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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Which is why, imo, this sub-section should be closed! I think it's the hardest sub-section to moderate as well.
  2. Years ago, I ran into a guy I dated for 2 1/2 yrs in high school (I was his first). Anyways, I saw him 7 yrs later and he told me (for some ungodly reason) that while he was in college he had sex with 43 girls. I couldn't be more disgusted ? and couldn't get the cringing look off my face. I even said, "oh, so you're are a walking STD now". Yuck. ?
  3. @Galyna I've know him on/off for a few yrs, from another forum that died. He is capable of writing correctly and not talking a bunch of "word salad" bullshit at ppl trying to impress, but he is choosing not to and he's choosing to write in a shocking, degrading way towards women and being very sexist. I'm not down for that. I don't want to be associated with it at all.
  4. Until you came here and now you are unrecognizable. The guy I knew talked normally, but he has died, apparently. Really, why would I want to be friends with you now? I don't recall that. Not sure why you keep referencing me on the forum. Just stop.
  5. Technically, its Leo's thread, since it's his forum and I'm a mod. If something needs clarified that you are bringing up on the forum, then I'm going to clarify it, because what you said is not what happened.
  6. Hehe, ?? yes, so awesome. Only on ?
  7. I didn't know about non-duality or anything at the time. It was 2009, so Eckhart Tolle was my first exposure to spirituality after my suicide attempt. No looking back since then and no suicidal tendencies. It was a cross roads for me. Until it was realized there is no "me"
  8. Then, I did this type of work on/off for years. Wasn't until I actually tried it (suicide) and failed that it completely stopped. Real spiritual began after that...
  9. You namecalled, which is against forum guidelines, in two separate threads, hence 2 mods giving you warnings. Please don't portray yourself as a victim. Thank you.
  10. I was on a Tolle forum for many years. Tolle was completely depressed and didn't do spiritual practice prior to his awakening. He sat on the park bench 3 years, etc AFTER his awakening. Unless my memory completely fails me...which could be true.???
  11. Hate to be corny, but it is grace that allows this, imo, but Self-inquiry is what I recommend always and contemplate, "Can the seer be seen?"
  12. Don't forget Eckhart assimulated his awakening on a park bench for three years. Most gurus have an assimilation period, before they start talking about it. This includes, Eckhart, Ramana and Nisargadatta.
  13. Your welcome. All language is conceptual. The reflection of awareness is anything phenomenal, anything other then pure awareness. I recommend Self- inquiry to go beyond that which is an object, including the mind itself.
  14. This is true. I'm not in the hospital anymore, but yes, many don't wash there hands. They say they don't have time. It's the ones in a hurry that won't.
  15. Dṛg-Dṛsya-Viveka: wisdom of the seer and the seenṛg-dṛsya-viveka-wisdom-of-the-seer-and-the-seen "When Awareness is realized to be the underling Reality behind all states, the world of objects are realized to be merely reflections of Awareness."
  16. You already have a recent thread going regarding this topic. Please continue to post regarding POCD on the already established thread below-
  17. You are correct about hand washing! (I'm an RN) In the hospital "usually" staff don't wear a mask (you are right), unless it's a respirator, to protect against TB infected patients. I've washed my hands so much over the years they have a hard time finger printing me when I start a new job, because I've worn them away. Ppl die of the flu too, but mostly the sick and elderly. Time will tell, but this sounds similar to the flu to me, as far as it causing death. Also, If you don't live in China I don't think you need to go around wearing a mask.
  18. My opinion, this is exactly what you should do. Hard to move forward when you are always looking back. When you forgive, you forgive for you, for you to let go.
  19. Actually, it did not. I didn't get into spirituality (started with Eckhart Tolle) until 2009.