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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. @Meetjoeblack Oh, I see, so any man who supports a woman, automatically can't compete and is a male feminist scumbag..? Guess I don't know you anymore.
  2. We can probably keep the stories off open forum. Lol
  3. Approaching is necessary to ever get a date or gf, I have no problem with approaching, just approaching isnt pick up artistry imo. It's the underlining reason one is approaching that seems to have changed, like I said, seems like its to have sex and sleep with many girls. Back in my day, it was used mainly to get a date or find a GF. My husband approached in a nightclub, but he wanted a date, a GF, not a one night stand or to just get a number. He didn't move on to other women that night to start over to see how many numbers he could get or see who would sleep with him. Anyways, we went on a date the next weekend, he put time and energy into courting me. We have been together now for 31 years.
  4. Just call me Anna here. Dij will just confuse them.
  5. There is talking to women and asking to hang out or get a date (or consensual sex), then there is PUA trying to get in womens pants, seemingly all the time, giving approaching a bad name I think. That's the way I see it, hence me saying PUA fool. If one is looking for a GF why call it pick up artistry?
  6. @Arcangelo Knock it off. You took it out of context, I was just making a point that a man doesn't have to start being a different person (red pill mentality, PUA, etc), because of getting hurt and I was NOT calling MJB a fool, therefore not namecalling. He's actually been my friend for a few years now. You can ask him.
  7. Trying to meet ppl is great, no problem. I just think you should lay off this red pill mentality. I doubt it's going to benefit you. I think it gives men a bad vibe personally. Peace❤
  8. They don't know. I'll still call a friend out, even if they are my friend. Maybe even more so.?
  9. I have a story of something that happened to my adult son that was just as bad, but he didn't turn into some women hating, red pill club, PUA fool. Same with everyone. It's part of being a grown up. Stop the excuses and just be the authentic you! Put forth a good mind and heart when meeting ppl. If you are meant to be together then a connection will happen.
  10. @Meetjoeblack I'm just glad I'm not dating in this red pill era. It feels like a woman hater club to me in general. Perhaps why so many in the red pill club sexually objectify and or stereotype women. I'm also not some man hating feminist. Neither topic means anything to me really, but I haven't been discriminated against either. Those rights were already earned for me, before I chose to work.
  11. @Meetjoeblack Thanks for citing your source. Many ppl say statistics and can't back it up! To be fair, it is from 2016, so its not up to date. Also, the very next paragraph says, "This statistic suggests that more women are unsatisfied with their marriages, at least to the point of ending them, than men. " So, what does that say? Are men not trying in their marriage? Taking the women for granted? Not appreciating what they have? Abusive? Dunno, but throwing out statistics without thinking what could be the cause behind them, isn't the whole story, as far as I'm concerned. How does this apply to red pill? You said it's a red pill truth?
  12. @Arcangelo There was an experienced moderator posting through out the thread you are referring to and he must not have seen OP as a troll or having troll behavior. Once the thread ran its course it was locked. I don't see the problem.
  13. What is your definition of red pill? Can you cite your source please? I like to look these things up, especially if stated, as a truth.
  14. I will admit I quit my last job, a year ago, that I had for 7 yrs because of a female boss, but I'm not willing to say it is because she was female. More that "she" was just not a good person. Not that all female boss's aren't good people. I actually have a female boss atm that is very sweet and we get along very well.
  15. No problem, but women are sometimes getting a bad rap. I'm very nice irl to ppl. I got all the ppl I work with a Christmas gift for example. One lady who works for me was so surprised and happy, she came to me crying and hugged me. I loved it.?
  16. Awww, I'm not trying to do that .....? ?? love u! Wine here, cheers?
  17. That's a shame. As a new "boss" myself I think I try to relate very well with ppl and I'm proud of that. I've already had to "correct" others, but I don't do it it a deaming way. I try to build them up and help them be better.
  18. Which is why all this is difficult to discuss and why gurus such as Ramana gave different advice to different ppl, because they were in different phases of awakening, but the truth is that the return movement is the final stage. "First there were mountains, then there were no mountains, then mountains again " The 10th ox herding picture!