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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Absolutely, and appreciation of the same music, lol. If someone can't appreciate a good 80's song, forget em'. ? After my step mom (who raised me) died many years ago my dad married a woman 20 yrs younger. They had nothing but problems and then divorced. She then found someone younger.
  2. @Arcangelo Do you hold doors? Offer to pump gas? Walk up to a woman with flowers? Come up with something witty off the cuff? I was walking out of a gas station a month or so ago and a guy held the door for me, then grabbed his chest and said, "you got to be kidding me"...I said, "whaat??" , he said, "your the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen". ? Seems like you need to get creative. Get out of your comfort zone. Be memorable.
  3. Thank you. I appreciate it. Hey, and I'm 49, older then you, so I'm not knocking your age. Just saying you may find more success in sex and love if you set your sights a bit older. There are attractive older women.
  4. I don't tell ppl just what they might want to hear. I tell them what I think they need to hear.
  5. Sorry. I actually was trying to help by being real and not blowing smoke up your ass.
  6. Can I be honest? 20+ years olds don't want a 40 year old man, typically. When I was 20+ there would have been no way in hell! If they knew you from work or play and got to know "you" and fell for "you", then maybe. Otherwise, you are wasting your time. No wonder you aren't getting dates and getting pissed about it.
  7. Have you gone after someone of your approximately same age? And relatively same attractiveness level? Or just young hotties? Because to be rejected 200-300 times you are doing something seriously wrong or expecting something you can't get.
  8. @Arcangelo Are these women 20 yrs younger, like the grocery store? If so, perhaps you'd have better luck with women your own age? Just wondering. Theres some hot 40 year olds ya know. When I was 40 my son's 18 yo friends would hit on me. ?
  9. 11 years ago I tried to commit suicide. Was in a coma for 4 days and woke up ill/injured. I meant business! Lived to tell anyway. Is it ego? Hellll yeah. The plus, haven't been suicidal since, go figure.
  10. Yes, realize the problem and put in action a way to correct it. I also have a problem, I started a thread too. I've stopped all sweets and junk foods recently and replaced with normal food and healthy (veggie) food, as well as 16 hr fast a day. You may feel sick at first. I did, but doesn't last but a few days. And, to me, sweets are like crack!!! ?
  11. I said I wouldn't weigh in until Sunday, but couldn't resist this morning. Down 3 lbs., since the weekend. Probably some water weight, but somethings happening and I'm not starving myself. I'm thrilled.
  12. Boy, you're over thinking this big time. Drop all the bullshit. Like who you like, imagine what you want...its all fine.
  13. My personal opinion, as a nurse, you've been having either migraines or optic migraines. See a doctor! You aren't cursed, the second you refuse to "believe" that, then its dropped, gone out of existence. When I was 18 a psychic told me someone put the evil eye on me. She wants money to remove this "evil eye". I told her to go pound salt, not interested.
  14. Actually, I'm going through change of life. Hot flashes made me have to go on a certain low dose estrogen birth control pill and while on it I don't even have periods. Maybe had 2 or 3 in the past 1 1/2 years. Didn't think I'd be talking about this on here, but for me at least (not other females reading) you can probably relax. My reproducing years are coming to an end. Also, I remembered that after I had my son (he's 27) I only ate one big meal a day (dinner), mostly because I didn't know what to do. I also exercised like a freak and kept that up for 5-6 months because I gained 50 lbs. I managed to lose it all and looked better afterwards, then before I got prego. Other then having symptoms when I first started I felt great. Some symptoms, even now, are from cutting out sugar and junk food I think. Anyways, thanks for the links.
  15. Don't they sell these devices nowadays called a "fleshlight", for men to stick their dick in any time they'd like? It's even portable, can take it anywhere. No woman needed.
