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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. @Charlotte My answer is that It's not selfish for the apparent person to seek its true nature.
  2. ...and, @Ether you are absolutely correct it's not selfish.
  3. Enlightenment is seeing that the selfish/self absorbed one is illusory...only "apparently" real.
  4. Now you guys are just showing off
  5. You got it!
  6. ♡♡♡♡♡♡ Ditto.
  7. I don't know what this means?
  8. @Faceless @robdl Nameste guys!
  9. I see. Thanks for the explanation.
  10. Yeah, well, I'm a smart cookie, don't mess with my past knowledge! Lol, did you like the ego in the statement!... bahaha!
  11. What does knowledge psychologically mean, exactly?
  12. @robdl You said I was walking along with you, as if all the info from my post came from understanding what you were saying. When actually I was giving my version that I had heard from Vedanta, when I realized it was similiar to what you were saying. Why is that a problem? If we never use memory or past knowledge, then that's called being a baby, cause we wouldnt know anything...nothing. I'm a nurse, I use past knowledge all day.
  13. Did I offend you? My point was only that the concepts in that post I got from James Swartz. It just so happens that he and you meant roughly the same thing and that's cool.
  14. @Faceless I want to totally "get" your version. I'm unclear still what one would do with thoughts that pull you from "what-is"? If my version is hypnosis. Example could be as simple as me thinking of wanting a cookie, but I'm on a diet. So, I desire a cookie! Or more complex, I'm at work and helping a patient that is being verbally abusive. So, have thoughts of escaping...fear.
  15. I know it seems that way, but I got that from a James Swartz, a vedanta teacher.
  16. You guys are tag teaming me! Anyway, for what you both are saying Vedanta would say that when the thought of objects, that have strong pull toward desiring/fearing, arise within the mind, then one needs to apply Self-knowledge to those thoughts (ie, I'm whole, complete, full, limitless awareness, therefore I don't need any object to complete me).
  17. Ok, so here's my version, when one has thoughts of an object (subtle or gross) it creates desire/fear, it strengthens the longer one thinks about it, creating attachment, attachment seems to create action, action creates karma. All of this perpetuates the ego and so on goes the wheel of Samsara. Crikey, I see I have a few replies "above" to read!
  18. I've already had the cosmic laugh...yeah, it's great. I'm speaking now from the point of view of the "apparent person" and it's thoughts. Yes, I know I'm not it, but "it" still has an apparent body and life that "I" (awareness) am associated with...and will be until the death of the body.
  19. I understand the concept of what you're saying, but it isn't translating to "normal daily life", to say not to have thoughts that move from what-is, as if I have control over that. To say, don't "identify" with the thoughts that arise, because they're not "my" that makes sense, but that doesn't seem to be what you're saying.
  20. Alright, guess it's not possible to have a geniune, normal conversation with you right now. So, never mind. See no arguement. Just wanted to understand better.
  21. Ok, I get that...just for conversation purposes (not debate), using your example, would you say that the thought- "perhaps I should meditate or do Self inquiry", wouldnt be a worthy thought in that example? Even though it would perpetuate thought "now", it may eliminate thought in the future. Nothing wrong with "how to"s if it helps peeps understand what you are trying to say. Why say it, if you're not understood.
  22. Ok, so, no examples. That's fine.
  23. I'm not trying to hassle you, but I'm actually requesting to have practical examples? Like from your daily life. Basically, how you walk the talk, so to speak.