a relationship with that state in general.
  8. Yes, that's the precise purpose of any propaganda to create the state in people where they won't call-out or spot distinctions between the reality of an event and a distorted way it's retold. Its aim is to distort and frame an event in such a way so that the people who are it's targeted audience can't tell and spot a meaningful difference between how an event is retold from a POV of an actor (that's directly or indirectly benefiting from the reframing and/or tweaking of an event in a specific way, generally to suit his own (in this case geopolitical) interests and use it, to introduce through it a wider narrative that he wants to cultivate among his audience) and it's actual unfolding of it in reality observed through evidence and raw data, with no intent to distort, frame and twerk it in such a way, so as to fit it, as better as a possible, to a larger narrative from which one actor/source benefits (from which's reproduction and telling in society is aimed for the actor who forwards it to get approval and gain public consensus for telling future narratives involving him or a an issue relating to him in this way and for the actor who is the subject of criticisms in it (in this case through satire) to lose both of these things). I don't want to immediately recall a Goebbels quote on the socio-psychological intent and the way successful propaganda often works, but I think it is relevant for this topic I opened up: "The best propaganda is that which, as it were, works invisibly, penetrates the whole of life without the public having any knowledge of the propagandistic initiative." - Goebbels, Signals of the New Time p. 17., Munich: Eher, 1934. redirected from American Fascists by Chris Hedges. Yes, it does seem on the outset that there is nothing propagandistic about it, since it is, with the purpose of comedic effect, just presenting a slightly exaggerate and caricatured version of the unfolding course of events regarding the course and the response to the pandemic of officials in the U.S. However precisely framing it in this veneer of an aesthetically cute and funny cartoon satire on the dissonance between how the US state officials tell and demand from the Chinese state not to infringe on the rights of its citizens (calling them out on human right's abuses) with their response to the pandemic and with their overall treatment of their other minorities under their laws (which violate and go against the majority of internationally recognized laws regarding human rights) and their own apparent human rights abuses and violations of international law (regarding the required obligations of creating and upholding medical safety measures in the state, that state conduct must comply with it and uphold in its treatment and protection of citizens rights during a pandemic outbreak - I think these are the WHO guidelines that go into the UN international law - correct me if I am gravely mistaken on this last part) regarding their pandemic response measures and demands and treatment of their citizens still during it (which they argue at the end constitutes a violation of international law regarding human rights). So the main points, in the framing of this narrative in this cartoon satire, regarding the US state officials own national COVID pandemic outbreak response and the U.S. demands from the Chinese state regarding their national COVID pandemic response or some other international law violating conducts an action's that the Chinese state perpetuates against its citizens, which I saw as propagandistic in their initiative, are the following: 1. The title of the cartoon satire: US democracy versus US hypocrisy. Connotates (in the context of geopolitical and economic rivalry between China and the US) that the US is not really a nation that values and upholds democratic values and citizen's rights truly at home or abroad, so how can it generally demand from the Chinese state or other states in the world to act democratically and respect the rights of its citizens if it does not uphold those same values at home. The U.S. therefore as still the most influential and powerful country internationally is not really a or trying to be a democracy and is in fact capable of equally bad treatment of its citizens as other states that the U.S. says are not democratic as itself. So, in the end, the U.S. can't demand from other rivaling states to be or strive to be more democratic since it is not itself fulfilling the same criteria at home towards its own citizens - and therefore one can argue that very act of it forwarding such demands to China is just masked belligerence towards it and deliberate interference in its own internal affairs since the actor who does it isn't really democratic or cares about democracy. My view on this narrative: This is a false equivalency. Since a country being un-democratic in one area doesn't mean it's un-democratic at all and further, the demands of some countries for other countries to be more democratic or to respect the rights of its citizens, as per is guaranteed in a democratic society, has nothing to do with those countries wanting to just implement their democratic model into another country covertly but it has to do with current existing international laws created by the U.N. regarding rights of citizens in a state and what are the allowed international legal boundaries of state treatment towards their citizens and citizens of other countries. 2. 