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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Then that's your truth. Not that there isn't one. I disagree. So, you aren't aware?
  2. @VeganAwake I have a feeling you are regurgitating what you've read/heard without fully processing/understanding it.
  3. Meaning? And, what do you mean exactly that your totally empty? You have no thoughts, feelings, what?
  4. I was referring to awareness/consciousness the fundamental reality of all that is....not personal consciousness. I did not say dreamer. I said consciousness is dreaming a dream. The meaning is completely different.
  5. Bingo! All there is, is consciousness "appearing " to be this, that and the other. Dreaming a dream.
  6. Haha, well, on a forum I like to know who the author is of posts when I'm replying. Plus, really, the author should be quoted. My college English teacher drilled this into my "apparent" head.? It's also plagiarism not to do so, even though it's just a forum.
  7. @Alex bAlex Seeing that you don't know these ppl and it's related to your job. You could call the police afterwards to go check on them next time, since you have an address she was last at. Otherwise, emergency rooms handle suicidal ppl quite often and can pink slip them, so they can't leave. Typically they are wanting help though or have already swallowed pills or something.
  8. I've not done psychedelics, but some medications can block the effects of psychedelics (antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc) so would require larger dosing, but if you microdose and feel effects, then I guess that's not the problem?
  9. Good for you! Good luck with it all. After the holidays I'll be getting back on track myself. I call sugar "crack" (cocaine). Whenever I go to this certain gas station this particular lady tries to sell me every candy known to man. I tell her, "I don't want no CRACK!", lol. I thought the burial for the zebra cake was hilarious, but poor mom, haha.
  10. I'm sure it's all useful, but I prefer to go straight for the jugular, lol! Yes, who is the suffer? Or is there just pain? Or negative thoughts that are witnessed? Is there a thinker? Are you actually planning out all your thoughts, feelings, emotions? ...then, if you aren't the doer/thinker/feeler, then doing/thinking/feeling is just happening and has always just happened. You just imagined there was a "you" (ego) doing it.
  11. True freedom is realizing there is no free will. Who would have it?
  12. When quoting someone else, please use "quotation" marks, then the authors name directly underneath the quote to give proper credit to the author. Thanks
  13. Perfect, then you can hopefully recognize this "gap" in time, is you, awareness. As awareness, you can never be out of the present moment. You "are" the present moment. It only "seems" like you are not in the moment when thoughts are about the past or future. So, what is really meant is to rid oneself of believing "psychological time", which causes suffering and makes you think you aren't "in the moment". I don't think this can be done. You can see that the ego is illusory, that the little "me" is false, but it will continue to do it's thing. The thing is to see through it and then life won't seem as burdensome. To rest as awareness, being aware of your true nature and play your role as the action figure, that's the goal, imo. Its an ignorance problem we have, it causes suffering. It is when we believe that one is a separate, volitional entity, instead of our true nature, which is whole, complete awareness/consciousness. I found that Self-inquiry and neti-neti was very helpful in the beginning. I would recommend doing that if you aren't already.
  14. @Preety_India Wow. That's really too bad. Imo, all "people" can behave badly. It's not necessarily a gender thing.
  15. Yes, if you want to keep what you came into the marriage with and not split it if a divorce happens then you need a prenup. I've not heard this from any man, irl. Only men I've heard say this are on this forum. Sometimes the one that gets to have main custody of the kids, also gets the house and dog, because it is what's best for the kids, but not always. Divorce with kids is never totally fair for both ppl, how could it be? If both want main custody, only one will get it or they do joint custody. If both want the house only one will get it or they sell it and take 1/2 the profit. That's your opinion. I live here and I disagree.