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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. "At first there were mountains, then no mountains, then mountains again" But, oneness doesn't mean sameness.
  2. @Highest Its blank under my quoted That's as real as it gets????
  3. @Highest Your definition of real and mine differ. Mine is what "never" changes is real..(aka. awareness).
  4. I disagree. Did your dream last night exist? As in you experienced it? But, when you awoke, was it ultimately real??
  5. I dont normally discuss mod actions on forum, but you pretty much asked for one account to be banned, so I'm shocked you have issue with it? We would have found out eventually by IP address anyways. Having 2 accounts is against forum guidelines...always. You seemed to know that. So, if you didn't tell us, you could've had a warning and points against this new account, but you did not, because we didn't have to discover it, you told us.
  6. This is a nice thread. Let's keep it that way. No need to needle each other. Thanks
  7. Imho, what's is happening exists, but it's not ultimately "real". In that sense, its compared to a dream. When you waken from it, you realize it wasn't true, not in the absolute sense.
  8. You are in the phase of withdrawal from the world. It's okay. It's part of neti-neti, not this not that, but you can't stay there forever. The return movement will start again. This is where you once again include all things as part of the whole. "Once there were mountains, then no mountains, then mountains again"
  9. It's okay to "play" in the play of life. When you know who you are it's okay to let the action figure do as it does. You are the ultimate watcher of it all. There's no right or wrong other then what you think. Don't hold such a firm grasp on to how you should or shouldn't be acting, as someone who is awakened and aware. Be a little loose with it, see what happens.
  10. This is another matter, but nothing to worry about. Meaning, what's true about "others" is their true nature as awareness. They may or may not be conscious of it, but none the less, that is the truth. So, when interacting with ppl keep that in mind, but they may not be ready to recognize this about themselves and that's okay.
  11. @Highest Here's the deal, as I see it, if you are aware of being aware (awareness), you recognize it's just you that is aware of thoughts. You aren't the thinker of them. Same as hearing. There is no hearer, just awareness hearing. Etc. Living from this perspective is easy. Where is the suffering if you are in the present moment and not living in what's not happening (mind made thoughts of past/future).
  12. You (awareness) continue to be "associated " to the body/mind, so you continue to "act" like a person! As long as the body/mind is alive. You have no choice, sorry
  13. I don't know anything about Sadhguru. Perhaps Nisargadatta and Ramana just accepted everything just as it was and didn't find reason to try to heal themselves? Dunno
  14. Or die of cancer like Nisargadatta Maharaj and Ramana maharshi
  15. @Shin The metaphor of a dream was used to describe the nature of this earth/world. Metaphors are often used in spirituality to convey non dual concepts. When one wakes from the earth/world dream, then they apprehend their true nature, that's the meaning of the metaphor.
  16. This isn't a thread about enlightenment. When I want to discuss enlightenment I'll respond in a thread discussing enlightenment
  17. The dream earth that your dream feet walk on in the "relative" dream world run by the dream physical laws of the dream universe.
  18. It's just a few ignorant ppl influencing other naive ppl to be ignorant and before you know it an ignorant "movement " forms that are disputing well known and established scientific facts. Before ya know it they will be saying the law of gravity doesn't exist
  19. Have you ever looked into a high power telescope? Or microscope? I have. Anyways, I'm not going to debate this as I find it ridiculous.
  20. So, for example, because you can't see other planet's that means there aren't other planets? Because you can't see a nucleus of a cell, then it doesn't exist? Sorry, but in the relative sense, some things have been scientifically proven and if someone wants to disprove science then the burden is on them to do so, not the other way around.
  21. @MNR Mackey There is no easy way, not if you feel a connection to him. There is a time and place to go no-contact with someone, but I usually don't recommend it unless there has been discussion trying to better the relationship first or the abuse is so bad that getting away from the person is the only way. My mother is passed on now, but I had gone no-contact with her 3 times. All for several years each, the longest was 5 years straight. She was a verbally abusive alcoholic and we had discussed when she was sober my boundaries and what was and wasn't acceptable. She was also told what the consequences would we if she crossed my boundries. So, you may want to try talking to him one last time to clear the air and let him know how you've been feeling, it might make a difference. If not, then I can tell you from experience that going no-contact means just that. Blocking on all social media, all phones, etc. is necessary, even throwing away mail you may get. Good luck