0:20 - The claim from hypothetical US officials in the video that state-managed COVID medical treatment facilities in China were equivalent in their treatment and managing of infected patients to some sort of concentration camps for the Chinese population. I have not heard during the pandemic US state officials in the U.N. or elsewhere forward that claim (correct if I missed it or am wrong) and I admit this sounds like an exaggerated and malicious claim. However, the intent and initiative of behind this narrative point in the video is to spin the overall narative of the context behind the U.S. and international institutions problematic economic relationship with China and accusations forwarded by them against the Chinese state regarding the treatment and placement of the Uyghur minority population in the province of Xinjiang, in what it seems, from evidence resurfacing, from statistical measurements of demographic change in the composition of the population in Xinjiang and rapid year-by-year demographic declines of domestic Uyghur people there to eyewitnesses and victims testimony, are most likely concentration and state re-education camps for that minority population, in which, it seems that from more above evidence resurfacing, that the young female Uyghur population is forced to go through sterilization program created by the Chinese state to intentionally force them to have a limited number of children that wouldn't exceed the number of children from the native and newcoming Han Chinese population in Xinjiang (a settler colonial project it seems, that is created by the state), who are the dominant and largest ethnic group in China and who often recognized just as the mainstream Chinese people by foreigners, that is an infringement on their human rights that are supposed to be guaranteed and protected by international law. The underlying choice of focusing on this narrative point of this video is to satirically forward a claim that the U.S. and other international institutions and organizations that are in agreement with its view, are actually deliberately hyperbolizing the term and maliciously using the term concentration camp so to make it sound that every sort of mandatory Chinese state initiative or program regarding the movement of citizens from their residential area is, in fact, akin to it placing them in concentration camps in order to delegitimize the ruling Communist Party and the Chinese state apparatus in it's hold. By choosing the present the term concentration camp and it's contemporary use this way, as banal and hyperbolized, to mean any massive Chinese state initiative and program, they simultaneously want use this rhetorical tactic to de-legitimize the use of the term concentration camp completely in order for it not to be adequate to be able to describe in what sort of areas the Uyghurs in Xinjiang are placed and what kind of treatment they are going through in them. In, short to divert and spin the narrative regarding the illegitimate use of the term concentration camp. 3. 1:34 - U.S. state officials only care about the stock-market not being down, doing well and growing and about the privileged few (mostly wealthier and white) who engage in transactions and have stocks in it and not protecting the rights and health of most its population, middle-class to working citizens, as per WHO guidelines, and therefore U.S. state apparatus in the times of economic crisis that would severely affect the stock and business of big transnational or successful companies or wealthy individuals are no longer democratically conducting to the majority of its citizens and therefore the U.S. overall is not a democracy. Again this is a false equivalency, that uses as a narrow understanding of what the term democracy encompasses and what citizen's rights encompass to de-legitimize an entire claim of the country to democracy. The claim goes that the U.S. is not democratic because it: a) doesn't provide free government healthcare (as most countries in the world do) (and when it's needed the most), b) social safety-net protections for the majority of its citizens during a surge in unemployment and joblessness and c) because it isn't enforcing state-wide infection prevention medical measures in order to protect its citizen's overall internationally guaranteed humans right's (against bodily harm and the right to life), that are not being protected because of the demand to re-start economic activity and their going against Constitutional provisions regarding individual's rights to freedom of choice and other rights regarding the free and legal pursuit of wealth is in itself not enough to write off a country as not being democratic for not having these things or to prescribe to a country that has these things, that the U.S doesn't, as being more democratic and free than it in this regard. It's selective cherry-picking in order to delegitimize overall the concept of democracy in a country since it excludes overall objective criteria such as wide of variety of other Constitutionally-guaranteed citizen's rights (to privacy, to independent private property, to fair hearing or trial for example) that a lot of countries in the world such as China don't uphold or have. Additionally focusing on the narrative that in the U.S. only cares about the Big Bussiness and the Stock Markets and therefore that state doesn't really want to, interfere in the market and invest in large public projects such as in China, it acts as an indirect point of narrative approval for the Chinese state partially managed and controlled economy and it's a merger with the large corporate business that is being slightly regulated and surveilled by it (by being forced to share its business information with the state), that it is better at protecting its citizens and their human rights during a pandemic than the U.S. economic and legal model and therefore the claim of the U.S. officials that the Chinese state is violating human rights is again being de-legitimized by falsely equating an economic and legal's model inept response in protecting its citizens during a pandemic outbreak with more severe and brutal human rights violation elsewhere in the non-developed world and in developed states such as China for example. That is what I spotted as symptoms of being propaganda (there a couple of more which I think also go into forming a propagandistic narrative) for benefiting one actor at the expense of the other, by falsely framing an actor and falsely defining, prescribing other untruthful characteristics and claims as truthful statements into the main narrative about an actual unfolding of an event. Sorry for the long-winded response in terms of why I think this is skit constitutes a propaganda piece, I started writing yesterday and then stopped because I haven't finished some of my study work. My intent is primarily not to argue but to point of what they might have missed that is not truthful or deliberate spinning or twisting in a way a certain narrative is told.
