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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. ...and what about ppl on medications that fill their serotonin receptors already or ppl with mental illness or history of severe psychosis? Who said anything about not being ready? Its not about that.
  2. I have multiple sclerosis and epilepsy...and that's not my full medical history, but its enough to say, it's probably not a good idea. @Preety_India❤
  3. Waste my life? So, the 49 yrs I've spent already have been a waste, because I haven't used psychedelics?
  4. So, you think everyone regardless of medical conditions should take psychedelics?
  5. There are medical reasons. Not everyone should be trying them.
  6. It's personal.
  7. Well, I was being optimistic, for no reason really, because I've never even done them and probably won't.
  8. I'm not playing games, I'm disagreeing with the terminology, that's all. You're saying Atman, but maybe you mean "subtle-body" (aka the soul), because Atman is identical to Brahman, which is pure awareness/consciousness. The meaning of Atman is just to indicate the portion of Brahman/awareness within/permeating the body/mind apparent person. It is not a subtle energetic object of consciousness. Where as the subtle-body is the energetic body, comprised of the vital breath, senses, mind, intellect. It's what separates at death from the gross body and would be considered a subtle energetic object of consciousness Anyways, your probably not interested and I'm probably rambling and splitting hairs. Have a good night all.?
  9. Your welcome. Yes, not separate, they are one, but not the same.? One is a reflection of the other. You too!
  10. Well, most women want penetration at some point during the sex act, even if they've already orgasmed from oral sex.
  11. One issue/problem for ppl with mental illness is that many are on drugs (ie, antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc) that already bind to the serotonin receptors, therefore negating the possibility of trying psychedelics at low, safe doses. They either have to reduce their psych medications, which is risky or take higher, possibly not safe doses right off the bat to get any effect, again risky.
  12. ??? Mine hasn't had an issue, thank goodness, lol. I suppose if someone does start to have a problem they could do kegel exercises (which tighten the entire pelvic floor), if very bad they could get a vaginoplasty!
  13. Here's an example from my post above ^^^. A rock is Brahman, in the sense that it's created from and permeated by, Brahman (awareness). It is dependent on Brahman for its existence. However, Brahman exists independent of anything else, therefore it doesn't rely upon anything perceivable or conceivable. So, to sum up. The world is Brahman, but Brahman is not the world, since it doesn't depend upon the world for its existence. This is why one can say "I'm not this or that, I am awareness", because although all thoughs things are me, for reasons already explained, I remain pure awareness untouched by any of it.
  14. @VeganAwake Energy being formed is the beginning of creation. Imo, every "thing " is created from that point and "that" is also Brahman. "The world is an illusion, Brahman alone is real, the world is Brahman" So, although Advaita means "not two", oneness doesn't mean sameness.
  15. It's all Brahman, Self, Consciousness, Awareness.... I was saying energy/Prana is within/made from/perceived by Brahman.
  16. I think your thread title is irresponsible to say "LSD "cures" Bipolar illness". There would need to be studies done, like drug companies have to do. To show that LSD actually benefits ppl with Bipolar in any way, let alone "curing" them. To even start saying LSD is beneficial. But, at least you added the bottom.
  17. You can't be what you perceive, in this case energy. Atman (Brahman) perceives prana.
  18. It was seriously limiting, so yeah, it wasn't great.
  19. Once in high school I had a relationship with a guy, for about 2 months, who was ...small (3 inch max). I liked him for a lot of other things then sex so, it wasn't a huge (lol) deal to me, but it meant I always had to be on top and it would still fall out.
  20. "Ātman is the first principle, the true Self of an individual beyond identification with phenomena, the essence of an individual. In order to attain liberation (moksha), a human being must acquire self-knowledge (atma jnana), which is to realize that one's true self (Ātman) is identical with the transcendent Self Brahman." Life force energy is called prana (not Atman). It is the energy throughout the cosmos. "Who is asking that question? My ego? Or my Consciousness?" The ego asks the questions, but the answer points to your true nature, which is not ego.
  21. @Martin123 I talk about it from different angles depending on my mood and who I'm talking to. I'm old, lol, I've actually worked through it and rarely think about it, unless triggered. When I'm triggered I'm purely going off old memory, usually to help someone with their current issue. However, truth is, I suffered for years at the hands of my mother. It is what it is, but I forgive her and she's passed on now.