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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Hehe, your welcome, I'm not a teeny bopper either. Some of my songs date me... (Titanic, Whitney, Roxette...) Nice song!
  2. Looks like you had trouble... On youtube vids, tap the video, at the top of the page tap the white arrow that will appear (going to the right), then tap 'copy link' from the choices that appear. Once you come here, tap the comment box (this) and 'copy' the link. It should appear before you hit submit reply.
  3. Everyone's different, I wouldn't have a problem with it, you would.... Thats why men find us women exhausting.
  4. Ok, well, you could say something like, "sweets, your lips are beautiful, bet you'd look perfect wearing pink lipstick (or red)". Its a compliment AND a suggestion she can think about. Or, "you have sexy legs and they'd look great in heels". The suggestion is something feminine.
  5. @FuriousGeorge So, what would make you happy? If you want her to wear lace nightie, then buy her one? Otherwise, what are you referring to specifically? But, if you are asking for her to change who she is, then I don't think that's fair. You wanting her to be more feminine might be like someone asking me to be more tomboy like. I'd be like, um, whattt? Uh, no.
  6. You are hearing within your mind OM (AUM) the primordial vibration of the universe! It can actually get annoying, lol. (You don't need to do Kundalini yoga tho to hear it)
  7. It depends, is it still continuing? Have you tried talking to a therapist? Writing letters to him/her/them, then burning them? Or maybe they need sent? Talking on a forum specific to childhood abuse? Going no-contact with them, if necessary? If alcohol is/was involved there are Al-Anon meetings.
  8. @Chakra Lion Do you want to lose her? If not, best muster up some hot sex and quick, before she finds it somewhere else.
  9. You quoted me....then wrote the comment above ^^^ When did I say otherwise?
  10. Advaita Vedanta teachers. But, again, believe what you want.
  11. I totally agree. It sounds like pure torture to live with them.
  12. And therefore can not do Self- inquiry and realize their true nature, which is my point actually.