  9. So here are some of his main points in the video transcript I outlined, my intent in posting this in this sub-forum is to determine and ask other people on this subforum, generally, who are from the U.S. but broadly anywhere, their thoughts on this: Are Vaush's opinions and conclusions, in light of this new footage, regarding the George Floyd tragedy, a microcosm of the sort of general sentiments and overarching trajectory of generalized thought of the U.S. green stage progressive left? (with their main current demographic base generally being young people from 20 to 30-year-old) What does this say: what might the future relationship with them and the blue or slightly orange conservative people and pundits look like? For example when possible future racial tensions and injustices escalate again, this time not in the context of a pandemic but for example the social and economic consequences of extreme climate change and resources shortages due to the consequences of surpassing the threshold of the limit CO2 in the air and it's a presence there, that would cause an irreversible temperature rise due to current trajectory of the impact the bulk of fossil fuel emissions will have in a decade or two. If you don't want to read the transcript his main take, points, and conclusions start at 10:30 in the clip. Transcript: Vaush: "So here are the reasons conservative influncers think that George Floyd's death was justified: a.) George Floyd did not play Simon says that good with the officers orders Vaush-Yes that is true, he didn't not play Simon says that good with the cop. Floyd was very confused and very agitated during the arrest and in the presence of the police , he was on fentanyl at that time, but being agitated and confused does not sign your death warrant. Vaush - Most of the stuff conservatives say justified his death in the light of the surfacing of this footage, happened completely independent of the subsequent event of the cop's knee being on his neck. Vaush's view- This the main thing, at no point (in the light of the resurfaced body cam footage) did George Floyd attack or pose any threat to any of the police officers involved and none of the context provided in the new body cam footage, provides any justification for the use of the knee on the back of the neck in the main public outcry video. Vaush- In the body cam footage it is shown that George Floyd claimed he couldn't not breath before a knee was put on his neck - which conservatives spin in such way to create a narrative that this bit of his behaviour justifies the force that was applied to him that lead to his death. In the same way if you complain that you have stomach pain and then you get shot in the gut and scream that your stomach hurts again it invalidates your first complaint of having a stomach pain. Now I have seen conservatives of every flavour, essentially takes this opportunity of the released police body camera footage, revealing the totality of the course of events during the arrest of George Floyd and his subsequent murder by the officer who arrested him, being available on major media platforms, to essentialy say, three things: a.) That the media intentionally didn't want to wait for the full details of the events leading to George Floyd's arrest to emerge (e.i. with the police body cam footage) and that they wanted frame their news coverage of the arrest George Floyd and death of George Floyd, in way such as to generate public outcry over it and cause dissent and hatred against the police. That they therefore intetionally lied and wanted to manipulate the public with the coverage of the George Floyd's arrest and death as an agenda against conservatives, their policies and the police. Vaush: Which is a non-sensical claim because the media didn't have the access to the body-cam footage right away. So I don't know how it's existence has anything to do with their coverage. b.) That BLM riots and protests were predicted on a lie. That idea that George Floyd didn't deserve to die, so they are implicitly saying that he did. c.) That George Floyd deserved to die. And this comes also in a variety of flavours: "They say because he couldn't breathe before that his later claim: I can't breathe! is irrelevant." "They say later he died as result of having fentanyl in his system". -In spite of the fact that the autopsy indicated that he didn't die as a result of having fentanyl in his system, that just factually wrong. He