Sahil Pandit
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Everything posted by Sahil Pandit
@zambize Thank you for the support man!
Nature Practicing relaxation Organizing/Decluttering Riding a bike/exercise Reading
My Life Purpose is unfolding faster than i could ever imagine
@Ingit Focus on meditation
@StarStruck Sell them on eBay or donate them. You'll feel a lot more space mentally and physically if you do.
@DrewNows I weigh 164 right now (6ft) and i'm probably around 11-12% body fat. I'd like to track my macros to get down to around 158lbs and lean out, perhaps the 8-9% range. I'm not doing it out of neuroticism, but more out of discipline. It would be nice to know how many calories i'm consuming so i can help others in my family develop healthier habits as well.
@DrewNows Gotcha. I just bought a food weight scale 2 days ago. I'd like to give tracking macros an honest shot for a few months to work on my eating habits such as developing the skill of eating moderate portion sizes.
@DrewNows Thanks for the tip! I'll try this tomorrow.
@CreamCat Consider for a minute how flow is different than "Deficiency Cognition/Neuroticism". Most people who are in DCog never get to feel flow. So nice job!
Sahil Pandit replied to Shaun's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Contemplation of this question yields great results -
Here is a sample outline of the day: AM Rituals: Make the bed Workout Shave/Clean up/Shower Nootropic stack Autosuggestion Affirmations Meditate/Review objectives Coaching Mapping out the next 1-2 months Build computer infrastructure Commit to food list Buy a food scale Daily skin care routine Daily review of LP Daily Yoga Daily Journaling (Note: These are items to do, on top of the main list of homework, going to school, etc)
Sahil Pandit replied to electroBeam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@electroBeam have you heard of Ken Wilber's "states vs. stages" model? -
There seems to be some defense mechanism that prevents too much clarity at once. Have you noticed this? Layers and layers...
@Maximus The "work" is about turning your focus and concentration inward instead of outward. It's about realizing God. @TrynaBeTurquoise Excellent points.
Sahil Pandit replied to electroBeam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@electroBeam could you tell us how meditation / consciousness work has helped you in your day to day life? -
@crimson_chess Look man, there's no need to be so hard on yourself. This is a long road, and you have a great intention for yourself. Do you have a friend circle that supports your life? I am on no fap as well, and i PROMISE you, you'll feel better. Breaking the streak for no reason just ins't worth it. Remember, things get worse, then get better. In terms of your neurosis, i think you're trying hard to get a desired outcome. Instead, how about you switch to "Do nothing" meditation? You just seem to stressed out to do formal meditation. What are your hobbies? What do you do for a living? Are you in a relationship?
@rnd Sit in nature and listen to life.
@aklacor727 Being cognition has it's needs met, so there is nothing to "take away" from it. Be open with your friend, support them, but don't take on their burdens as your own. Everyone has their own demons and baggage to work through... You deserve to protect your energy from being drained.
@Flowerfaeiry By default, this work is rare. How is someone supposed to know that they were put on this planet to raise their consciousness? Most people fall into the traps of culture and materialism so easily that they never get a breakthrough to see that there's more to life. It's important for us to reflect on this and not take pursuing consciousness for granted (Which we do...)
There are 100's of traps in this work. Your mind will be your greatest enemy. Here are the most common traps people fall into: Journal about these issues you are dealing with Chasing quick-fixes. Not wanting to explore issues deeply or solve problems at their root. Not taking ownership of your life. Hoping for someone to give you a 1-2-3 step formula for success & happiness. Trying to be like someone else rather than working to discover YOUR authentic self. Chasing ideals and ideas of goodness. Feeling like it's too late, I'm too old to change, I've wasted so much time. Staying loyal to toxic friends/family who are holding you back. Not reading, not learning, not doing enough research. Expecting this work to be easy and pleasant. Learning from too few perspectives, thus getting an incomplete picture, not having enough options. Judging, moralizing, criticizing, debating, arguing, blaming. Asking for "scientific proof", as if someone can prove quality-of-life improvements to you. Being so skeptical of everything that you don't put the theory into practice. Speculating about and conceptualizing enlightenment, mystical experiences, and spiritual growth. Clinging to a naive realist paradigm, believing that reality is physical, logical, and Newtonian. Assuming that modern science has figured out most of reality. Underestimating the massive negative effects of mainstream culture, diet, media, entertainment, beliefs, etc. Not understanding how happiness really works. Thinking that external conditions or possessions produce happiness. Chasing gross material pleasures. Confusing success with happiness or true growth. Assuming that successful people, like your favorite role-models, celebrities, professors, CEOs, etc are happy. Not recognizing that mystical experiences are real and possible for you to have. Becoming ideological about anything whatsoever (theory, techniques, science, logic, politics, etc), not realizing that all human perspectives are partial. Confusing Truth with knowledge/belief Assuming that reality is rational, mistaking scientific maps and models for being. Working a job/career just for the money. Being stuck in wage slavery, working a 9-5 job, not having control of your schedule. Eating the Standard American Diet of wheat, dairy, sugar, meat, and processed foods. Assuming that personal development is all mental work, not doing any development or purification of your body. Consuming mainstream media. Not realizing how toxic modern media and entertainment is. Not taking full responsibility for your life Whining and complaining about how your situation is unfair and impossible to change. Not valuing or pursuing truth for its own sake. Treating truth as a luxury. Dismissing theory, philosophy, and beliefs as "merely" philosophy. Studying