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Everything posted by Cudin

  1. "you have a massive ego" said an ego lol just let it be, boys. it's gonna happen eventually.
  2. Wheat consumption is strongly correlated to autoimune diseases, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, thyroid problems, fibromialgia and so on.... The problem is that we don't really have lots of scientific studies backing these correlations up. The discoveries happen only with people that are already in a bad situation and are open minded enough to research outside the doctors recommendations. For me it happened the hard way... My health started to degrade pretty quickly and no doctor could find the root cause of my problems. I did my research and finally started experimenting with diet changes. I was a very rational oriented person at the time (SD orange, with shades of green) and was desperate to the point of trying alternative medicine like acupunture. What worked in the end was cutting wheat - my symptoms got better really fast, but I was still too attached to the foods. Today I feel a lot better, but not perfect. I am still fighting with dieting, trying to make my thyroid work properly without taking synthetic hormones. The thing is, people are going to react to your diet changes, specially being too young. People are REALLY dogmatic when it comes to food (like anything else, I guess). I had some really uncomfortable discussions with my family about my eating habits, but I am able to afford my own groceries, so no one can really force me to eat anything. Conscious eating It's a hard quest. Don't give up, it's totally worth it. You'll have more energy to do whatever it takes on your path. Good luck!
  3. I just thought you guys would like the work of this great artist. Lots of golden turquoise nuggets there!
  4. - In the Vedas mythology, the cannabis plant came to be directly from Shiva's own body. - Aleister Crowley used weed as a catalyst to his spiritual practices (even though I believe he was a kind of zen devil, it really doesn't matter). - Several Indian Sadhus use weed. - The main spiritual practice of the Rastafari is smoking weed in a specific set and setting. I have a real hard time searching for good sources of information about the real spiritual uses of marijuana. I simply just ignore people that say, out of pure dogma, that no drug will really help in our spiritual path - yeah, right - 5MeO-DMT sends his regards. I'm pretty sure my psychedelic experiments have been of great use in my path. I got rid of hard addictions (alcohol and cigarettes), Improved my self-esteem, had some great / frightening ego death experiences. Some of the best mystical experiences I had where actually under the effects of marijuana. My self-inquiry becomes more effective, I am capable of being present for longer periods of time - to the point where it feels like I'm watching a movie and have no real agency. What I see seems to merge with my identity - reality seems to get smashed in my nose. It can be a little awkward to talk to other people in that state - I might just get back to the regular stoned dual state really fast which can be kinda freaky. Do you guys have any good link about reports of the use of marijuana in spiritual practices? Have you ever had any valuable mystical experience regarding cannabis?
  5. @Outer Ye, I bet they did the experiment with a control group of stoner meditators... Science is great, my friend, but following it blindly is as naive as following a religion blindly. Thanks for sharing the information, though !
  6. Pretty sure you're talking that out of belief, which is also delusion, my friend. Yes, Animals don't exist, but in their perspective, they do. Compassion 101.
  7. @Recursoinominado salve irmão! I agree with you in most of what you said. I did try shrooms and it is my favorite, hands down. Unfortunately, I started having strong gastro-intestinal pain when consuming mushrooms, so I had to quit them. I was thinking about making a tea to extract the psilocybin, but I am really scared of doing them again, since last time I did, I fainted and had a quick seizure (it's REALLY crazy to come back to life while under psilocybin) The brazilian weed (prensado nosso de cada dia) sucks indeed, but at least it's not a THC bomb, like the ones i've tried in north america. That's just too much. abraço
  8. To transcend something doesn't mean it doesn't exist anymore. Regarding Ramana - it's pretty clear the amazing relationship he had with animals, just do the research. With all due respect, you are talking nonsense. Studying his life would be of great benefit for you.