died of being asphyxiated as result of having knee pressed on his neck for more than 9 minutes. -but you'll see conservatives spinning it that way and claiming it anyway on their broadcast media networks and platforms. "You'll find conservatives say, that essentially because he played Simon says poorly with officers orders, regarding his body posture and limb position at certain times he deserved to die." "The most interesting thing to me, is how a large part of conservatives are visibly twisting their heads, phrasing, rhetoric and focus to come up with connections in the overall available footage: with the process of putting Floyd on the ground, putting a knee on his neck and asphyxiating him with it and Floyd's slight errors and misbehaviour's shown in the body cam footage leading up to it, to create a fake narrative justifying the behaviour of the officer in his way of arresting Floyd and treating him later and implicitly in his murdering of Floyd." Vaush - In the case of all the things that resurfaced up in the Floyd case, I can say that he basically complied on being placed down on the ground, I mean he was wiggly and agitated, and appeared to have a short anxiety attack during the first minutes and a lot earlier before he was placed on the ground, but he was not fighting, nothing that all the footage shows warranted the exercertion of force was that then used to bring him to the point of death. Vaush - So in essence all this new body cam footage shows, is introduce the police officer, who has been charged with murder, drew a firearm on George Floyd before there was any reason to do so. Vaush's conclusion and view on the overall case and policing in America : "That's the only relevant new information, because I live in the United States of goddamn America, I do not get to live in the country where a cop murders me for not playing Simon says that well with him, for being agitated, for being discombobulated or f it for being on drugs or for being a pornstar or for whatever crimes I may have committed in the past. In this country cops get to kill me for one reason and one reason only, and that is if they think that I am about to kill them and even then they have to work to justify that. And George Floyd did not at any point do that, so his death at the hands of the police officer is unjustifiable." Vaush's final conclusion and overall view on what the release of the poloce body-cam footage in the George Floyd case and the subsequent response to it proves: "The only real lessons with release of this new footage we can learn from are the following ones: a) The cop who murdered him is bad b) Conservatives love black corpses, Tim Pool, Ben Shapiro, Anthony Paul Logan love black corpses -That is the only explanation I can think of is that these people revel in the death of black Americans "This why I had always said that the removal of conservative opinion from our society is a war of self-defense, for the people in this country who are staring down the barrels of their guns. It is a war that they must win so we can all live together in an equal society and it is war our enemy must lose because they will all see you dead. Its that simple, there's no two ways around it." "This video, this new video didn't not at any point provide anything close to a point of approximating a real justification for the killing of Floyd and yet they are treating it as though it had." "They gaslight you about it, just as they did the first time when this event broke out in the mainstream." "If your watching this and you are black they want you dead, if you're watching this and you are trans they want you dead, if your watching this and your gay, bi or pan they want you dead. If your watching this and you are woman the only reasons they don't want you dead is because they want to use your body to produce children and they find you attractive, so you are a nice object to look at". -Legitimate emerging green stage consciousness world-view and advocacy? Thoughts? PS Sorry for grammar errors in the transcript part of the post, this part of a YT transcript, I will correct what I see right away or a soon as possible if I don't see it. PSS Criticisms that my views and thoughts are a bit apocalypticist regarding the unfolding of future events are legitimate since I admit I do have them when thinking about global impact events during the day and not having full knowledge on the state of the system in which an event took place.