tons of theory without ever taking action. Improperly balancing your ratio of theory to practice. Mental masturbation. Keyboard-jockeying: over-conceptualizing, discussing, talking shit, and speculating but never embodying what is talked about. Having a short time horizon for all your goals, plans, and projects. Over-packing your schedule, leaving no time to sit, think, or meditate. Valuing and pursuing gross experiences vs subtle ones. Assuming that consciousness is a physical by-product of the brain. Assuming that you are physical body, or etherial soul. Projecting onto the teacher you're learning from. Getting triggered by teachers. Holding grudges. Debating with them. Trying to school your teacher. Clinging to the idea of good and evil, not realizing that these are all your projections. Going on a crusade to save the world or vanquish evil. Getting overly focused on acting "good" in the external world vs working on your own inner demons. Assuming that if life is meaningless, that's a bad thing. Setting unrealistic expectations. Being too impatience. Expecting big results to come quickly. Trying to change too much too fast. Lack of focus. Getting overwhelmed with all the options. Indecisiveness. Not taking action because, "I don't know how." Underestimating how much growth is possible. How much better your life can become. Assuming boundaries between objects are scientific, physically given. Distracting yourself from facing emptiness, negative emotions, loneliness, and ego backlashes. Misusing psychedelics: using them recreationally, using them socially, using them without proper research. Conceptually misunderstanding enlightenment Confusing enlightenment with a sensory experience or emotional state Trying to install too many new habits at once. Quitting meditation or self-inquiry when negative emotions or resistance surfaces. Not being decisive, thus maintaining the status quo by default. Not having a big vision for your life. Using negative motivation to get stuff done. Motivating yourself through competition with others, trying to "be the best". Making your vision all about personal success and wealth rather than contributing to the world. Being too cheap, not investing in books, courses, workshops, etc. Undervaluing self-education. Chasing after love, success, pleasure, excitement, rather than pursuing Truth and understanding. Assuming you need certain physical conditions to be happy. Conflating knowledge acquisition with growth/development. Dismissing "new age" concepts like spirits, aliens, God, healing, love, etc. Demonizing psychedelics. Not taking massive action. Assuming that "things will just work out". No they won't! Not having a spiritual practice because you've been told there's nothing to seek. Expecting people close to you to understand and support your efforts to grow. Trying in frustration to get everyone around you to change or become interested in personal development or spirituality. Not realizing or appreciating the incredible value of this work. Quitting Quitting when resistance kicks in. Quitting when emotional upheaval surfaces. Not getting back on track after backsliding or quitting. Beating yourself up for failures. Letting yourself get lulled back to sleep by our toxic and indifferent culture. Being dogmatic about any school or practise Not exploring various perspectives Not reading theory/reading too much theory Starting enlightenment wars Theorizing and conceptualizing enlightenment Trying to have someone else's experience (that guy got enlightened with zen meditation, I will now only do zazen!) Trying too much/trying too little Chasing states (all states change, the substance where all states occur does not) Getting stuck in your mind "why I dont get it?" "why Im stuck in this body?" "I just want the ego to die already!" "Who is it who perceives me perceiving this though and who is it who asks this question, who who who who who....." Getting caught up in words (awareness, emptiness, I, me....) Worrying too much about what you should do vs. what you should not do Not recognizing belief from direct experience Not questioning your beliefs radically enough Dismissing psychedelics / doing too much psychedelics Believing enlightenment is hard Not recognizing the limits of any spiritual teacher/teaching Not recognizing the difference and limitations of both pre and post awakened advice Making practices chores you MUST do Dismissing the body and humanity Going overboard with diets/fasting Dismissing feelings and their source Ignoring bodily functions and natural needs of the body in general Celibacy as a method (sex is a distraction yes but so is a mind clouded in sexual thoughts, try it if you feel its part of your path) Hurting the body (the usefulness/reward ratio of straight up physical pain is questionable, although it has been tried and practiced succesfully by individuals) Believing there are problems Creating a path where the is none (I'll be closer to enlightenment when I have done x amount of yoga and y amount of meditation) Believing any part of experience is "blocking" you from seeing the truth ("Thoughts are a problem" is a though about thoughts) "Stopping the practice when you leave the cushion" Not making a commitment of life long seeking. The seeking will end when the time is right. Not conjuring massive amounts of patience and perseverance Not recognizing ducks as the superior spiritual teachers
How many unquestioned dualities are you still living through?
Sahil Pandit replied to Raptorsin7's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Raptorsin7 Excellent choice. Feel the emotion, sit down, let it go/surrender, remain still, leg go again, surrender.. feel, let go, surrender. Rinse and repeat as many times a day as you like -
@Moses In all honesty, i believe that if they are at stage blue development, there is little hope in regards to them understand what you do and why you do it. Based on my experience, the only thing you can do is lead by example. Go full into consciousness work and lead by example. Work on how you judge, blame, avoid responsibility, that way they do it less often. Become independent so that they can respect you more. Do your best and don't rely on them. I feel for you. You can't raise someone's else's consciousness. They have to want to do this work. 99.9% are not willing to do so...
Sahil Pandit replied to Joel3102's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Joel3102 it's fun to see materialism as a cult and Dawkin's as their leader