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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Hint number one Hint number two Hint number three Hint number four My opinion is that It's over, she wants to be friends and chat with you occasionally. Sorry if I'm being too blunt, but I don't think sugar coating it would be helpful to you. ❤
  2. @Keyhole ??? @Serotoninluv @cetus56 ?❤ This thread has cracked me up tonight! Lol
  3. ...And before ya know it, ppl are talking about getting limbs cut off. Hehe
  4. It's also counterintuitive to survival to "enjoy" one's mutilation and dismemberment, regardless of there stage of awakening. Doesn't matter, blood loss at a rapid rate and/or intense pain will cause shock and drop in blood pressure which will make them pass out.... eventually
  5. Please do not post the same thread in multiple sub-forums.
  6. @Bill W here's a pic of the product-
  7. @Danioover9000 no problem ?
  8. I hid the post for you, you can hide the post in the future (only do so occasionally), by tapping "options", then "hide" Or You can put your cursor in front of the "username" and tap the backspace a few times, it should disappear.
  9. Most go through a series of awakenings and going back to sleep, over and over, for a variety of time which depends on circumstances, etc. There truly isn't anything scary about it. My first was total shock ?, but not scary, then many baby awakenings, then another big one where everything was funny, hilarious really. The inner demon/fears may come into play a bit if there's an ego backlash, but that's you, awareness, fully re-identifying with the body/mind to the point that its painful.
  10. This is all thought, thought, thought. You, awareness, are identifying yourself AS this scary thinking. The scary thinking, comes and it goes, if you don't hold on to it. This latching onto thought is preventing you from moving forward. Let it go. Breathe.
  11. Aww, men too, very sweet ? Thanks!?
  12. Attention is just a function of mind when illumined by awareness. But, awareness is always aware (even without mind) and present everywhere. Thats all I can say atm, have to go to work
  13. Well, attention is just awareness contracting and focusing through the mind, therefore when this "relaxes" (maybe that's a better word), then attention is not focused on a specific object, but it is turned inward towards the Self (capital "S"). Yes, ever present awareness is always what is truth, ignorance of this fact, doesn't make it untrue.
  14. Attention is simply awareness contracting to focus on an object (subtle or gross) through the use of the mind. When this focus widens and contraction disperses, then one is just resting as awareness. Not while awareness is in association with a body/mind. To function in the world, focus, therefore attention, needs to happen to perform various activities.
  15. I think this thread needs "bumped". So, many men posting victim type threads/posts lately. Just one after another.
  16. @DrewNows ?Good vid, thanks for posting it