  10. For people, who like me, feel now that they are struggling to cope emotionally, physically, with their life purpose, motivation and spirituality at this time, feel/think that very hard times are ahead of them or generally feel lost at this time in life, such as myself, I thought sharing this video Russell made and uploaded yesterday and the transcript and notes I made of the points he mentioned in it, would be of use for all who are looking for advice and feel the same as me in this subforum. How to handle hardships and hard times by Russell Brand - Notes and a Partial Video Transcript.docx Btw, sorry in advance for some grammatical errors and unconnected sentences that I have in the transcript. I just noticed it- I may re-upload it soon to correct it or it would be even better if you can write and point out here to me if I missed something, I would be grateful. mb till then
  11. Over 50+ people have died and 3000 are injured near the port of Beirut where the explosion took place from latest news sources that I saw. The explosion had from it's force generated a mushroom cloud that resembled a detonation of a small nuclear bomb. I heard people call this the largest non-nuclear explosion since the detonation of 2200 tonnes of ammonium nitrate on a cargo ship that then caused a chain explosions in surrounding oil tankers around that ship around Galvestone Bay in port of Texas City, Texas in 1947, that killed over 580 people and injured over 8000 thousand. However I am curious from people who know natural sciences more than me and from information and footage that we currently have, can these sparks in the smoke cloud just be caused by ammonium nitrate (in it's pure form primarily used as a fertilizer) and something else stored beside it or does this looked like the ANFO compound (of ammonium nitrate and fuel) used for controlled détonations from mining to being often improvised for military usage as IEDs? BTW the sound of the initial blast was reportedly heard even from Cyprus 250kms away from Lebanon.
  12. Thread on the possible chronology and cause of the explosion by a veteran war correspondent in Beirut who spoke with some security guards on the port before the blast. According to him there were two blasts, and the force and shock from the first one detonated the stored nitrate. Recommend checking it out whose interested in the ongoing search for causes for this event.
  13. @Carl-Richard Thanks for finding and linking it will check it out, need to go to sleep now since it's almost morning here ?
  14. @louhad Thank you for finding and sharing this resource treasure trove I had no idea it had existed and that TMBS posted their literature ? Glossed over it a lot great books for understanding international politics from what I can see. BTW I and my friend on the history department from college have to read the british social historian Eric J Hobsbaum parts from the literature Michael listed as reading material for passing whole exams on our faculty. I think personally from the list for having a solid socio-historical foundation and contemporary political grounding and true understanding in the world, one should start from reading from the list: 1. The Age of Extremes 1919-1991 by Hobsbaum (read parts have for the exam, need to cover it more over the summer) 2. Bref History of Neoliberalism by David Harvey (read only excerpts from it, haven't read it whole - laziness, distraction) 3. The Global Minotaur by Yannis Varufakis (same as Harvey) (not on this list) Would Add to the TMBS list: Very useful resource on beginning to learn to understand the meta aspects of the genesis and adaptability of contemporary political power: 4. Power and Knowledge 1973-77 by Foucault (about 200 page book compromised out of short elucidating (though, somewhere pretty complex) interviews with the author on his understanding of the meta-origins and relationships between power and knowledge in modernity and describing the list of their various counter-intuitive manifestations (cool example from the book how the traditional premodern folktales about vampires were co-opted and adapted for the needs of modern contexts and common imagination by the rising in power bourgeoise during the rise and expansion of the industrial revolution in the mid to late 19th century via newly popular novels about them as a metaphor and political tool to smear the image and influence the the rising negative public's perception of the then declining and no longer dominant traditional European aristocracy as lazy, decadent parasites who have now become a toll on the hardworking and moral parts of society. - he list this as a prominent example of how in modern-contemporary politics, popular cultural products intended for mass market reach and mass consumption indirectly often became used as tools for solidifying or weakening and legitimising or discrediting the current distribution of power) Also from Hobsbaum: 5. The Invention of Tradition 1983. - primarily read the parts that focus on the socio-historical syncretic genesis of the symbolism and even culture of modern nationalism and nation states ( he uses examples of western European countries) and the colonial tradition left over in colonies of European empires. For a surprising broader understanding the socio- psychology (even its subconscious traditional religioisity desires and drives underneath it) behind the political climate and culture of contempt, demonization violence, intolerance and dangerous mass movements, even though it primarily focuses on the example of the Christian Right and evangelical mass movement, culture and political base in America : 6. American Fascists: The Rise of the Christian Right and the War on America 2006. by author Chris Hedges (even if the title sounds and at a glance looks and suggests content that is demonizing to this group behind the first chapters of the 250page book (which I read so far) there is treasure trove of insights into subconscious religious and political drives in humans and how they due to the influence of false, failed and flawed but still powerful and lasting authority and institutions fail to actualize and often get distorted and perverted into its opposites and the human individual and collective psychology that lead people into these types of movements and convinces them or pressures them to stay in them.)
