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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Contracted awareness, as the finite body, dissolves. The finite mind disperses, then awareness is aware of just infinite awareness. At some point, awareness may once again "contract" into a finite mind ( some may say even "aspects" of the same mind), then it imagines a finite body and an illusion of a person is born once again.
  2. No, you keep your human-ness. Perhaps you generally won't have fear, but yes, you can still have it. You can have any feeling, thought or emotion as you did prior to Self-realization. You just know its something that comes and goes, so can not be your true nature, awareness.
  3. Well said, @Serotoninluv ?
  4. So did Ramana Maharshi during his lifetime, as well as the men in his ashram.
  5. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that you have benefited from any of the #66 posts in this thread. So, I'm going to lock it now.
  6. I agree. If Im upset about something and don't yet want to let it go (ie, I'm not done being pissed!), it takes so much thought and effort to keep it up, lol. As soon as I relax into the moment...whoosh, it's gone. @yangmilun Maybe stop telling yourself that you are lazy, unless of course, you aren't done holding onto that belief yet.
  7. @Schahin This is the video. ^^^ I like this one ^^^ also.
  8. I've linked it for ppl before, several times actually, it never has had the same effect for them and the sound quality isn't good on it either, but I'll look for it on youtube. I don't have it saved.
  9. Yup! My first awakening was during a video when the guru was doing self-inquiry with a man. Leading him step by step through her own process and she got to the mind blowing part... and wow. ....There was no-mind here... just gone. When it came back, it was like-"whhaaaatttttt just happened"...lololol.
  10. I can't function without appt reminder cards, a calendar, to do list and most em'
  11. Hello, My comment you quoted was meant to be more of practical advice for the poster, not only because of what he said here, but another thread he had started. My response more so about the video is here- Maybe you missed it. ?
  12. You already are and what you are calling "I" here is just an appearance in you. The real "I", is you as your true nature, awareness/consciousness. As awareness you dont need a mind to know yourself or know that you are aware, but you do need a mind and body to experience. Experience is intimate to the experiencer, hence why you can't experience through multiple ppl, it's just not set up that way.
  13. All there really is, is "now" and thoughts of a past and thought of a future. Neither truly exist, but seem to, in thought. All these thoughts though appear..."now"
  14. Your very welcome?
  15. Because you don't have enough activities to occupy your "time". When ppl are bored time can go slowwwwly.
  16. Some ppl get really depressed when their routine is changed. Stopping work for so long doesn't seem like it did you much good. Seems you need to get active again. Look for another job? As far as being social, not sure if you know of meet-up groups? You're in London? I looked up "meet-up" for that location. You search groups and/or activities, then sign up. The only costs are for the activity itself. Anyways, I did it once to meet local women friends and do an activity I was interested in. It was fun. I would do it again.
  17. I agree, from a broader perspective everything is happening from universal intelligence, but when examined under a microscope it may seem chaotic or nonsensical.
  18. Not dying from a medication overdose is pretty common actually depending on what you took. It does not mean you are possessed by an entity. Did you go to the hospital? Have you tried to reach out to a friend or family? You are not evil. You are having bad, irrational thoughts. You need to get some help.❤
  19. She already did. Should've kept reading? Btw, @Preety_India how are you doing?
  20. @Preety_India Your welcome. Take care of yourself. ?
  21. Awww, here's some songs for you❤?
  22. That's good, because you are being rude to the OP and trying to derail her thread.