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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. You trying to kill me!? But, seriously, thanks for the tips, however I'm not a morning person. I'm lucky I make it to work.
  2. Yes, or it was completely psychological, lol. ?
  3. @Keyhole ❤ Thanks! Since I missed my night snack and had a portioned controlled dinner I have a headache now. ? Thanks for the tips!
  4. @Dlavjr I'm starting my fast tonight! Ate dinner at 5p and won't eat until 10 or 11a tomorrow. No snacks. I'm on the fence about the diet coke. Aspartame doesn't have sugar alcohols from what I read and a lot (not all) info online is saying aspartame doesn't spike insulin. See how I want to hang onto my diet soda? If after a bit I'm not losing, then I'll cut it out. Thanks again!
  5. Hmm, I eat dinner at 6p and eat again at 1130a-12p, so thats perfect. Can you eat low cal veggies ( like 1/2 tomato or cucumber) once in that time period? Or should you not eat at all? Thank for all the tips.? I heard of the to go container one before, but never did it.
  6. Well, I don't eat breakfast usually. So, if I stop snacking (except veggies), then I'll just have 2 meals a day. Is that what you do, skip breakfast? Interesting about the gum trick. Thanks for letting me know. For lunch I have been eating a "lean cuisine" at work and they are pretty low calorie. So, my struggle lately, other then those damn holiday parties, has been if someone brings donuts and other garbage to work or eating junk/over eating at home. I usually know what I'm making for dinner the next day or am going out to eat. I'll have to start choosing healthy dinners when I go out and maybe eating only half. Thanks!
  7. Hi DZT mate? Actually, I order my groceries online and pick them up the next day. Its fabulous! But, I have to order some snacks, because I don't live alone, but I did order some healthy foods too. Which I don't normally do or I don't eat them. I'm going to start mealtime portion control too. I haven't tried keto diet, since I like carbs. I'd rather count calories or do portion control. It's stress/emotional eating and my sweets addiction. Leo says in the videos that you stop craving the junk food after awhile and I know that's true, because I have done really well before, but after a bit fell off the wagon. You sound healthy. That's great. Thanks for the response.?
  8. If you are being serious (?), it means "that" in slang. "true dat" (slang) An emphatic statement of agreement or affirmation.
  9. I have none either. In the distant past I was a Democrat, then one day (years ago) I realized I could care less about parties or sides, no matter what I hear this doesn't change. It's as though it doesn't exist for me and seems like kids play. I don't worry about elections or any of it. I can't make myself care either, it's very odd.
  10. Warning: Recruiting members for chat-groups outside of this forum, including Skype, Discord, WhatsApp, chatrooms, etc. Is against forum guidelines. The link to Discord has been removed.
  11. I did read your post and I think you should know what Leo recently said about red pill on the forum, so I posted it for you. I said nothing about a ban and didn't give you a warning, so calm down.
  12. @Johnny5 @Leo Gura
  13. I think the men doing this just don't get it. One day if they have female children they "might" get it. Would they want their girls being preyed upon, manipulated and lied too, taken advantage of as a sex object and tossed aside, because they were just a number? Of course they wouldn't and they will probably be terrified when their daughter hits puberty.
  14. If this were the case I wouldn't have a problem with it. That's just approaching a women, because there's something you like about them and want to get to know them. That's what's normal!!! Also, I'm not opposed to 2 consenting adults just wanting sex, as long as manipulation and lying wasn't involved in getting it. On another forum I actually use to give practical dating advice to guys. However, what I'm seeing here with many (not all) men, is that they are talking about women in a degrading manner (negatively stereotyping, objectifying) and just wanting to manipulate and use them for sex (ie. "It's a numbers game"). *Leo ranting against the pick up community*
  15. @DrewNows I'm actually pretty passionate about what I said above, as Anna, not a mod, but as a mod I also give warnings for certain infractions too and it gets exhausting trying to control certain offenders. One is on "vacation" as we speak. But, thanks.
  16. @Emerald I see you try to do a lot of psychoanalysis on ppl on the forum, even when it's not wanted. Anyways, I'm 49, probably twice your age, so I know my wounds and I've worked through them, thanks, but that doesn't mean I want to see men act in ways that they will continually manipulate, wound and "use" other young woman. Yes, I have an issue with that! Also, I don't appreciate men on a spirituality forum using sexist, stereotypical, objectifying language towards women and what sub-forum do they use this talk? ..."The relationship/dating sub-forum"!!! So, you can think how great it is for ppl to work out their dysfunctional shadows here on this sub-forum, but I see a bunch of men back slapping and carrying on about how it's a "numbers game", about getting in womens pants and other revolting talk. They can go to reddit and have their shadows rise to the surface.
  17. Exactly, I'm burned out and if you can burn out that means it's not healthy or high conscious.
  18. It's mostly a toxic mess and most of the mods don't even come here at all anymore.
  19. Well, until such changes were to take place, I think this sub-section should be closed down, that would be my vote. Another moderator told me he thought it should be closed too and I didn't ask the others. Obviously, it's Leo's call though.