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Everything posted by Ananta

  1. Awe❤ Yeah, if you don't know someone have to start somewhere.... Do you have where you live? If so, try it out.
  2. Try small talk...don't do cheesy one liners. Then, if they aren't interested, the conversation just fizzles out (no rejection), if they stay engaged then you know there is interest and proceed from there. But, girls do expect a man to approach them, so if interested try to approach.
  3. Do you try to meet girls in-person? Or just on-line? You need to act confident, even if you aren't. Think positive!!!! Know that you will get turned down if you approach a lot of women, its just inevitable. Don't take it personal. Keep plugging away... don't become some lying/manipulating player, you won't feel better about yourself in the long run. Sorry your having a rough time ❤
  4. Do you see how you are covering up the issues. Not working through them? It's no better then an alcoholic.
  5. And this is the manipulation I'm talking about. Acting like someone else to get laid. I feel for the women being played, tbh, but they are stupid to give it up to easily! After I got played I made guys wait a month!!!!! Lol. Yeah, I learn from my mistakes.
  6. OMG! You guys are cracking me up!!! I had a long, hard day...needed a laugh ❤
  7. Years ago a couple psychics (back when I was in to that, lol) told me I had the evil eye placed on me. Whaatttt??? Freaked me out!!!! Of course they wanted $$$ to remove it. Anyways, I wouldn't pay them. I went to a different psychic who said, "honey, your energy is like an angels. Stop worrying ". I never worried again and realized it's all bullshit!
  8. Depends on what you mean by manipulate. I frankly don't like the word. It's got a negative connotation. When I think of ppl manipulating each other I think of lying. I never had to lie to someone to get them to like me. They either liked "me" for who I am or they didn't. If they didn't, then see ya! So, when I think of ppl manipulating others it's usually for no good. Like, trying to get someone in the sack. I read your posts above and sorry, but sounds like bullshit. "Love, honesty and manipulation"...huh??? If that's your style of getting chicks, then okie-dokie. I'm sad for you that you have to do that to get a girl. "and dating is skewed against men." How do you figure? There are plenty of women not getting approached. Women who just have a nice personality. They just aren't on here bitching about it.
  9. ? He was having a tough go at it, this is true, but I also think it was fate that he was meant for that job. He started dating that managers daughter who he dated for 5 years and now I have a grandson, because of it. He would've found something. It just would've taken more time. We have to get you thinking positive, despite the negativity happening. Remember, I quit a job and went through thousands of my savings....before getting another. Got it! I'll help you with it! Well, for now, it is what it is, try not to feel badly , it's just going to make things worse right now. I would do anything for my son and I'm sure your parents feel the same for you. There are many, many neti-neti vids, but figured since we are on I'd post Leo's. Gotcha, well then, the situational aspect can make the chemical imbalance worse. Be conscious of that. In that sense, counseling can help counteract it. If you have health insurance for it? Otherwise, positive thinking can do the same. I've had many ups and downs in this career of mine for the past 13 years. I've regretted my career many times, but I'm just too damn old to start over and to damn stubborn to make less $$ then I am now. So, I keep plugging away. Some days are better then others and today was a bad day.
  10. So you've come across some shallow women on the internet, and?
  11. I read your post yesterday. I'm sorry I didn't reply. I forgot, to be honest. That's great news that they offered you a job! I understand your not a morning person (me either). You'll have to decide if you want to try or not. I guess it depends how scarce jobs are were you live. I mean, if others are having a hard time too, because of supply and demand. I remember when my son was applying for his first job when he was 16. I kept saying what is the problem? Why is no one calling you? He finally yelled at me and said, "I've been telling you...there's too many ppl looking for a job and I have no experience!!!!". Anyways, we finally helped him get a job at a car dealer as a porter, because we knew the manager, so he gave him a shot. Yes and no, I had worked there twice before years ago, so they knew I did good work and my documentation skills are darn good. So, it was right time, right place, really. But, yes, they still offered it to me, without me asking, which was still surprising. I didn't get a PM from you. Are you having trouble sending it? I will have more time to review it on thursday night, if you can get it to me by then? I know you'd rather be independent, but at least you have them to lean on for now. They won't let you be homeless at least, which was one of your worries. It's not worth it. I'm a suicide survivor and I'm telling you that thought can cause loads of suffering, but you aren't your thoughts. You need to learn to create a gap between you and thought. Have you ever done neti-neti meditation/inquiry. If done right, you see you can't be what you perceive and you can have a break through. It seems your depression is situational, not because you have a mental illness, right? Maybe you could benefit from a bit of counseling ? ❤
  12. I can see this backfiring. What if you start chatting with someone you really like and get to know, but they think you are someone else. I've watched enough episodes of the show Catfish to know they will feel betrayed and lied to. It's not worth it.
  13. In my case, it was because although I knew he wasn't right for me anymore and wasn't even treating me right. I still loved him and had been with him 2 1/2 years. Also, the thought of him being with someone else was painful.
  14. @Identity Good luck The BF in high school I was talking about...I had broke up with him twice before the time that it stuck for good. The other two times I just couldn't deal with the pain at thoughs times, so I caved and got back with him. The last time though I knew it was really over and I didn't want the relationship anymore, no matter how much it would hurt and yes, it still hurt.
  15. Lol! What are you talking about? I've done weed many times in my life and I gave my "personal" experience of it. I wasn't suggesting anyone do it or not to do it, because frankly I don't care.
  16. I think you're joking, but in case you aren't- @Annoynymous asked the question, he apparently wanted honest answers.
  17. @Serotoninluv ❤
  18. Awe, sorry you are going through this. Yes, it sucks! ❤ I was with my high school boyfriend for 2 1/2 years, then he just started being controlling and basically an asshole, but still breaking up with him was still painful. Two days later he was walking down the school hall with another girl that instantly became his GF. Yeah, he was talking to her behind my back and a few other girls I found out! Anyways, 3 weeks later I met my current husband that I've now been with for 32 years. So, sometimes break-ups are just meant to happen.
  19. I found this interesting and since I've already had Self-realization/ awakening without drugs he seems to be saying they could actually be a hindrance at advanced levels of this work.
  20. I haven't smoked weed in 16 years, but yeah, I've done it. I wasn't really impressed and didn't like it much. Mostly would do it because of sheer peer pressure, lol. Anyways, makes you laugh, maybe get paranoid, eat everything in sight, then sleep. Whoopie!
  21. To be clear, I never said ppl with serious mental illnesses can't go off the meds. I said they shouldn't. Big difference. There are plenty of ppl running around off their meds. Some can make a half way decent life for themselves (if disorder is mild), while others are in and out of psych hospitals like a revolving door, attempt suicide or they are hooked on some substance, usually alcohol, to self medicate. The ones that seem to do the best with symptom reduction are compliant with medication and regular follow-up appts with a mental health professional. Along with healthy diet, exercise, etc.
  22. I didn't need LSD or psychedelics. After a year of Self-inquiry, reading, etc in 2010 I realized my true nature experentially. What that is like on LSD verses it just hitting you over the head, naturally, during Self inquiry. I don't know.
  23. I see, yes, that's your belief.
  24. Well, ppl with serious mental illness shouldn't be going off their meds, ever, because they are life long illnesses. I'm not talking about the ppl depressed because they lost their job or are losing their hair, nope. I'm talking about Bipolar and schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, psychotic disorder, etc. Anyways, self inquiry can get you realization of your true nature. You don't need LSD. I don't even know if LSD gets you Self-realization or just some fancy mystical experience.