  16. LYRICS I ain't much on Casanova Me and Romeo ain't never been friends Can't you see how much I really love ya Gonna sing it to ya time and time again... Ohh Casanova Casanova Ohh Casanova Casanova Every man deserves a good woman And I want you to be my wife Time is so much better spended baby With a woman just like you in my life So let me love ya Fill you up inside I want to hold ya babe So let me squeeze ya Don'tcha know I'll get down on my knees for ya baby You see.. I ain't much on Casanova Me and Romeo ain't never been friends Can't you see how much I really love ya Gonna sing it to ya time and time again... Ohh Casanova Casanova Ohh Casanova Casanova Every time I want to see ya I can't find the words to tell ya so But I love, I love, I love, I love, I love you babe And I just got to let ya know How much I need ya Show you what you mean to me each day baby So let me hold you Keep ya safe and warm I'll be your sweetheart babe Baby, baby, baby And when I told ya Girl, I'm an average guy You seem to know just how I really feel Cause I'm givin it all I need you, I want you to stay right here with me But baby, I never knew love..till you came along... Casanova Tell me what to say Casanova I can't really get away Ohh Casanova Tell me what to do, I ain't no Casanova I just want to be with you Listen baby I want to hold I want to squeeze ya too I want to make sweet love to you I want to be there when ya feel alone Never letcha go, no Casanova I'm just a man baby And I want to love you, love you, love you, love you baby Ohhh Casanova I ain't much on Casanova Me and Romeo ain't never been friends Can't you see how much I really love ya Gonna sing it to ya time and time again... Ohh Casanova Casanova Ohh Casanova Casanova" ?
  17. I actually agree that that can and does happen, especially when you have time to get to know someone, but more often then not, ppl are with ppl of relatively the same attractiveness, imo. Again, take a look around the mall or Wal-mart. Its blatantly obvious.
  18. Ok, well, the hot girls...want hot guys, usually. Of course, there are exceptions.
  19. Part of my point is that women rarely make threads about how no guy wants to date them or they can't find a BF. For one, because I think most realize they have to find a guy in there "relatively" same attractiveness level or they can forget it. I've had friends that were not very good looking and they never went for the hot guy, because although they would've been thrilled, they knew it was not possible.
  20. Hehe, no the opposite problem with GI upset from adding veggies I think. I'm not a morning person. I would fall right back to sleep. I literally hit snooze for 45 min every morning. ? I could try the belly breathing though. I do not yet have a juicer. Sounds interesting though. Thank you for the tips.❤
  21. Hmm, I just thought of something. Seems like when certain men are talking about women only picking top 10% of men or having more sex then men and so forth and getting pissed off about it. Basically, they are just talking about the young, hot girls...not any other girls. Do you care if the chubby, nerdy girl tries for the top 10% of guys? Of course not. I mean, seriously, how many guys doing pick-up care about the mediocre looking girl? Or the girl who has a few lbs to lose? Or the nerdy girl with a nice personality? I'm betting not many. So, I'd say certain women like the ones listed above, probably feel that men are picky too and only want top 10% of women. If they are aiming for younger hot guys. However, I see women and men, of all looks and shapes/sizes, together, dating or married, all the time. Take a look next time you're at Wal-mart! If you pay attention it seems most couples are with ppl of about the same attractiveness level. That might sound rude, but I don't mean to offend anyone. I just think that it usually works that way, mostly. If you are a 4, looks wise and you are going after an 8, well, that person may not be interested, unless they get to know you and your personality. I'm not directing this post to anyone specific. It's just something that came to mind.
  22. It's a common affliction, don't feel bad. ❤
  23. @Michael569 @LfcCharlie4 Thanks for the replies. I don't mind, generally speaking, derailment of my own threads, lol. Anyways, my body is rebelling to my new diet ( no sweets or junk, portion control and eating more veggies) and the intermittent fasting. Im having headaches, occas. heartburn, GI issues, head feels funny....yeah, my bodies pissed off. I tried 1/2 cup black coffee at work (I don't drink coffee normally) and 15 min later had chest pain so bad I wanted to call 911, because I thought I was having a heart attack (it was heartburn). As I said before I don't eat breakfast, except occasionally on the weekend. Its been years and years since I ate breakfast regularly, but I eat an early lunch, typically 11:30am. So, for me to intermittent fast all I have to do is cut out snacking, but late snacking was my 3rd meal I guess you could say. Although, not actually a "meal". I'm taking bits and pieces of what everyone is saying, including Leo's vids and incorporating what will work for me, atm. Like, there is no way I can exercise right now, since I feel sorta ill. Leo said he didn't weigh him self for 2 weeks when he started, think I'll wait a week. Weigh in every weekend. In the past I liked to weigh myself too often I think. My body is already use to fasting 12-13 hours (from the night snack to lunch), so I think I need to do the longer fast. That's what I decided to try (for now), since it's just a few more hours then usual. @Dlavjr Oh, and chewed gum at work after lunch too!