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About Fitful

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  1. Just watched your video on paradigms. Good stuff, what I've been thinking for a while but didn't take that leap to call all of it Paradigm. My question is how to not drag old Paradigm stuff into new ones. Example: I was raised Christian and I've left it 12 years now, have different beliefs and am very open minded, yet still find lingering fears which reflect back to those teachings. I'm also Vegan a year now, and I can see the shift in Paradigm slowly moving over but it's not fast and absolute. I literally have to tackle every hang up, and some are sneaky and linger. Like an odd flash of a craving, which I then have to translate into (ex. eggs = dead baby chicks = bad.) Is there a way to clean out the lingering stuff? How can I jump into a paradigm I don't agree with if I am holding onto prior beliefs as a life line, a one foot in, one foot out type thing? I also find myself trying to pull people into my paradigms. Should I refrain from doing this? Also, when I tried to exit the big one twice, the "there is an external reality" one, I got such a headache I had to take a nap. Like my brain was trying to shut me down. What's that about?