  9. Btw, marijuana seems to be a great bootstrapper from SD orange to green - which is a major blockage for the majority of people. I don't really have any evidence for that, just my own observations. Most of my friends that have never tried marijuana are really stuck on orange forever. The ones that had an open mind (or just the right amount of dumbness), have successfully shifted to green, and are now stuck in the revolutionary justice warrior paradigm (maybe that's right time to introduce psilocybin / LSD). I'd love to know if any of you have also noticed that. (If I'm correct, the recent weed legalization process that is occurring in the US, will be of enormous help to transition the nation from orange to green. It will take time, but it will happen)
  10. Anyone who's had a real hard addiction like nicotine knows the abyss that exists between trying to quit cigarettes and trying to quit weed. Again: people get addicted to pretty much anything. Porn, games, movies, comic books , working (I'll never get that one), talking, cracking knuckles, picking nose. The vast majority of stoners are in it for escapism and that's obvious - but let's not throw the baby with the bath water - when used for real spiritual work (that is - contemplation, concentration, vipassana, self-enquiry, walking meditation, having high level conversations, watching the nature), it is as powerful as any other psychedelics. Keep the mind wide open, brothers. This forum has so much potential!
  11. nothing goes wrong, ever existence is a masterpiece, the most beautiful work of art there is all it takes for you to see is putting yourself out of the equation 5g of dried cubensis might also help
  12. Animals make better friends than most people. I personally don't eat my friends. Do you?
  13. The process of spiritual purification is the process of making things easier. The endless desires of the ego are very persistent, and it will always find ways to justify your own behavior. If eating meat seems fine for you at the present moment, that's ok, but keep your mind open to the possibility of health and spiritual benefits of quitting. Contemplate about what is eating another animal's flesh. You are getting all sort of energies, not just the calories. The animal you are eating, if you did not hunt it yourself, was eating very low quality food and had a lot of suffering in his life. You are literally eating suffering. If all I said sounds too cuckoo for you, keep doing what you are doing, work on yourself and revisit this question in the future.
  14. I sure love LSD, the only problem with it is that I can't trip very frequently. Last time I took 150 ug and had a 26h trip, which gets really exhausting after the first 12 hours. Marijuana is a more gentle teacher, that has potential for more frequent use. The teachings I got from marijuana I did not get from LSD, DMT and Psilocybin. It just feels like each one has a different thing to say. As for the potential for addiction, you know very well an ego can get addicted to pretty much anything. Marijuana is not as nearly chemically addictive as nicotine, cocaine, opioids, or even sugar. I agree that heavy psychedelic weaponry is necessary to get things started, but once the engine is running, pretty much any altered state has the potential for mind-blowing insights - at least in my experience.
  15. Just found a nice snippet of Gary Weber (which is a guy I REALLY respect) talking about marijuana and self-inquiry as a spiritual practice: See episode 4 - 51:35.
  16. Try walking meditation while high. It's like a muscle, you just have to practice (:
  17. Also, I've tried Canadian weed, and It's just so strong. It's an overkill - no way you can really get something out of that. I am Brazilian and just consume marijuana with regular levels of THC and CBD. Most times I even have to get really low quality weed, because of the laws in my country. Go for the natural, not crossbred stuff. Nature is the supreme intelligence and gave all we really need to transcend our illusions.
  18. @Viking if you contemplate, losing short-term memory for a while is pretty close to an enlightened fully-present state, if you manage to be present, of course
  19. Great! All I hear is how marijuana is a hindrance to meditation, and I certainly understand that it might be the case for a lot of people, specially those who use it for just for recreational purposes. But I do feel like I am able to get to the first Jhana states of concentration a lot faster with the aid of marijuana. Maybe it is blocking me to go further down the rabbit hole, but it surely helped immensely so far.
  20. Yes, it is addictive. Not as much as nicotine, but I do feel minor withdraw symptoms when I quit smoking for some time. It also feels bad to inhale particles from the smoke. Maybe marijuana is meant to be eaten, not smoked.
  21. yellow transitioning to turquoise hip hop
  22. Alex Grey talks about his own evolution through the spiral, using the Integral terminology. A must see.