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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. @studentofthegame Ty
  2. Absolutely! Thanks for sharing. Good stuff. I will add that your children are in your care, but are not "yours". Ppl who think this at some point suffer. You must be willing to let go and let live, at some point, so they can be the ppl they are meant to be.
  3. Just now, this reminded me of my EMT private ambulance days. We use to transport dead bodies from homes and morgues to funeral homes. Welp, if your death is for unknown reasons the coroner (medical examiner) in US decides if you need autopsy. If so, your skull and chest/abdomen are cut open, organs removed, weighed and inspected, they will then go in a blue bag and stuffed back in your chest/abdomen. They put 4-6 staples in your chest/abdomen and 3-4 in your skull to hold it somewhat together. I say "somewhat" because my fingers sunk into the back of someone skull once. I screamed and almost passed out (I was young, like 20). Lol
  4. Welp, I wasnt a depressed teen, but after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at 21 yrs old I became depressed and terrified for my future. I was depressed on/off for almost 2 decades. I'm even a suicide survivor. It wasnt until after my attempt and then finding Eckhart Tolle in 2009 that things started to turn around. However, the MS had slowed down considerably when I was in my mid thirties, enough for me to go back to work (I had been on disability) and now 40's it's like I don't even have it. Seriously, you'd never know and last MRI few yrs ago showed my lesions were shrinking. Why? Dunno. Sooo, I can say, allowing your thoughts to create misery in your mind is 99% of any battle, imo. Try to do Self-inquiry and see that the thoughts aren't you. You can see them as not yours, unloading some misery for yourself.
  5. @Bill W @MuddyBoots Thanks I use this- Ps, If you ever want to know if someone is sending you a fake pic, then download it and search it! Also, with my phone if I press and hold on a pic it gives me an option to google search it
  6. I'd say if you have to think this much about if you do or dont, then it's definitely a... don't. Just my gut feeling, maybe I'm wrong?
  7. So, I've occasionally wondered whose pic you're using as your profile pic. Tonight I decided to search image on Google- Very cool!?
  8. Sat chit ananda AKA. "existence, consciousness, bliss" or no-thing
  9. "Wisdom is knowing I am no-thing, Love is knowing I am every-thing, and between the two my life flows." Nisargadatta Maharaj
  10. Try to watch the whole thing...I dont think I've seen anything like it. It just get more nuts as it goes! ???
  11. @SoonHei Awee, so great!!!!❤??? Thanks for posting this?
  12. @cetus56 As a mod can you change/edit the title if this thread to Laughing Buddha videos/pics/ect? If so, plz do.
  13. Ahh, I'm glad I got it right, lol!!!! This is usually me and I'm tired of it, hence starting this thread! Yes! ...I'll admit tho, I almost took it serious, then thought for a minute and said to myself, "this dude (or dudess) just needs to freakin' laugh, hehe?
  14. Talk about over-analyzing laugh!????