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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. This is key right here...full stop. However, if one's mind is too dull or too agitated, then one can not look at thought or observe it, in movement.
  2. @Etagnwo lol, your back as Etagnwo. You didn't like being "@Feel Good", guess it didnt feel good!??? "Actualized forum keyboard jockeys blazed replied to Feel Good's topic in Self-Actualization @Etagnwo RIP May 29 to July 20 - 761 post count within that period @Feel Good July 21 to Current - 359 post count within that peroid. Your vile habits shine through as obvious as ever. August 4"
  3. Not sure if you get who "K-Fed" is? K-Fed is/was an American rapper/dancer, who married and divorced, a famous American singer Britney Spears.
  4. Dang! You're right! ? ...and K-Fed definitely didn't come up with K-Pro...hahaha. Then, again, a rapper could come up with a dog food This is really funny! Hehe
  5. ? sounds good, lol ? Examples - Do u know K-Pro? Do u understand K-Pro? Where did u hear of K-Pro? Why does K-Pro sound like a foreign language? Etc ????
  6. I don't think he calls it anything. I don't think he liked labels. You might just have to say, "The K-man's process"...???
  7. It's not Faceless's process @Nahm , as much as I truly do like him. It's J. Krishnamurti's process, always has been, always will be. Do a little research and you'll see this.
  8. This is very interesting Nahm, because the other day "Feel Good" reported one of my posts where I said that he has a "big ass ego" (and he does) and was given 2 points for "name calling". Shouldn't he get 2 points also? Or should I have had a warning, like you are giving him? So, maybe my 2 points should be removed from my account? Fair is fair, right?
  9. Those are good, water and exercising are other good ones. Here's an article about when you're having a hard time grounding.
  10. It took much too long to figure it out actually. Many, many years and was found out incidentally. So, I now am trying to spread the word, when appropriate, to help others.
  11. @Recursoinominado If you're truly an empath, then you need to learn how to ground yourself, by using grounding techniques. You can look them up on google there are many sites on how to do this. Otherwise, the more one identifies with themselves as a suffering someone, the more they will suffer. Unfortunately there's not much you can do for them. Unless they are willing to help themselves. It depends on the situation. People have to go through trials and tribulations in life, you can't save everyone, unfortunately.
  12. @outlandish Yeah, I was just saying what was my experience also, so no biggie. Sounds like your wife was in a rut, where as I had no sex drive at all...long term. My husband tried leaving me alone, it didn't work for him. Anyways, I'm just glad my problem got fixed by stopping antidepressants and my poor husband doesn't need a schedule any longer.
  13. @Feel Good See my post above? Btw, thanks for the report, for name calling/swearing. Been on forums for 9 years and never a single point. Now I got ..2! I feel like a badass, yeah! ?
  14. @Feel Good You got me 2 points for saying a swear word!!! Lmao ??? You're too much dude, lol Its comic relief around here. I swear.?
  15. I hardly post anymore dude, so nice try, but there's nothing to report. Gain some perspective, by getting away from forum posting and reading, for a bit, it will help not to take yourself so seriously on here.
  16. If u stop taking yourself so seriously, you'll be much happier. ? Peace ?
  17. So, the cliff notes version- @Feel Good got his big ass ego bruised by @who chit when he called Feel Good out by saying he was speaking from theory and not experience. Feel Good then quickly lost his shit, spiraling downhill at lightening speed and somehow ultimately blamed it all on @Faceless, then stated he was leaving this forum for a Krishnamurti forum. ? It's been quite entertaining ! ?
  18. @Faceless @robdl Hehe...found this meme a while ago and been waiting to use it! ???
  19. @Lynnel There are people who have open marriages. It may sound absurd to you, but it happens, for various reasons. Of course, they can try the obvious, which is counseling, but that will not increase her sex drive, if that's the problem, which she says it is. She could follow up medically, which she didn't do, but he can't force her. Btw, its the OP who brought up cheating, the other posters, including myself, are commenting on that option and it IS an option. Even if you don't like it.