  15. @Forestluv Damn a lot of insecure, delusional and some seriously mentally ill women exposed at their worst.
  16. @Heart of Space You dirty panda ?
  17. This encompass much more than American citizens, it encompasses all other people, national governments and common supranational entities (e.g. the U.N., IMF, World Bank) that depend, to a more or less extent, and thrive on the current international commercial system upholded and enforced by the vast U.S. military apparatus and the most successful and largest U.S. based transnational companies and that ship and export their finished products and raw materials that our sold and bought on the markets of these developed or developing countries and the American banks and other large multinational banks which supply the countries with loans and credits, that exactly originate from the slavish labour in these places were there is this vast suffering, anger, misery and raw survival each day that are bareback exploited labour for raw materials and crop necessities for the product richness and diversity that we have and for privelleged market opportunities. Even in my country I think there will be suffering as our taxpayer funded government budget is being set aside to purchase weapons and/or military hardware, subsidize weapons factories that sell missiles, rifles and bombs produced here to the Saudis that were /are still used up to this time to exterminate and maim Yemenis civilians and children (and/or on the fact that it was uncovered tha our former minister of internal affairs (now ironically of defense) who was voted into office had stakes in one of these private military hardware companies and weapons factories via his father and was therefore had a conflict of interest in administering government spending and was individually stimulated to encourage these weapons sale deals with these countries). This is but one prominent example. And when news of it got published and broke here publicly (even the fact that some of the weapons and hardware produced by these companies and factories went and were sold to the Ukrainian government for the purpose of being shipped to the areas engulfed in the Civil War raging in it's eastern regions) after a swift outrage the mood went to being callous and complacent for the majority and including me, no public action was taken and/or protested about it, it was shrugged off and people moved one and waited for another thing regarding the narrow frame of happening within the borders of this and/or bordering this country to be outraged about at their government officials. And the wheel of karma encompasses us all at the end of the day.
  18. @Yog Appreciate sharing this here since I live in this region. Though embarrassingly for myself I have only just couple of weeks ago watched the first documentary he did on the geopolitical background of the partition of the central republics of Fmr. Yugoslavia and the subsequent Kosovo War and NATO Intervention. My only criticisms of the first documentary as he displayed and made it available to a foreign audiences as well is the somewhat bias of exclusively fingerpointing the machinations of the outside big powers on which the federation was somewhat dependant on economicly while just side covering the dysfunctionality of the internal politics, the arrogance (e.g. rejecting an offer for Yugoslavia being economicly viable of joining the then European Economic Community (before it became a monetary union) in the 1990s right before the collapse and separation of the main states, which I think isn't mentioned in the first documentary) and lack of historical perspective at the time of the Communist aparatchicks and ruling nomenclatura in all of the republics and the fragility and some unpleasant historical facts swept under the rug, deliberately distorted and ignored for the purpose of keeping the cultural bonds intact that kept this alliance of peoples afloat. A lot of blue thinking inside the country at the time of a surge of orange consciousness -based politics is my generalised assessment of why the Civil War went so badly and haywire as it did in the FSRY. And the author of these documentaries Boris Malagurski has cultivated I think this sorta of disempowering and unhelpful exclusivistic anti-globalization conspiritorial and fingerpointing outside at the world superpower for all the miseries that behested the former republics afterwards attitude amongst his domestic audiences, as I have shortly inferred by knowing and speaking with some of them and thus obfuscating them of the responsibilities for being critical, where it is due, at the actions their own countries are performing now, and that they themselves and their fellow countryman by stubbornly holding to some fairytale and feel-good beliefs and actions that are helping accumulate and reproduce some of the problems that are still setting them back and which are of their own doing. A paraphrase quote from a domestic social historian of the region: "Our people here have a self-destructive collective mentality tendency and value system in which one of the central tennets is paradoxically,is of proving your pride and worth to your communities by your ability to stubbornly and consistently, without stopping, hit the same tree with your head over and over again, even if its the wrong one - metaphorically speaking. "
