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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Haha, suck is right! If it's not flu-like symptoms, then its large lumps under the skin.
  2. @DrewNows Dang, that diet is super strict. No heated, cooked or seasoned foods. Do you do it?
  3. I remember you have it also.. I'm glad you're no worse and treatmentis helping. For me, all treatment (Avonex 12 yrs, then 2 other injections) gave me side effects and effected my quality of life. So, I stopped.
  4. I had the opposite experience. After smoking for many decades, I switched to vaping and vaped for 5 years straight. I vaped a lot too. My lungs cleared. I had no cough or secretions from vaping, but I didnt like being addicted to nicotine, so 3 years ago I quit vaping too. * but the vape I used was locally made and pure, with only 3 ingredients, plus flavoring. Not sure if that's the difference?
  5. So, I watched about 1/2...I think I got the gist tho. So, he thinks humans should just eat fruits, yes? I also get what hes saying about acidosis, not sure I fully agree, but I dont feel the need to debate it A bit about me, I was diagnosed at 21 with an autoimmune disease called M.S. it gave me problems for years, but has been in remission for awhile now. My last MRI about 3 yrs ago showed that the brain lesions were shrinking, why?? I have no freaking clue! Didnt change my diet, just starved the disease of attention, basically, that's it. Finally, after years of injections I refused all treatment and barely speak of it, except here and there. So, if the doctor is correct what's reversing my autoimmune disease if my diet hasn't changed? I dunno.
  6. Awe, thank you! Oh god, no hijack or overshare at all, no worries. Thanks for your replies
  7. Yeah, it was a buildup actually in the throat from what I could tell. Maybe also very upper bronchial passages. Terminal secretions they are called I think...
  8. Sure, ty for your interest. Some patients you never forget. She will be one of them. I've not heard this, but I'm not an animal expert either, hehe. In the case of many older or sick humans though...not eating and drinking can be a sign of impending death, depending on age and diagnosis. Such was the case with my patient in my post. Hospice uses this criteria as well, as a sign of body shut down.
  9. The “death rattle,” occurs when mucous and saliva build up in the patient's throat due to the respiratory system slowly shutting down. It's a crackling, wet sound that is heard with each breath, usually when sleeping. Theres really no sound like it. Ppl have described it to me many times and when I heard it, I just knew thats what it was. Patients aren't usually bothered by the build up of secretions that caused the rattle, for some reason, including this patient. It was her son that was concerned. So, no, they dont need to clear it. Unless, they do become distressed. They can try to cough some up, but it will just return.
  10. Yup, I was a freak since I was a kid about scrubbing my teeth, back and forth, hard, to clean them. Well, in my early 30's I had to have upper and lower gum surgery from slowly eroding my gums solely by brushing my teeth too hard and in the wrong manner. Thank goodness I dont have a gummy smile and the top isn't noticable anyway because of how the surgery was done, but one of the most painful things I've ever had to go through. Anyways, use a soft bristle toothbrush (with flouride- prevents cavities), in an up/down and circular motion (never back and forth), twice a day.
  11. @RawJudah @CultivateLove Ok, so, here's the real reason I wrote what I wrote. I feel very badly for girls now a days. Most men just wanting a "hot" girl and after reading thread after thread on this forum basically saying the same thing- "I want a hot girl". It just irritated me. How about wanting someone you personally are attracted to who is smart, kind, funny and caring? Why is just "hot" the golden ticket. I just dont get it. So many girls getting plastic surgeries and have eating disorders trying to be a perfect "hot" girl, so they can get a BF. It's ridiculous. ... having good chemistry with someone beats out anything else in my book! ? Anyways, OP good luck with it all, really. Sorry you got my wrath.
  12. Also, if your main dating game is going to be online stuff, then get a good face/profile pic. Get it professionally done even, if you can afford it. That will help get through some of the competition.
  13. It's okay. I understand. Most would just call someone an asshole (you might as well have) and been done with it, but you came back to apologize, even if it took 3 days..., but late is better than never.
  14. Well, it doesnt seem like theres much more you can do regarding it at this point. When I'm at the end of my rope about something and theres no where left to go or nothing more that can be done I just say "fuck it" and call it a day. Smile with your lips closed!
  15. So, have you looked into either Crest white strips or whitening trays available at the dentist? And/or getting braces, if your teeth are crooked? Teeth can also get capped from my understanding. Fixing the whiting and crookedness issue. Perhaps a trip to the dentist is in order?
  16. Women like to play hard to get, its part of the play. Guys typically should be making the moves on women and women play hard to get a bit. It's normal. If your getting numbers you're doing something right. Means they are willing to hear from you. Keeping their interest is what you need to work on. Trial and error, try out different stuff then you normally do. Do you ask them questions about themselves? Do you also throw in some flattering remarks? You have to learn the art of flirting via texts.
  17. @Mikael89 you have to understand what he means when he says consciousness. He uses it differently than most, but whatever.
  18. Get yourself very present/mindful in the "here and now", feel all feelings/emotions the best you can, sit with them. Part of depersonalization is not feeling, therefore not connecting. So, find a way to start reconnecting.
  19. @oMarcos Anyways, I dont think I answered your question. Sorry. No, I dont think it's wrong. I think you could make a connection with someone or maybe just pass the time either way is fine. You'd be socializing. That's normal.
  20. Yes, I see. Hm, do you also have social anxiety? Seems alot of ppl on here do. I couldn't even imagine since I'm a natural extrovert. However, I "chose" to not have many friends, but I can socialize and even talk to strangers often.