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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. @lmfao Nothing wrong with taking medication for mental health issues. I'm a nurse and I'm here to tell ya mental health issues are very real and meds can and do help. So, do what you gotta do and dont worry about other ppl's opinion (especially ppl on here, lol), as they probably dont understand how bad it can get.
  2. @milii Girl, that just sucks, really! I'm sorry. When you've had enough of it, you'll move on. Until then, unfortunately, you'll suffer.
  3. True, but I once asked a "lonely" guy on here about just that (talking to other guys here that are lonely) he said, no, I "only" want to talk to girls, not guys. So, not sure if the OP feels the same or not?
  4. @CultivateLove Dont like my posts, then dont read them. It's very simple. My opinions are just that, opinions. Get over it! * Theres an "ignore" function on this site. Maybe you should use it. Edit - Seems his post is gone poof!
  5. Theres a spectrum for Bipolar, since some have more mild symptoms, while others may be debilitated by the illness. Theres also Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2, the difference is as simple as if you have ever had 1 true manic episode (not hypomanic), then you would have Bipolar 1. Simply being emotional does not diagnosis Bipolar, although it can be one of several symptoms.
  6. I know it's hard, but you are torturing yourself. If you've blocked him he shouldn't be able to text you. No contact means ...none. Your torn, because you think if you wait long enough he will appreciate you and come running back proclaiming his love for only you and that he made a mistake by leaving you. Most likely, this wont happen.
  7. You must let him go, completely. Go no-contact with him. Block him on all social media, phone. Etc. In time, you'll get over this, meet new guys, date and be happier. Hes a cheater anyways. You dont need that!
  8. No, not at all and I'm 49, so I dont care much about that
  9. I am eating when hungry, just not as much. Im also not doing low fat, so my total daily calories land around 800-1000 which is fine for my body at 5'4. I dont lose above that unless I exercise like a complete maniac which ain't happening right now.
  10. Haha, well, I'm out of what was my normal weight, so just getting back to that hopefully. Since posting I've lost a few more lbs now. Yes, I've not been eating more than 400 cals during the day, then smaller dinner. Wanted to try the veggie diet but my current lifestyle just doesnt fit it.
  11. Yes, he did, just move on. Dont waste time being upset about it. He's not worth your time I guess. Theres always another fish in the sea.
  12. >>>Too skinny: unattractive. Too thick: unattractive. There's a quite narrow interval which is just perfect. <<<< Sure sounds picky to me! (From your thread) what I mean by pointing this out is that you called women picky. Well, you are also.
  13. Omg @Mikael89 isn't this your thread about how "picky" you are about women's attractive or unattractive legs? Lol. Stop blaming women!!! You have social anxiety, you don't talk to women in-person and you're picky, that's your problem.
  14. They are either not halfway decent looking, have a shitty personality or have social anxiety like you do.
  15. A half way decent looking guy (average), with a halfway decent personality, without social anxiety or neurosis, thats not looking for a flippin super model "hot" chick. Can and do find girlfriends, all the time.
  16. Or the emotional connection just sorta happens, then they freak out. Oh God, you don't have the perfect body or legs...shit, crap, I need to find a "hot" girl (a 9 or 10). Even though I'm an average Joe with social anxiety or some other neurosis!!! Lol I have absolutely no empathy for any of it. (I'm not really referencing the OP specifically now)
  17. Nice! thank you! I will definitely consider this. I usually count calories when trying to lose weight, but that hasn't (prior to my illness) been working too well lately. I like salads and fruits so I could do what he's saying. Guess what would be most difficult would be cooking for someone else what I cant eat.
  18. @Rujan Mehar Bajracha >>>Am I too young for enlightenment<< I think it depends on the "apparent" person. Ramana Maharshi was just 16 or 17. Some say though that the ego must be fully developed, before you can transcend it.
  19. If you don't feel deserving of this "hot" girl it will be difficult, not impossible, to attract, then if you get her it will take effort to keep her, because a "hot" girl is always getting hit on (even pumping gas). So, just be up for the challenge, that's all...or lower your standards a bit.