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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. I was in a coma a decade ago for 5 days, there was nothing experienced during the time of being in the coma. There was- awake. ..nothing. ...awake.
  2. Air conditioning....its 91 degrees outside
  3. Although my opinion is you are technically correct, most here won't understand what your referring too. Basically, it's like how Nisargadatta said, "consciousness AND the absolute" referring to two different things.
  4. I've never taken a psychedelic, they aren't necessary, imho. As far as hell realms...oh my goodness, please chill out.
  5. I hate to be so blunt, but there's plenty of overweight, unattractive, zero-personality women out in the world. If all you want is a woman, I'm sure one, in one of these categories, would be thrilled! ...and if not, well, stop complaining about the women being picky and not wanting you for various reasons, because you are also being picky.
  6. A sattvic diet can quiet the mind by balancing the guna energies within the body/mind allowing some a steady enough mind for Self-realization. For others, a specific diet it's not needed at all.
  7. Hi, I'm not a teacher. Actually, I'm even bad at explaining this stuff. But, I'll try. If I'm off, I assume Preetom will correct me.? Brahman is aware, but not of objects, as it's perspective (although it doesnt truly have one) is that there is nothing but it. However, Brahman plus mind is Jiva (apparent person), then is capable of knowing, perceiving, etc. Ego questions- yes, ego is reflected awareness, but so is all manifestation both subtle and gross. It's the mind that is aware of ego, not the ego aware of mind (ie, many ppl say, "my ego..."). Think of it this way, ego is the "I" thought within the mind. Also, it's mind aware of the bodily senses. Ego "can" realize its real nature is Brahman/awareness, once Self-Realization or enlightenment happens. It can process the information gained from the experience into Self-knowledge. If it could not there wouldn't be books written, YT videos, etc. of enlightened ppl teaching. It takes a certain amount of ego to perform such activities. Purpose of Self-inquiry: discrimination between whats real and what's reflected awareness and become Self-realized, know your true nature as Brahman.
  8. If you read my other post I was basically saying that once you are Self-realized you "don't" need the teachings anymore (shit what you've eaten). It's only worthwhile to discuss if helping someone else become Self-realized...or to understand the cosmos and how things work according to Advaita Vedanta.
  9. Um, lol, that was my opinion, not a guessing. My opinion is that- "I DON'T THINK I'M OVER THINKING" ?
  10. @Truth Addict I assumed since I was recently posting that it was inferred. Yes, sure, go the no teaching route. Good luck with that...
  11. I don't think I'm over thinking. It seems that way to you and probably others, because they don't know the teaching. I'm not here to convince you to go the Advaita Vedanta route, the teaching is there for anyone not satisfied with their current teachings. It's thousands of years old and doesn't need a sales pitch.
  12. Thing is, once you know who you are, not just in thought. You can let it all go for your own purposes, but that doesn't really help someone else make the same Self-realization. Neo-Advaita only gets you so far in my humble opinion.
  13. Guess I'm one of the "you people", so I'll comment. The world appearance is a superimposition upon Brahman. Like the snake and the rope. Names and forms appear to be something other than Brahman itself. You discriminate in Vedanta, to distinguish between whats real and what's apparently real (or a reflection). However, Isvara (God) being also an appearance, therefore a superimposition, does presume the role of creator, sustainer, destroyer of the universe according to Advaita Vedanta. ...Isvara appears as it's own creation. So, whatever you see is an aspect of God "manifested"...but fundamentally the creation is really formless, attributeless, limitless Brahman. Just as the wave and the ocean are fundamentally water, but Brahman itself is forever untouched by any of it, such is why it can be called an illusion or dream.
  14. Advaita Vedanta is Self-knowledge. It teaches discrimination, between the real (You/awareness) and what is "apparently" real (your reflection). So you can know your true nature. The spitting of hairs regarding the creation of the cosmos is laid out perfectly in the teachings and taught methodically (by a method), so one has the full picture. Talking about it here is certainly not ideal if one wasn't taught Advaita Vedanta by a skilled teacher, because I find it creates confusion, even if it's ultimately the truth.
  15. There is no dissolve of the shakti power inherent in Brahman. To My knowledge. .. Anyways, if interested, read the link carefully.
  16. No, Brahman is not God, God is Brahman. This distinction is important in understanding the vedanta perspective. Brahman does not create God. simply because Brahman does not create. God is created because of a Shakti power inherent in Brahman. It's complicated and I can't get into it more. You would have to study Advaita Vedanta. To grasp what I'm saying apparently.
  17. @DrewNows yeah, Anna1 has had some bad luck recently and quit her job yesterday, so has been in quite a bad mood.
  18. The world was "created out of" Brahman/awareness by Isvara/God. So, the world is Brahman, but Brahman is not the world. As the world can be negated and not affect Brahman. Too complicate even more, there is no seperation. Just as you can't seperate a reflection in a mirror.
  19. My posts weren't carefully read, this is why you and others who have commented on them don't understand the meaning. * Hint* read what Mikael has been posting. I guess you'd have to know Advaita Vedanta or it just goes right over your head.