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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. @Preety_India No problem, do you see it? If not, PM me the pic you want in the background and I'll try to add it for you. Same for you @Proactive
  2. @Preety_India Maybe anyone can do it? It's the icon to the right on your account page. Next to your account picture Or.... I have the ability on other ppl's accounts because I'm a mod, hard for me to tell.
  3. You seem very sweet? Hope you feel better soon.
  4. I second this... I just traveled out of state last week, you never know what will happen. On one of my flights the turbulence was sooo bad that no one was permitted to use the bathroom, there was no drink/snack service and flight attendants were told to stay seated the entire flight. It was so bumpy I felt like I was on a amusement park ride.
  5. "He" was actually a she and she was my step mother who raised me. She worked in open heart surgery and got tired of putting people's lives at risk being high on weed in the operating room.
  6. Really? ... I had a family member have to go to in-patient rehab for 3 months because of a weed addiction.
  7. Sounds like you just swapped one addiction for another.
  8. hehe, I was going to say a skeleton with boobs, but thought I'd be nice and put the lowest possible size instead, lol, but my math was wrong and it should been
  9. To put it into perspective, that's a size "0".
  10. Whatever gives an awesome orgasm I'm all for it. Hey, why not?
  11. @Aeris I have no problem with porn and sex, but I don't shame myself.
  12. You can not name call. Period. So, stop trying to rationalize it.
  13. Aww, well, I really only went a week without hun, so I can't advise more then that. It allowed me to have multiple orgasms if you are striving for that.
  14. He probably dropped all the fear and actually left his man cave and spoke words to a woman. I'd bet that was how... good for him! ❤
  15. You won't know until you start talking to ppl irl
  16. Wow, sorry to hear that, it wasn't your fault ya know. I'm glad you got some help for it. Good for you❤
  17. This is too long, imo, you may turn into mother Teresa and kill your sex drive.
  18. Interesting, but I make more money then my man. So, wrong there! A can of pepper spray does the job too. Lol Only if you're attracted to the emotional energy sucker woman, but this it not all women, many women are very independent and self sufficient. Yes, we are, that's why stereotyping is ridiculous, of women or men.
  19. @Mindfang413 ? Take care! Keep us posted