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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. You experience as the apparen't person you "appear" to be. Your true nature though is awareness (or consciousness), which is the background/substratum of every-thing, including God. The action figure "Anna1" is an "aspect" of God (Isvara), the creator-sustainer-destroyer of the universe.
  2. @Inder I don't watch Leo's videos, so I can't comment on them, sorry. My take is that what ppl consider "their" free will is actually the will of Isvara (or God). So, free will equals determinism, essentially. Not that things are planned ahead of time, no, but you do need to contemplate and do your best, because one doesn't know what's in store for them anymore then they know what will happen tomorrow. We are not the "apparent" persons we appear to be. So, how could we be the doer of action, thought, etc?
  3. Are you aware and conscious?
  4. @Dodo Very nice! Have things turned around for you?
  5. Not all ego's want to be the classic "best" ego. Some want to be the best at being the "worst" (criminals, addicts, etc), the most depressed, most "spiritual" or most, woe is me, "sick". Haven't you recognized ego's that get stuck in these groups? As long as the ego feels that it has a "strong identity", that's what's most important to it, even if it's miserable!
  6. I don't think that was necessary... especially coming from a guy that is repeatedly talking about hot asian chicks, bananas and taking another man out to eat or being taken out to eat, all on open forum! So, perhaps taking your own advice is in order?
  7. Interesting....addiction comes to mind, especially drugs and alcohol. Also, being involved with "hate" groups. Edit: I'm just referring to becoming more unconscious. I have no interest in S.D. stages
  8. Well, sure sounds very much like a panic attack, except the part where resisting makes it disappear. Regardless of what you or I call it, it's causing you to be uncomfortable. So, although it goes away with resisting, it's obviously coming back. So how about you try not resisting next time? Put all your attention on it and deep breathe through it.... remind yourself your not going to die. You can't kill a thought (you can trancend it tho) and the physical body is just having a reaction, regardless of what we call it.
  9. @WelcometoReality Well, regardless, put full attention upon it and breathe through it....Until its gone. It will hopefully take less and less time each time.
  10. Ok, but once the fear is there, then what happens? Let's get into the nitty gritty of it.
  11. Maybe you could elaborate on this? Are you distracting yourself while the fear (possible panic) persists or does it immediately dissipate when you run (what does this mean) from it?
  12. Yes, usually I don't think it's for you or me to truly judge. I didn't say they were, I said, "sounds like..." I'd leave that to@WelcometoReality I was just giving my opinion and gave website he could look at the symptoms.
  13. Sounds like panic attacks to me. "A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger or apparent cause. Panic attacks can be very frightening. When panic attacks occur, you might think you're losing control, having a heart attack or even dying."
  14. Online, yes We live in different countries.
  15. @Inliytened1 Ohh, so sorry! ? Glad u feel better!
  16. @Natasha Yeah, look what happened to Robin Williams one of the best comedians ever. Hung himself.?
  17. @Truth Addict 2min, 31secs He is discussing briefly an awakening in 2009. Ps, Jim Carrey has been open about his depression and ADHD in the past.
  18. Thanks for the video. Anyways, I liked how he said, something to the effect of, that while playing a character, he had to forget about Jim Carrey and one day said to himself, "if it's this easy to forget about Jim Carrey, then who is Jim Carrey?"
  19. My take is that awareness, existence, Brahman is aware of itself. It's just not aware of itself as an object, so it doesnt know itself in the same way one would know an object through the mind. Another words, there is no subject-object split.