  19. BTW Transparency International which created that world map based Corruption Index assessment, also maybe has possible outside influences interfering in a fully objective ranking of countries by the corruption index, for example, the U.K. and the U.S. State Department are one of the main funders of this NGO. I say this for example because they have been silent on the violation of human and legal rights of detained journalist Jullian Assange, per this report from the self-funded media organization the Grayzone: quote from the article: "Unlike Transparency International, several other large NGOs have been vocal about the case within the last year. Those groups include Amnesty International, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Courage Foundation, Reporters Without Borders, and the Freedom of the Press Foundation. A total of 40 rights groups recently signed an open letter urging Assange’s release. "
  20. Interesting, thanks for sharing this, though honestly, I am skeptical of the ranking criteria conclusion and positioning for some countries by this think tank of experts in the Economist Intelligence Unit which finances this research (e.g. Russia being lower on the electoral and freedom scale than the Republic of Kongo and Syria being ranked only four spaces above North Korea with lack of data in some categories and still during wartime) given the fact that some of them are one of the main competitors and rivals in global financing and politics to the Western "Euro-Atlantic" Alliance world vision and that the Economist Intelligence Unit which is a part of the Economist media group and magazine which has a pro-Western geopolitical biased outlook on events and countries and a competitive interest against Chinese and Russian transnational companies and enterprises, because most of its shares are owned by a holding company Exor N.V. which is de facto in the hands of Agnelli family, an Italian Jewish wealthy industrialist lineage which also holds a controlling stake in Ferrari, CNH Industrial and Juventus F.C. ( in fact the current chairman of Ferrari from 2018. is the current heir to that family John Elkin) and also the Rotschild family which owns also over 20% of the shares in the Economist Group. So I think the pegging some countries that low on the scale in authoritarianism is unfair and some ranking of other countries as high up on the electoral freedom and fairness scale as overly gracious and imaginative, for example I consider my country Serbia, in which's parliamentary elections I participated as a local monitor and based on some articles and reports I read written by election monitors from election observations NGO's from other voting polls across the country impossible to have the score of almost 8.25 out of 10 on the regularity and fairness of the electoral process (given the fact that most citizens and NGO's have documented examples of the overly majoritarian ruling party (with more than 60% of the turnout vote in these elections(they can basically now singlehandedly form a one-party government with no need of any coalition with other parties or members from other parties) blackmail and coercion methods (e.g. via employment guarantees) during the elections that were applied to guarantee votes from it's voting base, other potential voters and a significant number from poor and disenfranchised national minorities in the country and also the vast irregularities and fraud documented purported by their election monitors on some polling stations where they had the majority party personnel that was reported across the country during the parlaimentary elections). Serbia by these criteria and the means by which this president has remained in power, guaranteed and secured his rule (basically when he was prime minister he, it seems to me and many other's in retrospect from this time and place, performed with then-president Tomislav Nikolich the Putin-Medvedev formality in governance position switch, which it seems now that he planned all along to take advantage of the weakness and fragility of the flawed democracy in this country) that is more on the edge of being a hybrid system (as described by this Index) than a flawed democracy by now, while Russia I feel veers also more to a hybrid system based on a good-faith ranking of all the answers of the questions in the five categories than ranking it that down in authoritarianism among the worst based on all the results in the categories. Maybe I am wrong but I sense a bias in the methodology and credibility of all the ranking in this list by this Economist affiliated think tank.
  21. Haven't come about in reading his book yet feel after shock from the news a need to do so to honour his passing and help his loved ones in atleast in this miniscule way. When a titan in a surge at his zenith passes, that has impacted thousands in a unique and a new high conscious way you feel for a moment like you and the world lost a part of yourself that you are called to retrieve. Great détails about the scale of his presence and it's potential to grow and reach even more here. Bhaskar Sunkara, Jacobin editor: "I asked him why he still wanted to go forward and his answer was simple: he wanted to help build institutions that would last."