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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Because I refuse to conform to your forum's usage of the word "love" means nothing. Is it a requirement to post on here? To conform to your teachings and wordage, or your deemed "not awake" and have an attitude? Perhaps, if you want to prove your point, you list what spiritual teachers use the word "love" to mean your true nature, on a regular basis. I'd like to look it up.
  2. You don't know what I do and don't know. Don't act as if you know me or my experiences.
  3. _______________________ @AlldayLoop ?
  4. OMG! what I'm talking about. Case closed.
  5. What would be a level of funny? We are using different words for the same thing obviously, but yours is a loaded word, that I choose to not use for reasons already explained ....
  6. Replace the word "love" above with "awareness" and I totally agree.
  7. @mandyjw You do what works for you. I'll do what works for me. I don't use the word love to point to my true nature as pure awareness.
  8. Well, I think I have clearly stated (as well as Mikael) I use the words awareness/consciousness, which is/was pretty mainstream in spirituality (I was on another forum for 8 years) or ancient texts at least and therefore are just saying we don't use the word "love" when there are already words such as awareness/consciousness that have been used over and over. So, why throw in a word such as love that holds sooooooooo many attributes, to something that's attributeless!
  9. Hm, so love is what you are, but it/you has attributes, such as patience?? Haha! Again, that's observable. who?? You guys keep proving my point over and over...
  10. @Aakash hehe, I flat out don't agree. Maybe I hate my parents? Then in your example consciousness is pointing to hate, not love. Btw, consciousness is not pointing. I "AM" consciousness/awareness. All things including love ... arise, are
  11. Haha, funny guy? It's not visual, as you know, but it is knowable. Who's the knower??
  12. Proves my point. This example is love that is present or absent, therefore...observable! Observable by, awareness/consciousness!
  13. Ack! I don't use the word love either. Awareness/consciousness is just fine by me too. Why confuse the situation by using love or God. Not my thing I guess.
  14. Few months ago I spent about 7 hours in an ER. Had CT scan, a few tubes in a few holes and an IV. Granted, I was a sick cookie, but still I walked out of there without needing to be admitted to the hospital and the bill... $9,000! My share was $1,000 and that was with relatively good insurance.
  15. "The gunman's sister was one of nine people killed in a shooting early Sunday in downtown Dayton, Ohio, police said." So, in the Ohio shooting the gunman was targeting his sister it seems. I was told (I live in Ohio) that her boyfriend was also killed in the shooting.
  16. Heres my take, meditation never negates the doer, its the doer that is meditating. It's good for steadying, calming the mind but any relief found from meditation, must be repeated, since the doer continues to "not" be negated. The mind isnt actually the issue, its "identifying with it" thats the issue and Self-inquiry "does" negate the doer and breaks the identification with the mind through assimilation of Self-knowledge.
  17. None, however, when coming out of the coma (process took 1/2 day or so), the Anna character had a pain response (so I'm told). Retracting limbs from pain and that sort of thing, but there was no memory of this or of anything (no sound either) once awake.
  18. However, one could argue that the "subtle body" aka soul is experienced in an afterlife of some sort until reincarnation. It is a possibility, that many believe in.... Even Vedanta states the subtle body goes to a heaven or hellish realm until it's present karma is extinguished from this current life, then reincarnation.
  19. Yes, ...consciousness doesn't ever "go" anywhere, ever. The body (subtle and gross) is within consciousness/awareness.
  20. The awareness of coma or deep sleep, doesn't arise until the mind comes back, then there's a knowing that "nothing was known".
  21. The physical body is within awareness/consciousness, not the other way around, imo.